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oracle gif bright blue .gif
walking the sharks  violet

FEBRUARY for FRESH, FIERCE MOMENTUM ...So February is here and the scopes are up, to help us navigate a month of exciting, accelerated growth... feels like the cusp between our old reality and a wild & wonderful new phase, we are only just getting beginning to get a handle more

new moon meditation indigo

AQUARIUS NEW MOON BLISS ... it must be said that Aqua energy, at it's best does have access to profound cosmic wisdom, not to mention a solid sense of idealistic principles, to behave with integrity in our personal lives and universal love in the world. And gosh we could use some of that at this point, right?? more

women runs with wolves pink

CANCER FULL MOON to RUN WITH the WOLVES ...a rewarding opportunity to dig deep, for the courage to feel all the feelings-even if we can't resolve them right now. We may not be able to get everything we want as swiftly as we would like-but we can howl at the Moon about it! Let's be free in ourselves, to explore the restless, hungry feelings swirling all around more

JANUARY HOROSCOPES to GET A GRIP on 2025 ...The New Year is upon us and the January horoscopes are up, to help us navigate the mood of 2025...find your January scopes here...

Cap New Moon apricot

CAPRICORN NEW MOON to bring in the NEW YEAR ... the determination to be stoic about whatever's going on, as if we can rise above it all just by being a better, more disciplined version of ourselves? Which is actually an emotionally intelligent call in a sense. Stylish equanimity is a pretty good look...Happy New Year folks-let's keep it more

moon Danielle Noel_  indigo

GEMINI FULL MOON for MAGICAL DUALITY ... we can be genius at grasping duality, for the deft emotional touch to play with all the complex, varied feelings rising more

get in the car, sag indigo sun

DECEMBER is PRETTY WEIRD & WONDERFUL ...This month is going to be a trip! Lets dream wisely and choose right action in the world, to keep it as positive and exciting as we can, in true Sag style x And much more detail for your sign, with the Dec horoscopes now up...

wild and holy redblu

SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON to EMBRACE DIVINE PARADOX ...because life IS holy, and the most important thing is a sense of meaning in order to live a truly fulfilling life. Sag energy really dislikes boring limitations, cramping our more

blue sorceressglitter

PLUTO in AQUARIUS is OFFICIALLY ON ...We are wide eyed and open minded about a radically different, promising future we can decide how to more

bullhorn full moon blue musk

TAURUS FULL MOON to HANDLE WILD TIMES ...embodied wisdom to align with our own, internal stability an self care to remain calm amidst the storm...ultimately the power of clear intentions, that we truly walk our talk about as we move forward is gold more

Scorpio Moon snakey violet

THIS SCORPIO NEW MOON is a WILD RIDE! ...Let's focus on beautiful, high frequency self awareness and loving the people we truly care about right now, as best we possibly can. Because the force is strong, to be brave warriors of truth and passionate lovers if we more

infinite transformations blue

NOVEMBER is SERIOUSLY TRANSFORMATIVE ...November is here, and the scopes are up. I mean of course it's Scorpio season, which is intense at the best of times-but I tell you what this one is a cracker! Personal integrity and courage, to feel it all without flipping out, as we remain steady about right action in the more

Hheininge art, pink moon sapphire

ARIES FULL MOON WAKES US RIGHT the FUQ UP ... in Aries our emotional impulses tend to be, well, impulsive... to get us excited about right action in the world. Towards our full potential individually, as we love one another for real, as best we more

Yana Saint LeVie gold

LIBRA SOLAR ECLIPSE for LOVE MAGIC New Moons are always a fresh emotional perspective. And in Libra our best clarity is to do with love, romance, intelligent relational dynamics and exalted creativity, to make the world a more beautiful & harmonious place, for us all to enjoy together. And this one is especially powerful, being a Solar more

Hheinge art stars blu musk

OCTOBER FEELINGS are REAL So October is here and the scopes are up, for Libra season....the freedom to chase our individual dreams, as well as embracing true more

Danielle Noel shadow work gold

RADIANT PISCES LUNAR ECLIPSE ... Whether navigating turbulent waters, we try to avoid stoking unnecessary drama. Ideally embracing the flow, of trusting our instincts and emotional intelligence. The feelings being revealed here, are real. And it's a partial Lunar Eclipse, to make it especially game-changing and more

Lori Menna green growth

VIRGO NEW MOON to NURTURE our GROWTH ... To the extent New Moons are a fresh emotional perspective, in Virgo we want to be as clear as possible about it: Virgo energy has endless patience, to cultivate whatever healthy feelings & intentions serve us. To make this Moon so beautifully productive & fulfilling. But also a critical eye to any nonsense going more

Aline Weber for i-D Magazine by Richard Bushgreen

SEPTEMBER to PLANT the SEEDS for GROWTH ...September is here and the scopes are up, to help us navigate Virgo season. It's all about cultivating our dreams, that can flourish in real more

starchild tarot aquapink

AQUARIUS FULL MOON WISDOM ... if handled consciously -Aqua energy is wonderful to detach from reactive, limbic, chaotic impulses that Full Moons can provoke. We are great at psycho-spiritual self awareness, to seek a higher understanding of whatever is driving us forward right more

lion moon 2 pink

LEO NEW MOON BRILLIANCE ...Especially with Venus also in Leo, to keep it sweet. We embrace our talent with healthy creative discipline, our sexy charisma with gracious charm and our romantic adventures with generous, affectionate devotion. Venusian Leo vibes are so more

almost me again purple

LEO SEASON is READY to SHINE ...Let's take the time to be true to ourselves this month, as shiny sovereign beings, with sexy integrity. The better to support and encourage one another, to all evolve more

saturn moon blu

CAPRICORN FULL MOON, TAKE 2 ...the second Capricorn Full Moon in a row, and the ancient motif of the Sea Goat reveals the more mystical nature of Cap energy, aligning with cosmic rhythms for a meaningful sense of purpose in the more.

new moon gif  indigo

CANCER NEW MOON is BEAUTIFULLY HONEST ....New Moons are always a fresh emotional perspective, and in Moon ruled Cancer the feelings are so accessible and real! It's our annual New Moon to really get our act together, in terms of emotional more.

rainbow cowgirl pink

JULY AWAKENS our INTELLIGENCE, TIME to EVOLVE ...Quite the positively challenging month, to activate our personal, collective & spiritual growth, and the scopes are up with more detail for your more

via violet

CAPRICORN FULL MOON is TOTALLY MOTIVATING ...For an onwards & upwards vibe.... Taking responsibility for our own personal come to terms with our sense of purpose in the world. The more we have personally meaningful goals calling our name-yes, we get to climb the ladder of material/professional success. The point is we do it all with full more...

danielle noel gemini reddish

GEMINI NEW MOON for INTELLIGENT TRANSFORMATION ...So New Moons are a fresh emotional perspective; and in clever Gemini the trick is to align our hearts & minds, in terms of intelligent intentions that resonate with our true more

JUNE DREAMING is PROMISING, as we FIGURE OUT OUR OPTIONS ...In Gemini season is normal, to become aware of the multiplicity of choices available to us. We tune into our multi-faceted nature, endlessly fascinated by our paradoxical desires and various more

prism fluer purple

SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON TELLS the TRUTH ...Oh yeah-Sag doesn't just emote on a basic bitch level. More emotionally turned on by the big, wildly exciting but also impossibly existential search for a higher, idealistic truth. This is a beautiful thing-to seek our own, divine clarity we can share in such a fractured, fluctuating world right more...

Danielle Noel taurus moonpink green

TAURUS NEW MOON is KINDA WILD & DELICIOUS ...Not so much analysing our situation, as trusting the embodied intelligence of our gut instincts. Taurus energy is kind of the ultimate realist, in this more

Malgosia Bela crop

MAY is MOVING FORWARD, in it's OWN SWEET TIME ...So May is fully underway, and the scopes are finally up-better late than never, in slow & steady Taurus more

scorpio moon eye musk

SCORPIO FULL MOON is PLUTONIAN! ...We're not just going through the motions, of same old emo reactions to stuff. We are in full transformative mode. Our real, raw feelings reveal themselves in true, incandescent more

incandescant moonpink

ARIES TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE is a CRACKER ...Because really this Eclipse is about consciousness in action. Some of us are connecting to spiritual awareness on a profound level-which necessarily must manifest as the right action, compassion for ourselves & others, and intelligent life choices that we are all dealing with right more

heinge art sphere violet

APRIL ROCKS HIGH-FREQUENCY THRILLS April is here and the scopes are up. Apologies for late posting, has been mad busy here at GypsyQueen HQ! So here we go, for a wild ride in Aries more

libra moon pink_blu

LIBRA FULL MOON to MAGICALLY MANIFEST like a DREAM ...we feel the siren song of Destiny call our name, and just know our instinctual clarity is on the right track align us beautifully, with whatever schemes, dreams & visionary goals are turning us on right more

saturn neptune moon platblu

PISCES NEW MOON to DREAM WISELY ...Pisces understands the entire range of human emotion, with such exquisite subtlety; appreciating the nuance of how we deal with our feelings-however oceanic & more

catarpiller love colour

MATING SEASON-BLISS or REALITY CHECK? ......As we try to keep it sweet with our loved ones, amongst the pressure and drama of the world around us right now. Sometimes couples & lovers bond more, under external pressure (yay), and sometimes we take our bitchy stress out on our loved ones (only human, I guess). I wanted to share it, for fun, and a perfect excuse to talk about the Venus/Mars love action right more

saturn_neptune indigopink

MARCH MAGICAL REALISM ...We are ready for radical optimism, about embracing the healthy pleasures and sense of accomplishment that turn us on….let’s stay excited about that! Lots more detail for your sign, with the horoscopes finally up. Happy March, folks xx

nightingale moon violet

VIRGO FULL MOON DREAMING ...The better to do the best we can to be our best selves, as we offer our service to others and help make the world a better place-with gentle, effective, sensitive Virgo more

im just weird

AQUARIUS NEW MOON POWER TRIPPING ...the ultimate personal power here is just that-clarifying healthy relationship with ourselves. Our internal locus of power is not about other people, right? It's about personal integrity, no matter who's watching. Aquarius is about the crucial principles we hold dear, and constantly reminding ourselves to be immaculate about how we live our lives, according to what we believe more

karmas a bitch

SCAM ALERT! Please read more, about my instagram account...beware fake posts posing as me...

dont trip over red

FEBRUARY is TRANSFORMATIVE as FUQ ... and the scopes are up, to help us move forward-towards an exciting new phase coming up...feels like a spooky, tantalising, restless energy-to expand our awareness of the much greater potential, that 2024 more

lion moon rays violet

LEO FULL MOON LOVES to SHINE ...Leo is pretty extravagant at the best of times...and Pluto driven Moons are volatile as fuq, at the best of times! Especially Pluto in such strong form, switching signs into electrifying Aqua. Radical honesty happens, ready or not... read more

serpent dark moonrose

CAPRICORN NEW MOON to SHED OUR SKIN ... The first New Moon of the year, for a sense of just how transformative 2024 is likely to more

jaguar pink

JANUARY BEGINS a GAME-CHANGING 2024 ...By all accounts its a big year coming up, as we get a grip on, and hopefully help co-create this wild & wonderful new phase unfolding around more

nightingale moonblu

CREATRIX CANCER FULL MOON ...The more we open our minds to expansive ideas, that turn us on to our innate, instinctual wisdom? The more we become wonders of manifesting magic...creating tangible ways to approach the New Year, ready to live with beautiful emotional integrity & more

sag new moonHHEININGE musk

SENSATIONAL SAG NEW MOON ...we keep it supremely positive and expansive, with an eye to scoring as much personal freedom as more

Heather Heiningerainbow pink

DECEMBER DREAMING Sagittarius season is upon us, in all it's expansive glory, and the December scopes are up. Sag energy yearns to be wild and free -with permission to explore new possibilities in the world, with as much personal growth as more

Danielle Noel egypt moon

GEMINI FULL MOON is ILLUMINATING ...Playing with cool, visionary ideas that open our minds to broader possibilities, feels wonderfully liberating! The better to trust our spiritual, emotional & creative instincts. We get to tap into exquisite, inspired more

scorpio crystal ball blu

SCORPIO NEW MOON for LIFE-AFFIRMING MAGIC ...Helping us to magically manifest our Scorpio more

Christy Turlington for Paolo Roversiblu

NOVEMBER to GET OUR ACT TOGETHER ...Let's embrace fresh determination, to live fully in the moment...even as we create a more positive, powerful, productive more

cactus moon pink

SWEET TAURUS FULL MOON Taurus we take the to time to actually experience our more...

Serpentfire tumblr pink

LIBRA NEW MOON-ECLIPSE MAGIC ...Libra just wants to enjoy the pleasure of sparkly, dolce vita living, because life is supposed to be a beautiful ride for all of us, more

something wonderful sepia blu

OCTOBER VIBES, let's grab a coffee and GET ON WITH IT! October is here and the scopes are up. More detail, for your sign, with the Oct Scopes here. Happy October folks, let's seize the moment, and make something wonderful happen x

red full moon clear

ARIES FULL MOON to FACE UP TO ...No matter how intense our reactions are, to our own self doubt or any dramas being stirred up with one another? The healing vibes, to bring loving acceptance to whatever is going truly more

lake moon light blu

VIRGO NEW MOON to CLEAN UP OUR ACT ...the right balance between accepting our shadow qualities to keep it real, and choosing our most high frequency, optimum versions of ourselves more

hot car yello light

SEPTEMBER takes it's own SWEET TIME ...we take the time to cultivate our schemes & dreams, getting the details right in true Virgo more

Josh Courlas aqua

PISCES FULL MOON CLARITY ...we are spooky, mystical creatures attuned to universal, cosmic, creative vibes...let's dream more.

moon cat indigo yello

LEO NEW MOON-MEOW! ...To the extent New Moons are always a fresh emotional perspective, in Leo we allow ourselves extravagant moods. We feel everything with larger than life passion! Read more...

HHEINGE art oliveyello

AUGUST INSPIRATION ...we shine our light, being creative, brilliant, crazy diamonds...and never mind being in the spotlight, it just feels good to commune with our own creative muse, and the buzz of personal more

Eugenia Loli, from Divination Tarot bluyello

AQUA FULL MOON LUST for LIFE ...full permission to swagger around with our own, unique charisma. Yes we love it if our creative brilliance, good looks and generous affection is appreciated by the people around more

Serg Nehaev green

HYPNOTIC CANCER NEW MOON ...alignment with our gut instincts, spooky intuition and clarity about nurturing ourselves and one another. We are all kooky weirdos, as we follow the directives of our creative impulses... and caring empaths, who love and accept one another as we more

Arthur Peixoto blu color

CAPRICORN FULL MOON WISDOM ...There is fascinating paradox, about harmonising the proverbial battle between the head and the more

dont trip over pink

JULY, LOOKING BACK to LOOK FORWARD... July is here and the scopes are up. It's kind of all about the Plutonian desire for transformation, and the courageous personal power to do more

Heather Heininge blu

GEMINI NEW MOON INCANDESCENCE ...we have such a kaleidoscopic range of feelings to deal more

Heininge art sag sparkle

SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON to SHINE ... our most powerful feelings are to do with restless yearning for personal freedom... read more

Alisa Gorshenina yello

So June is here, and the horoscopes are up. It's an interesting month, to measure our progress in a transformative year of personal & collective more

taurus crescent moon green

TAURUS NEW MOON for MANIFESTING MAGIC ...The better to make good choices, that manifest our desires effectively. This is actually such a beautiful Moon to enjoy delicious, life affirming more

wild west moon blu

SPOOKY SCORPIO LUNAR ECLIPSE ...We get to assert our fierce, unfuckwithable personal integrity- in a way that allows mutual understanding & more

in love with you, blu vintage

MAY, MINI MOON HOROSCOPES ...Whether family, friends, social tribe, community or romantic love and sexy passion -we really need one another in these crazy times! ...let's stay connected. And the Moon scopes are more...

vintage road trip musk

BACK TO WORK... So I've recently returned from an epic road trip. It was fantastic to visit family....also nice to be home, settle into routine & back to more

deco new moon pink

ARIES POWER ECLIPSE ...we are fiery as hell about what we feel... intensified by this New Moon being an Eclipse-always an opportunity to see, and understand things more more...

Moonchild tarot librahipink

LIBRA FULL MOON HEALING ... to understand the duality of the world, always finessing the balance between opposites-to find an intelligent point of more.

bail money liliac

APRIL FUN & GAMES ...April is here, and the scopes are up, to navigate a particularly fiery, transformative Aries more

sag road trip sunlight

GYPSY QUEEN on HOLIDAYS Hi guys, just letting my clients know I will be on a road trip, to visit family from April 5th-for about 2 weeks. I will be taking limited online bookings whilst I am away, from April 9th-but no in person sessions until I get back home. Meanwhile I have a few spots available, in person or online Sat 1st and Sun 2nd April-if you would like to book in before I leave, let me know...or msg me for bookings when I get more

Julia Tulsa Bagnoli peachwarm

ARIES NEW MOON is ILLUMINATING the font of pure, primal energy that brings renewal and fresh possibilities for the year more

starlight moon sepia pinkcrop

VIRGO FULL MOON PERSPECTIVE ...We become more spiritually & creatively aware of the beautiful dreams we can actually more

Susan Ringler. blu

MARCH CHANGE GAMES are ON ...two major planets changing signs, for a fully transformative new era we can finally more

mujer cabeza de luna

PISCES NEW MOON for LUCID DREAMING ...The wisdom to dream wisely; cultivating beautiful , conscious intentions that raise our frequency-in a way that we can back with realistic integrity...magical manifesting more

Starchild leo moon yelloindigo

LEO FULL MOON is VISIONARY ...we shine most brightly, when lit up with this understanding of our personal more

60s poker liliac

FEBRUARY, POKER FACE WINS? ...Feb feels like taking the time to play our proverbial cards right. The better to be ready to make the big decisions and get on with it; as shizz gets increasingly real from March onwards...

Moonchild Tarot aqua

AQUA NEW MOON WISDOM Aquarius we like to process our feelings with sophisticated intellectual more

bond & girls

MARS FINALLY gets a MOVE ON! We all feel a rush of renewed energy, physical vitality, personal confidence, determination to thrive and sexy libido turning us on. So just for fun, here is an inspiring little riff; where you suddenly feel positive momentum for your more

moon magic violet

CANCER FULL MOON MYSTIQUE ...creating our own reality, with the quality of our conscious intentions; which must necessarily be aligned with real, courageous emotional truth. We can play with manifesting more

Alexandra Valenti, journeylemon

NEW YEAR HOROSCOPES, 2023 is CALLING ...We can clearly see the dawn of wild & wonderful new chapter calling us more

Lucia Dami blulight

CAPRICORN NEW MOON CLARITY ...we are so switched on to our sparkling goals and honest we enjoy the festive season and set perfectly aligned intentions for the New more

Danielle Noel geminicrop

GEMINI FULL MOON, FUN & GAMES ...We get to play with our own emotional duality, for maximum self awareness and embrace the multi-faceted aspects of our more


DECEMBER TEASES our DESIRES ...and the horoscopes are up. Let's keep a sharp eye on a lovely new chapter, unfolding in it's own sweet more

pony postersbluyellowbutter

SAG NEW MOON DREAMING ...a burning desire for personal freedom...with near-shamanic clarity about our higher purpose in the more

Witches of Eastwick aqua

TAURUS TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE ...we know what we want, and how to get it if immediate gratification genuinely fulfils us..or if it's time to clean up our more

Olga Maliouk by Chris Craymer for Glamour Italia lite

NOVEMBER ROAD MAP ...could be frustrating, if we are in full impatient/short attention span mode. But ideally we relish the chance to recharge our more

pleiadian queen pink

SWEET SCORPIO ECLIPSE ...Let's embrace a rebirth, within ourselves, our most cherished relationships and intentional creativity. We really can do it so well right more

pink desertmoonclear

ARIES LOVE FULL MOON know what, the real medicine here is relationship & human connection, including self more


DIVING into OCTOBER LIKE.. ...the scopes are up, to guide us through a strange, inspiring yet frustrating transitional month, read more

moonlight tarot 3 wandslarge

SWEET LIBRA NEW MOON ...supremely emotionally intelligent in romantic dynamics. And beautiful creative inspiration, for our artistic and business more

green moon

PISCES FULL MOON BLISS ...we hanker for an inneffable, oceanic, rapturous union with the divine -which is kind of tricky to pin down to a particular point of more

swan girlblu

SWEET SEPTEMBER HOROSCOPES ...Ideally we feel liberated to explore a kaleidoscopic range of interests, for the sheer delight of finding new aspects of life to be fascinated more

Danielle Noel moon

VIRGO POWER NEW MOON Dynamic, raw energy is released every time we choose wisely where to focus our attention. This is such an energising, Power Moon to thrive, the more we are discerning about self care & intelligent more

da vinci moon blu

AQUA FULL MOON to WAKE US UP ...courage to grab our self determination and healthy, mutually empowered connection with the people we love/move away from unhealthy relationships and get the fuq on with more

incandescant indigo

DESTINY in ACTION ...if we can only embrace our full potential with our best, courageous more

doves free colour copy

AUGUST HOROSCOPES... powerful magic to manifest our desires-but it aint the usual old addictions/comfortable pleasures we are dealing more

lion moon purple gold

POWER LION MOON are we radiant with wonderful charisma & loving relationships or what?? Happy Leo New Moon folks, let's live like we mean more

moon child universe liliac

CAPRICORN POWER MOON ...Happy Full Moon folks, let's be sexy, loving, empowered magical beings as much as more

enjoy the funk purple

JULY JOY VIBES ...we take our time to get it right and actually enjoy the more

Moonchild Tarot Danielle Noel

LUCKY CANCER NEW MOON ...Moon ruled Cancer tends to host the most magically intuitive, emotionally intelligent New Moon of more

yinaa ameliaa ice blu

SAG FULL MOON MAGIC ... it's an irrepressible desire to be free! We are restless as fuq, crave personal space and massively impatient with anyone trying to break our more

Malgosia Bela blulight

JUNE JU JU ...gosh it's a powerful lust for life this month; the more we can be emotionally intelligent about where we focus our more

gemini cosmic collage light

GEMINI NEW MOON CLARITY ...our feelings & thoughts are kaleidoscopic, swirling around with so many points of attention to choose more

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MARS/NEPTUNE MAGIC more for a little mood board, to feel the vibe...

Lori Menna

TOTAL SCORPIO ECLIPSE is ON ...Scorpio Full Moons are notorious for volcanic emotional intensity at the best of times; and this one is next more

aleksandra alex green light

GET IN THE CAR, MAY is HERE and WE'VE GOT WEIRD SHIT TO DO...a whole year ahead of taking charge of our own more

orchid moon cosmic collage

WILD TAURUS ECLIPSE ...this one is a cracker, if we can handle the transformative power & keep it more

Aydunar Kosar crop

SHINY LIBRA FULL MOON ...When all we want to do is stay healthy, wealthy & wise, look after our nearest & dearest & have a nice lifestyle right?...

flamenco rose

APRIL ACTION is ON ...So April is here, the scopes are up, and it's time to be passionate about life...

aries new moon

ARIES NEW MOON MAGIC ...Such a spunky, magical manifesting energy to begin the more

Moonchild tarot crop

VIRGOTOPIA ...keeps us healthy, wealthy & wise because we choose good habits every day right? read more...

smoke & sassafras exposure yello

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE MATTERS ...So important, to remind us that we really are all in this more

magic moon pink

MAGIC MOON ...coming at us just when we need some lovely inspo, to keep our spirits up...

come dance with us CROP

MARCH CONNECTION HOROSCOPES Happy March folks, let's embrace unconditional love & hold the line on the things that matter, as much as possible x

neil-krug leo moon large

RADIANT LEO NEW MOON ... we are ideally bursting with personal confidence and generous more

Jasper Johal pink

VALENTINES DAY DEVOTION ... it suggests deep, enduring devotion, long term commitment, practical compatibility and doing the emotional work to get more

crystal moon ice bluyello

AQUA-CLARITY NEW MOON ... is wild, wonderful & challenging, to keep our shizz together even when our world is being more

Bella Barber by Troyt Coburn for Karen Magazinepink

VENUS RISING worth it to be lean, mean, integral & intentional in such a sexy more

gomez&morticia MGM studios color

FEBRUARY, MATING SEASON HOROSCOPES ...with Venus & Mars conjunct in Capricorn, for power coupling & sharp romantic action that lasts for more

Tony Thornburg green

MARS & VENUS CAPRICORNIA ...Time to become clear about what powerful creatrixes we can be, if we take responsibility for what we more

in love with youpink

MATING SEASON MAGIC ...Things are about to get real hot & promising, so lets keep our hearts wide open, little more

judy garland phoneblu

LOONY FULL MOON ...Even the smallest thing can bring up every bitchy reaction we've been trying to control lately. And more likely to reveal the bigger issues, that need to more

moonlight tarot new moons crop

CAPRICORN NEW MOON MYSTIQUE ...square sparky Uranus, like a lightning bolt illuminating our true feelings & authentic intentions -there's no dodging clear perspective right more

dancing girl yello_blu res  copy

HAPPY NEW YEAR HOROSCOPES Well hello 2022 ...looking forward to positive new energy, to slay the nonsense of the last few years, wake the fuq up and move on already! And the January scopes are up, to get our groove more

pink bow pink_green

GEMINI PARTY MOON ...And ok if we are going to lush out, might as well be during Festive season...I mean we need some joy after the headfuq of the last 18 months right? more

easy to love lovers meme copy 2

MATING SEASON MUCH? ...So yeah, we might want to pay attention to the hot attractions and deeper connection with our lover/partner turning us on right more for our romance mood board this month...

Darby Lahger blu yellow

TOTAL SAG ECLIPSE is WILD AT HEART ... a rare chance to embrace our truth with RADICAL more fleshgreen

DECEMBER -TIME to SPREAD OUR WINGS energise our rebellious, expansive determination to fly free, unfettered by bourgeois expectations or ridiculous more

Cherry moon pink

SEXY TAURUS FULL MOON Taurus we have real physical & emotional appetites, and ready for satisfaction. We want what we want, the better to satiate our most pressing more

moon cegphotographicsbright

MOON of CLEAR VISION ...Could be crazy challenging to align with radical change energy, but also a relief to cut the crap & permission to be radically more

badass larger blu highlight

NOVEMBER has ATTITUDE ...with a libidinous, limbic, raw lust for life throbbing away in the more

red full moon bright

FIREBALL ARIES FULL MOON Aries Full Moon coming at us fast & furious, ready or not...Especially with such compression in the world right now, many of us are pretty more

Tim Walker safari yello

JUPITER DIRECT ADVENTURES-LETS GO! ... a fresh rush of exuberant vitality to embrace our full, fabulous potential, the courage to embark on the next big adventure in our lives and the positive attitude to have fun as we go-just because it feels good to be more

Tim Walker dark horse vintagegold

CLASSY SATURN DIRECT ...Personal discipline, to work at the solid material/career/biz/financial goals that align with our real principles is gold right more

tear oof mask green aqua

PLUTO REVEALS our TRUTH ...Pluto direct is such fuqing fabulous, fierce vitality for positive personal transformation, live like we mean it and thrive right more

thank you next

OCTOBER GETS a MOVE ON-HALLELUJAH! ...October is here and the scopes are up, as the tide turns to better more

vrenus scorpio cat purpleyellow

WHEN CHICKS get their BITCH ON out, she's still brooding on the last stupid thing you said & aint letting it go, more

Christian Shloe mermaidmoongreennatural

PISCES FULL MOON WITCHERY Full Moon in Pisces coming up... and it's spooky... with Pisces cosmic ruler Neptune involved, there is magic more

christian shloe birdy interior4

VIRGO NEW MOON HOPE ...New Moons are especially sweet with the clean, clear energy of Virgo. We keep our emotions under control in a good way, as in we focus our desires with specific, crystal clear intentions and the clean lifestyle/daily choices to follow more

believe in yourself green

MARS/NEPTUNE MAGIC ...We are visionary dreamers, with the exacting attention to detail to finesse & manifest our dreams with beautiful, powerful manifesting more

vintage dance pink

SEPTEMBER-the DARK BEFORE the DAWN? many scenarios in our lives stalled or moving in maddening slow motion...but what if this regressive state of affairs is only temporary, and the dark before the dawn of fresh, forward more

mystic moon

AQUA FULL MOON FREEDOM ...So what does freedom look like?...Is it our soul journey revealing itself, always connected to divine purpose on a higher level, no matter what is going on around us? more

pussy cat moonyellow

PUSSY CAT NEW MOON ...Hopefully we have been brave, brilliant, full of bravado to shine our light and emotionally generous with our loved more

tim walker lion bluyellow

AUGUST HOROSCOPES for WEIRD TIMES ... we progress by embracing an innovative, open minded approach to the unexpected...

Julia Geiser instant 1

AQUA FULL MOON WEIRDO VIBES ...We may be navigating strange new developments in our life with a curious attitude, about how to maximise wonderful new more

moon cat

COSMIC CANCER NEW MOON ...The Moon loves being in Cancer, her home turf where she is most luminous. We are so in touch with our genuine more

standing balnce pantalouns ice blu

JULY BALANCING ACT ...the real magic here is holding stasis, and patience in our delayed endeavours with grace & more

blu goat moon bright

GOAT MOON Capricorn there is always some kind of emotional discipline going on, to keep it together. Our tendency is a stoic, responsible more

Christian Shloe new moon interior4

GEMINI DREAMING ...a Solar Eclipse bang on Gemini ruler Mercury, just in storm phase turning retrograde, so quite the Gemini extravaganza...

AliciaSavage, lemon colour

JUNE JUJU HOROSCOPES June begins with expansive Jupiter fresh in magical Pisces, to dream up wonderful, extravagant new momentum in our lives... and ends with Jupiter retro...are we gonna get on with more

horsy moon pink

SAGGO MAGIC ECLIPSE's a restless, hungry desire for freedom that drives us forward... read more

hard to get, blu

VENUS in GEMINI DATING ...Look I'm not gonna lie I'm complicated, so trying to define my many romantic moods in one dating profile is tricky -but here goes... read more

Marte Luna y Toro

TAURUS NEW MOON is ON ...It's all about good old fashioned self care to feel comfortable in our skin & enjoy the simple pleasures of being more

pink highlight oracle sparkles gif copy.

TESTIFY YOUR LOVE ...The gypsy queen tarot oracle mobile app is ready to download, rate & more

orange tongue

MAGICAL MAY is ON So May is here, the scopes are up... and Taurus season is about comfort & indulgent physical appetites...but this one has more mystical more

purple moon

SPUNKY SCORPIO SUPERMOON Because Scorpy emotions run deep, intense & are accompanied by consuming more

tango bum rose

VENUS in TAURUS DATING ...Look I'm not gonna lie, its all about food & more

ariete segno zodiacalecrop

RAMM, THANK YOU MAAM NEW MOON ...the time is right to power forward with the courage of our more

stella anglico roseblu

VENUS in ARIES DATING ... I am so turned on by someone who is actually my equal. I get excited by the frisson with someone just as spunky who appreciates my passionate vibe, with blazing mutual chemistry & able to stand up to more


APRIL VIBES ..and the horoscopes are up...

cosmic full moon copy

LOVELY LIBRA FULL MOON ...Because this Moon is all about harmonious mutual understanding, to get the interpersonal balance more

Lucy Campbell boat blu2

DIVINE PISCES NEW MOON ...It's rapturous. cosmic & romantic in every sense, but it does pay to keep it high frequency, because the energy can also wonk out if we're not more

mermaid love insta

VENUS in PISCES DATING ...My emotional needs run deep, and ok kind of complex. I would like the be the mermaid enchanting you with my divine, intoxicating wiles -are you the brave sailor who can dive into my delicious mystery & explore something wild, weird & wonderful together? more

shakti colour

the IDES of MARCH ...March is magical Pisces season, where we love to dream up new possibilities for ourselves -some more practical than others more..

vintage virgo moon greenblu

SWEET VIRGO FULL MOON our delicate emotional sensibilities are a bit frazzled today; as we try to remain all Virgo virtuous under the weight of various expectations-we really just want to howl at the more

half ocean moon BLU2

AQUA NEW MOON INCANDESCENCE ...we get brilliant flashes of insight & sharp emotional honesty that cuts through any muddy, confusing more

leave each other alone meme lighterblu

VENUS in AQUARIUS DATING. ...I'm after a fascinating friend, where we can turn each other on with a meeting of minds & do cool stuff together, whilst we relish the exquisite romantic tension of maybe/maybe not hooking more

Aleksandra Alex pinktone

FEBRUARY WILD RIDE ... it really is like some wild road trip, where we thought we had a perfectly normal destination in mind but suddenly the chauffeur is some tripped out rabbit & the road rules keep more

starchild moon card

LION MOON GLORY ... a really healthy, authentic sense of how to thrive in the world together...and on our own, gloriously uncompromising more

elevator couple blu light2

VENUS in CAPRICORN DATING A power couple to take on the world & enjoy the finer things in life together, hopefully in luxurious surrounds more

ram moon pink, blu highlights

GOAT NEW MOON on FIRE And its plutonian & transformative as fuq! How appropriate for the first New Moon of what looks like a radical 2021! more

hippy couple pink highlights

VENUS in SAGITTARIUS DATING ...seeking a wild child, free thinking partner in crime to embrace an exciting, adventurous, meaningful life more

you had the power all along green

2021 HERE WE COME January horoscopes here to get us more

silver moon blu

CRAB MOON RISING ...and my goodness after the wild ride we've had this year, we've got a helluva lot of churned up emotions to process... read more

sparkle eyes 2 blueaquaexposure WHITE co

ASK THE ORACLE ..Instant Online Tarot Readings at your more

antler new moon liliac highlight

TOTAL WILD-CHILD ECLIPSE .. it's all about embracing our wildest instincts & rebellious lust for more

namaste bitches pink

DECEMBER 2020 -WE MADE IT! ...So how are we all going folks, at this stage of the journey? more

Danielle Noel

SPARKLY GEMINI ECLIPSE ...we are really embracing our full emotional complexity right now... read more

Vogue Italia - Paolo Roversi platinumpri

VENUS in SCORPIO DATING ...Because I don't just want your body -what I really want is your soul! I require rapturous, exhilarating passion & burning desire. I want love letters written in purple ink under a full moon, drenched in the tears of your more

Mikhail Baryshnikov by Arthur Elgort vio

MARS RISING ...raging, positive lust for life, dynamic energy levels, sexy libido in our love lives & spunky confidence on our own, individual terms... read more

purple moon blue highlights

SCORPIO NEW MOON -PHOENIX TIME! ...we kind of have no choice but to thrive with gutsy determination right more

cyd charise & fred astaire? gold highlig

MATING SEASON MUCH? ...for the sexy, dynamic chemistry to spark up our attractions/love affairs/partnership passion & what we want to do about more

we need to talk

MERCURY on the MOVE there's not much wriggle room avoiding key conversations or walking our talk in the more

bullhorn full moon blue hughlight2

BULL FULL MOON ...with Full Moons revealing the feelings that have been lurking around with vivid clarity-this one could be quite the more

helmut newton w chauffer pink highlights

VENUS in LIBRA DATING What I require is romantic thrills! Seeking a smooth, stylish lover who can whisper sweet nothings in my more

thank U next

NOVEMBER is KIND of GAME CHANGING ...with the sheer, positive enthusiasm to rise up singing with a new lease of more

pink moon

LIBRA NEW MOON ...a fresh perspective on how to balance our various feelings into some kind harmonious smooth, functional more.

bath virgo love green

VENUS in VIRGO DATING ...Classy, discerning lady seeking quality time with someone capable of meeting my perfectionist more

colour moon 2

ARIES FULL MOON is ON we are brazen as fuq, emotionally robust & ready to tackle whatever is coming at us more

tango pop purple

PASSIONATE MOMENTS MATTER ...Let's be brave lovers right more

true purpose violet

October is here to bring us into the home strait of 2020, and we want to hold onto our hats & stay on point as the year rolls more

sparkly new moon

VIRGO moon VIRTUE Virgo New Moon is all inspired to clean up our act with fresh new intentions, and ready to do the work to manifest more

pick this time to fall in love rose

LOVE in INTERESTING TIMES Lets really care about one another-even under whatever pressure we are dealing with huh? I know it's cliche, but love really is the only answer right now X more

leo feather fan vintage purple

VENUS in LEO DATING ...Seeking someone just as hot blooded to share incandescent high passion and mutual more

cosmic full moon

COSMIC PISCES FULL MOON pretty overwhelming & oceanic-especially with mystic Neptune & electrifying Uranus more

Alexandra Valenti wings

WORKING the MAGIC of SEPTEMBER we head into the home strait of the crazy trip that is 2020, the scopes are up to keep an eye on how we're more

black crescent cat rose red

Delicious Leo New Moon to turn us on...a blast of positive, growling, spunky lust for more

photos cancer venus

VENUS in CANCER DATING.. ...Loves cosy evenings in front of the fire & sweet talk to do with long term more


HOT MATING SEASON or WHAT? ...Good luck with the mating/dating/love life out there folks, its more...

Dana Trippe photography blue

AQUA FULL MOON -it's WILD! Aquarius we do tend to trip out in emotional overwhelm, as we try to make sense of our wildly fluctuating more

peter lindbergh 2

AUGUST 2020 -WHERE TO NEXT? ...we're into the second half of the surreal trip that is 2020, and the scopes are more

cancer new moon pop blue

CRAB NEW MOON-AGAIN ...Especially with this Moon exactly opposite Saturn, the vibe has a certain emotional more

goat moon rose

GOAT ECLIPSE we're kind of edgy & volatile, and of course this being an Eclipse is fully increasing the barometric pressure emotionally... watch out it's kind of explosive right more

just speed up blue

JULY IS GAME ON And the monthly scopes are up to provide some astrological more

new moon ocean cyantypeCROP

EMO ECLIPSE ready or not, we are diving into our most tidal moods & emo reactions to everything, the better to embrace the kinaesthetic, tangible reality of what our emotional body is telling us & deal with how we honestly more


WILD SAG LUNAR ECLIPSE ...could be just the thing to awaken our adventurous desire to embrace wild new possibilities (what other kind are there right now?) with our most brazen, expansive, positive lust for more

Alexandra Valenti

ECLIPSE SEASON SCOPES June is here & it's getting real... read more...

venus mirror 2

GEMINI VENUS RETRO-FUQERY MUCH? ...such a lovely invitation to lighten up, inspire ourselves with new ideas and explore the multi-faceted aspects of our desire nature, personal talent & self more

eclipse magic vintage1 upscale

CLEVER GEMINI MOON So we're coming off a New Moon in Gemini, to fire up the synapses-are we feeling the fresh insights yet? read more...

purple moon 2

SCORPIO FULL MOON Scorpio Moons are notorious for digging deep & revealing our most primal, passionate, volatile emotional more

via hannah shelby

MAY MADNESS So May is here, the scopes are up and who would have thought good old solid, reliable, pleasurable Taurus season could be so goddamn surreal-read more for your sign...

bull new moon

COW MOON ..are we building a nice, fresh sense of how to align ourselves with some kind of healthy inner stability -what with the crazy, unpredictable times we are living through & all?...

libra magnolia moon

SWEET LIBRA FULL MOON Full Moons are always a rising up of whatever feelings have been brewing all month -and boy have we had a lot going on to be triggered by! Especially as Libra rules our desire for harmonious more

Alexandra Valenti

DYSTOPIA SCOPES So April is here and What the Actual Fuq right? more...


ARIES NEW MOON for these WILD TIMES ...its getting more...

Christian Dior Ads by Chris Von Wangenhe

VENUS/URANUS BANG ...we're hoping to settle down and lush out for a while, with Venus in Taurus-lol not so more

trust that bitch meme blueblue

So Lilith & Chiron are hooking up in Aries right now, so might be time to talk about the primal, potentially positive astro coming up more

alexandra Valenti rainbow

MARCH MAGIC RULES ... March is here, it's pretty transformative & and the horoscopes are up, to guide us more

crystal new moon

ARISE PISCES NEW MOON Pisces we're super sensitive -to the point of emotional overwhelm or exquisitely heightened intuition. ..or both? read more

rainbow lioncolouressential

LIONHEART MOON Mars powered Leo Full Moon coming up, yay finally some firepower to turn us on & have some more

Cosmic Gypsy Art Print

GODDESS RULES So Venus, Lilith & Ceres align this week, which represent 3 of the archetypes traditionally associated with the feminine more

mirror rainbow feb colur essentials

FEBRUARY FRESH PERSPECTIVE ..Feb is where we get to settle down a bit, regroup & come to terms with how 2020 seems to be playing out thus more

lunar together temp 2k

MAVERICK NEW MOON ...especially sparking off Aqua ruler Uranus in a tense square aspect, the imperative to rut-bust our lives is more

wolf bitch  vintage

PLUTO/SATURN FUQERY So this rare, explosive Pluto/Saturn conjunction I've been talking about is more

gold moon meme

KICK-ASS CRAB ECLIPSE .. rising up with phoenix like, ferocious courage to embrace spunky new more

michael baryshnikov b&w purple

MARS in SAGITTARIUS -FREEDOM CALLS ...thank fuq for Mars in Sag to lift the vibe to maximum positive, exuberant, optimistic more

time of yr life

2020 HERE WE COME! So Happy New Year folks, the new decade is upon us & the January horoscopes are more

silver new moon violet

MERRY NEW MOON CHRISTMAS Happy Christmas/Solstice/Festive Season everyone, I hope we are all having a lovely time sharing it with loved ones near & far, or however we choose to more


ARE WE HAVING FUN YET? ...So this Pluto/Saturn conjunction throbbing away ever more insistently in the background is a bit of a more

MARY HERRERA full moon

GEMINI FULL MOON SPARK ...And this one comes with a Saturn/Pluto conjunction throbbing in the background,to face and conquer our more

goat on rocks violet

...are we feeling a subtle shift in the force, to clarify our most rebellious instincts to actually work them in the world more effectively? read more

tear off the mask blue

DECEMBER is REAL's upon us and the scopes are up, to guide us through the more

sag moon archers popbluehigh

SAG NEW MOON INSPO ...We get that life is an adventure, meant to pull us out of our comfort zone & embrace the thrills & spills with our best more

Bianca Henry Photographer- Jono Parker f

Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter reveal your primal urgency to chase some deeply transformative adventure right now AND acutely aware of the challenging logistics involved in exploring new horizons -how the fuq are you going to pull it off?? more

buffaloe moon pink

COW MOON is ON ...we can be kind of obstinate about our compelling desires more

lady gaga mercury rx2

MERCURY RETRO FUQERY IS ON ...trigger warning for volatile more

helmut newton horsy pinktone

VENUS in SAG THRILLS Thank goodness for Venus rocking into Sagittarius to turn on our wildling, freedom loving more

want to break free purple

So November is here -and omg it's gonna be liberating as fuq! Read the horoscopes for your sign here...

cyanatope 2

WILDHEART NEW MOON OMG what a trip is this Scorpio Moon, opposite sparky Uranus to wake us the fuq up emotionally! Read more...

follow dream memepop blue high

So Mars freshly in Libra may give us pause for a moment of indecision about where we’re more

libra geisha

October is here, it's Libra season & all about harnessing our powerful creatrix the horoscopes for your sign here.

boat love violet

LIBRA LOVE MOON New Moons are a chance for fresh emotional perspective, and in Libra it's the quality of healthy, harmonious more

starchild full moon

THE MYSTIC MOON Pisces Full Moons are always pretty cosmic & inspirational, and this one is particularly lit more

mermaid angel love

STRANGE LOVE but is mating season or is it madness??? more

via weheartit chakras

SEPTEMBER MAGIC ...its lean, mean, fresh Virgo season to clean up our act & pull ourselves together-yes & also mystical as more

christian shloe blue new moon

VIRGO NEW MOON and in true Virgo style it's a sweet reminder to be elegantly discriminating about our priorities right more

Saatchi Art Artist Marina Molares;

SHINY AQUA MOON Aquarius Full Moon,and it's deliciously Venusian! more

arrows archer

JUPITER JUJU JOY I’m so. fuqing. ready. for Jupiter to station direct and aim my arrows toward the next big more

new moon black cat yellow colouring2

LEO NEW MOON BRILLIANCE August kicks off beautifully with a Leo New Moon, to fire us up with our most spunky, positive more

Alexandra Valenti rising up

AUGUST RISES UP So after the crazy intensity of Eclipse season; we're looking forward to the relative ease of more

lion rawr

RAWR Oh how I adore Leo season... let me count the ways... read more

we need to talk

MERCURY DOES DRAMA thrills & spills coming up at warp speed if we choose to lift the lid on certain combustable more

easy to love lovers meme copy

SWEET ROMANCE A cute little aspect between Venus & Mars for the next few days is vibing pretty smooth for our love lives more

Neil Krug golden copy

ECLIPSORAMA Watch out, New Moon in Cancer & it's aTotal Solar Eclipse coming at us ready or not! New Moons are always a fresh emotional perspective on our lives; especially in Cancer is always gonna be particularly authentic feelings & emotional intelligence we're dealing with -and of course being such a full blown Eclipse the intensity of whatever's coming up is off the charts right?

via charcoal alley

JULY & ECLIPSE SEASON is UPON US! and the scopes are up for your sign this month here...

sag archer moon

ARCHER MOON Full Moon in Sagittarius... to trigger our most primal yearning for personal more

rob brezny badass purple

DESTINY CALLING Mars on the Destiny Point is so goddamn spooky, magical and motivating more

via saatchiart

SPARKLY GEMINI NEW MOON and to the extent New Moons are always a shiny, fresh new perspective on our emotional lives, Gemini is an especially sparkly, playful energy to have a good time more

witch moon colour purple



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COW NEW MOON So the Taurus New Moon of the 5th has just given us such a yummy new sense of physical and emotional wellbeing in our lives huh? Read more..


MAY SPARKS UP May is here, Taurus season is particularly electrifying this time round & the horoscopes are more

pale blue full moon

LIBRA FULL MOON REBOOT So how are we feeling after that Full Moon in Libra last night?'s ideally a chance to find our more

ram new moon rose tint better crescent .

RAM MOON RESET Aries New Moon coming at us now, for a blast of fabulous, fresh life force to turn us more

Kurt Lawson for Vogue uk



APRIL IS A HAPPENING THING April is upon us and the scopes are up. It's a swift, moving right along energy to propel us more

serpentfire -floating

LIBRA FULL MOON MAGIC calm us down and maintain balance amongst all the fluxy energy going on around more

retro baggage colour green

Move house during Mercury retrograde they said, it'll be fun they said... read more... Visit

SPUNKY TAURUS MARS usually all about our most sensual desire nature, indulging our greedy appetites and lush, delicious, immediate gratification like a Bull in Rut right?read more

Christian Shloe moonflower

NEPTUNE NEW MOON MAGIC ...Pisces New Moon to keep our dreams alive & life more

cow eyes colouring

URANUS TAURUS BLITZ ..several years ahead of powerful rut busting to wake us up big more


AQUA VENUS INSPIRATION it's a relief to shake it up and enjoy a more liberated more

Alexandra Vaneti fire tree

MARCH IS GLORIOUSLY INSPIRING So March is exciting, game changing & woke as fuq -but are we ready for this or what? read more

keepyoursecrets, Catrin Weiz

VIRGO FULL MOON VIBES ...are pretty highly strung, more

Daniela Pestova, Vogue Italia

VENUS in CAPRICORN CLASS.. this is where we really get our head around our best discipline, personal integrity & polished more

christian shloe bird card shark

AQUA NEW MOON MAGIC Aquarius New Moon to awaken our most potent, accelerated magical more

realism magic gif

Yes 2019 is a bold new chapter in our lives, and February is here to pick up the more

gato y moon yellow wash

LIONHEART ECLIPSE ..a powerful emotional imperative to feel everything with full, vibrant, self aware authenticity. read more...

easy to love lovers meme


4 CUPS blue_purple seize the day

So how is everyone's 2019 shaping up so far? It's a kind of dynamic new energy to get over the usual excuses, pick ourselves up from the delays/discontent of last year & set clear new intentions right?

Bohemian Diesel. Wild Texas Rose

VENUS ROCKS HER GYPSY SOUL in SAGITTARIUS claim a wilder, untamed version of the feminine principle for a more...

goat new moon yellow wash

CAPRICORN ECLIPSORAMA Capricorn New Moon coming up, and its a partial Solar Eclipse to really get our more

power man red wash

So Mars charging into his home turf of Aries bang on Jan 1st has got to be auspicious, right? read more...

 Aleksandra Aleks pink wash

NEW YEAR SCOPES to REV us UP's gonna be a cracker of a year folks.. read more

christian shloe moon curtaincyanatopeblu

SOLSTICE CRAB MOON ...Happy Cancer Full Moon, happy solstice and happy holidays everyone -may your cup be filled with whatever brings you joy xxx read more

hello new sun newblue

SAG NEW MOON RENEWAL ...Let's pull ourselves together & tune into big, beautiful, brazenly magnificent & visionary plans for the coming month; and don't let the narky undertow bring us more

snake woman copy pink

SCORPIO VENUS RETURNS! how fabulous to have Venus back in Scorpio-all scrubbed up, newly powerful and ready to claim our true, healthy desires in the more

Jenah Yamamoto liliac

December is here and the scopes are up. It feels like an easier time to ditch any excuses -and pull ourselves together more

pink desert moon

GEMINI MOON ROCKS ...Could we be more wildly restless today??? read more...

christian shloe roses bird

VENUS finally BACK on TRACK! more...

christian shloe werewolf

PHOENIX MOON ...It's been primo time to take a sudden, accurate inventory of all the emotional intensity we've been more

neil krug desert dreaming monocolour2

JUPITER aint just FUN & GAMES ...Jupiter asks us to bust out of any comfort zones we've recently been languishing more

from national geographic 1922


Carlos Medina high exposure purple


via the house of Baccaria

VENUS in LIBRA...she's BACK! now we have Venus temporarily popping backwards into Libra for the whole of November, for a bit of Libran composure to pull ourselves more

candle skull gif

LOS DIAS DE LOS MUERTES Magic, honouring our dear departed & most of all more

Gregory Colbert falcon

NOVEMBER THRILLS November is here and the scopes are up: It's a pretty cool month to gather our energies and focus on our most on point magical more

alexandra valenti butterfly

POSITIVE THINKING WORKS! Thank goodness for Mercury conjunct lucky Jupiter for the next few days! Hallelujah! more

vintage smoking gif

Only one more week of this somewhat harrowing Venus retro in Scorpio -are we managing to keep our cool?

Ulver 700 438pink_exposure

COW MOON MAGIC Taurus Full Moon coming up-and it's delicious! read more...

christian shloe libra bird

LIBRA NEW MOON INSPO New Moon in Libra ready to turn us on to lovely new more

colbert sepia gif_

AGAIN we RISE ...But Pluto doesn't do superficial progress folks; it's more a deep, challenging and enduring influence on our lives we're talking more

christian shloe lover

OCTOBER LOVING October is upon us and the scopes are more

deco moon carpet goddess

FIREBIRD MOON ...get ready -it's an edgy, excitable, hot blooded vibe this week folks! read more...


Venus in Scorpio intensifies our hungry desire nature big time & we might as well get used to more

bellydance Beto Hektor

VENUS in SCORPIO, FOREVER SMOULDERING ...People we need to talk about the hotness that is Venus lingering in Scorpio from Sept 10th-Jan more

floral chic. mary herrara_

VIRGO NEW MOON MAGIC ...New Moons are always a fresh new emotional perspective, and Virgo brings a clean, pragmatic approach to help us thrive...

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golden bunny

ALWAYS COMING HOME "Please bring strange things. Please come bringing new things" ... read more

goat rocks cyanatope 2

SEPTEMBER HOROSCOPES...The month begins with Mars newly direct and gaining momentum, for another 2 weeks in Capricorn to get a foothold on our more

green full moon

DREAMY PISCES MOON ...It's the perfect time to get our magical, mystical inspiration more

Alex Prager

YEAH MERCURY out of retro BUT...

conquers himself

TEMPORARILY CAPRICORN MARS ...Mars just loves the fierce determination & gritty work ethic of Capricorn -it's where he shines as an unstoppable success machine and so do more

neil krug

the LIONSGATE ECLIPSE ...The sheer, fresh, positive, life affirming joy of this is bound to lift us out of any doldrums we've been feeling more

Charles Guo_

BITCHING it UP in AQUARIUS Bitch Lilith just into Aquarius-where the ultimate rebel chick goddess gets her groove on in the most revolutionary sign for the next 18 months -strap in folks, it could be a wild more

Paolo Roversi orient

VENUS in LIBRA- MAMA'S HOME Venus steps into Libra from Aug 8th-Sept 10th, and Venus adores coming home to the sign of her rulership. So to the extent the love goddess is at her most illustrious in Libra, the force is more

Alexandra Vaneti princess

AUGUST is READY TO ROCK August is here, and the scopes are up to guide us through the fabulousness that is Leo more

blue full moon

TOTAL AQUA LUNAR ECLIPSE coming ATCHA It's a Total Lunar Eclipse to bring eclipse season home, baby, and really rock our more

Cristian Girotto

CLASSY VIRGO VENUS With Venus now in cool-cat Virgo until Aug 8th, we're all about elegant personal discipline, discriminating good more

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ocean new moon cyanatope 1

DIVING into ECLIPSE SEASON New Moon in Cancer coming up, and it's powerfully inspiring in so many more

wild west sunnies

JUPITER BACK on TRACK with a BANG! Seriously, Jupiter retrograde for the last four months has been such a drag right? The lucky planet of adventure, expansion and fearless forward motion is supposed to be actually leading us forward, after more

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DIARY of a FORTUNE TELLER It's such an interesting job to be tuning into people's destinies every day -privileged to be privy to the magical and often confounding process of this human condition we all share. Some readings lay out a person's future like a goddamn more

Alexandra Vaneti, rainbow road

ECLIPSORAMA So July is Eclipse season to download some shiny new inspiration, tune into our most powerful instincts and light our way forward... and the July horoscopes are up to help us on our way x

goat moon

CAPRICORNIA Full Moon in Capricorn, an incredible opportunity to cleave to the singularity of our purpose...We are so not fluffing around right more

Debbie Harry

LEO VENUS SWAGGER It's Venus in Leo season till July 10th folks, and time to get our strut on... read more

Philippe Sainte-Laudy Photography

GEMINI NEW MOON ...the fresh, promising possibilities of New Moon energy is syncing effortlessly with our best, playful Gemini attitude here -read more

horse moon white

GIDDY UP- it's a SAG FULL MOON Full Moon in Sagittarius, exact 1.19am May 30th AEST; and it's a restless, hungry feeling & yearning for fresh pastures we're dealing with more

moon goddess

LUMINOUS VENUS in CANCER ...with Venus in Cancer until mid-June we get to tune into our instinctive, creatrix, emotional more



what if you fly_ meme

So how is everyone going with this Taurus New Moon energy, and Uranus busting up our comfort zones all over the place? It's a wild ride: read more...

phoenix moon

PHOENIX MOON Taurus New Moon coming up -and it's a total game changer to rock our world! read more...

storm palm trees

URANUS rocks TAURUS ...from the New Moon of May 15th we have revolutionary, maverick Uranus busting into Taurus to shake up the fundamentals of our material lives for the next seven whole years! more

danny cardozo andrea marcaccini elle man mexico june 2013

MARS in AQUARIUS has got our NUMBER! And ok, it is kinda more

alexandra Vaneti

The horoscopes for May are up-and it's all about rut-busting Uranus into Taurus, to shake up our reality for the next 7 years- it's gonna be a trip! image: Alexandra Vaneti

vintage witch

SPOOKY SCORPIO MOON Full Moons are always a rising up of whatever emotions have been brewing all month, and in Scorpio there's always plenty simmering under the more

Karlie Kloss

SPARKLY VENUS in GEMINI Venus has just shimmied into Gemini, bringing a wonderfully light touch to our love, relating, beauty and creativity mojo... read more

burning man mohawk

FULL STEAM AHEAD -but it's WEIRD The New Moon in Aries has just launched us into full-throttle, fired up go-gettem mode. We've got a plan, we're ready to go and, in true Aries style we're not interested in more

helmut newton running in sequins

MERCURY RETROGRADE nearly OFF OUR BACK So Mercury retro seems to have hit peak angst this week! With every step forward apparently plagued by the most irritating dramas, like some mad mercurial monkey on our back chasing us around and kyboshing our every more

alexandra tomlinson by jacques olivar for marie claire italia

BACK to BIZ Me wishing I looked this cool as I work through the mountain of admin I've been dealing with this more

taurus venus necklace

VENUS in TAURUS to LUSH US UP Venus loves being in Taurus! She's on home turf here, in one of the signs of her rulership where she gets to luxuriate and really feel into her divine, earthy feminine power- and so do more

Olga Maliouk by Chris Craymer for Glamour Italia April 2015

ARE we THERE YET? When it's still Mercury retrograde AND Mars, the plant of forward locomotion is stalled in a slo-mo reality check with dreary old Saturn this week. Tedious much? read more...


PRIMAL MARS in CAPRICORN Mars is travelling strong in Capricorn, the sign of his exaltation from March 18th-May 16th, so we're in the middle of a particularly energised phase right now to get a move on and claim whatever we feel is important to us with a keen eye on successful outcomes-yes more

pink moon

SWEET LIBRA MOON Full Moons are a rising up of whatever feelings are going on, and in Libra it's about the quality of relationships in our life -and squaring off a feisty Mars/Saturn vibe to keep it real-read more

black kitty copy

MERCURY RETRO aint so BAD's all about a chance to cultivate a cool new more


NEW MOON HEALING New Moons are always an emotional renewal; and especially in Pisces it's an oceanic rush of feelings to bring us into emotional congruence and extra especially with the healer Chiron involved it's all about beautiful personal growth, for a greater sense of holistic more


VENUS in ARIES FIREPOWER Venus is now strutting her stuff in Aries- for a brighter personal confidence from March 7th-April 1st, and the thing about Aries is that fierce, uncompromising warrior spirit to go after whatever really matters to us with fiery lust for life, and not distracted by the trivial more

luna del grano -unable to find original source for this picture

VIRGO MOON MAGIC Full Moons are about our emotional truth rising up the better to feel it more authentically. And with the clean cut, perfectionist energy of Virgo there's probably lots of 'messy' feelings we are valiantly trying to micro-manage; and maybe need to get down and dirty and actually deal with?? Yes, and also keeping it more

blue new moon

AQUA ECLIPSE MAGIC It's Eclipse season, and the Aquarius New Moon of Feb 16th is our partial Solar Eclipse for the month. The pure, inspirational power of this Moon is lit up by the sparky combination of visionary Aqua ruler Uranus, clever Mercury and lucky Jupiter. This is the gift of really understanding our capacity for conscious more

Permafrost Collaboration _ Devin Willow _ Kurt Lawson #photography Styling by Mirabai Wagner

VENUS in PISCES ENCHANTMENT Venus into Pisces from February 11th-March 7th is some fab, heightened inspiration for our love, art, beauty and personal charisma for the coming more

heart moon

TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART Watch out, a powerful, Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in the big-hearted, hot-blooded sign of Leo in league with the Destiny Point and Love Goddess Venus is upon us-read more

Naro Pinosa horsy

MARS is WILDER in SAGITTARIUS ...and what a relief to feel the wind in our hair and a bit of real momentum again! more


AQUA VENUS INSPIRATION Love Goddess Venus is now in Aquarius (from Jan 18th-Feb 11th), and time to embrace a more liberated approach to love, mating, beauty and more

goat new moon

GOAT NEW MOON New Moon in Capricorn to renew our groove... It's fiercely intentional, soberly pragmatic, acutely savvy about the lay of the land and any power/biz/attraction dynamics on our radar, focused upon walking our talk with maximum integrity and quietly determined to thrive more

james dean train love

ROMANCE INSPO INCOMING It's pretty nice that just as Mars is all inspired by lucky Jupiter; he is also making a cute little sextile aspect with his lover, Venus over the next few more

Etnia Barcelona collaborates with Steve Mc Curry for a sunglasses collection that takes inspiration

MARS & JUPITER COOL Mars energising the positive vibes of Jupiter in wily old Scorpio this week? more

sea sall moon

CRAB FULL MOON-the TIDE is HIGH Well for anyone who has included more emotional authenticity and healthier relationships in your list of New Years resolutions- this Full Moon is your big chance to get more

raven sepia landscape

JANUARY HOROSCOPES for a BETTER YEAR AHEAD Happy new year, it's looking good and the January scopes are up to get us ready for this most liberating more

 Dietmare Busse's Running Horse series.

SAGGALICIOUS NEW MOON! Image: Dietmare Busse's Running Horse series. The New Moon in Sagittarius is upon us- 5.30pm Dec 19th, AEDT. New Moons are always a fresh burst of inspiration and in Sagittarius it's all about unleashing our wildling spirit, animal instincts, rebel-heart personal freedom and boundless enthusiasm for life!

Arsalan & Yahseer FPW4 feat Abbas Jafri

MARS in SCORPIO STEALTH Mars, the god of vitality, self expression and capacity for aggression (healthy or otherwise) is sneaking into enigmatic Scorpio from December 10th-January 27th. Mars loves being in Scorpio, the ancient sign of his rulership (especially with a brilliant conjunction to lucky Jupiter in early January); so our personal motivation is about to be way more potent if we can plug into the core of who we are and what truly drives us right now... read more

mercury retro luggage

YEP, it's MERCURY FUQING RETROGRADE! Mercury has just stationed retro right on the Full Moon in Mercurial Gemini, so it's a busy, fluxy energy we're dealing with right now. It's kinda stressy hectic, but also brilliant for the kind of nimble multitasking our variously kinetic/rapidly evolving situations are currently more

Josephine Cardin_

GEMINI FULL MOON to give us WINGS? What we have with this Moon is an exact aspect between magical Neptune and expansive Jupiter, with lots of watery Pisces/Scorpio energy to tune us into our dreamy yearnings, emotional needs and visionary genius that just can't be denied: no matter how much the airy Gemini vibe tries to float above it more

helmut newton,sag

As Saturn prepares to get out of Sagittarius by Dec 20th, we are all getting ready to reclaim our wildling, libertarian mojo and what better preparation than Venus into Sag from Dec 2nd-26th- because the feminine principle of Venus really claims her wild, Artemesian, wilderness, untamed I am woman hear me roar aspect in Sagittarius!

Jenny & Jason Parry Free People Love Stories Live Fast Mag

DECEMBER THRILLS December is here and the scopes are up. It all begins with a Mars/Uranus opposition to smash up any tedious status quo and electrify us with a sense of cool new possibilities; perfectly setting the tone for what is a most liberating more

phoenix moon 2

PHOENIX MOON New Moon in Scorpio is always a fresh rush of emotional energy and personal possibility, and in Scorpio we dig that much deeper to come up with the raw potential for some truly gutsy, genuine renewal in our lives...

via american hippy

VENUS/JUPITER JOY So as much as Venus is trying to do her seething, emotionally obsessive thing in Scorpio right now-it's becoming harder to maintain the brooding intensity with Venus hooking up with lucky, expansive Jupiter over the next few days-this is so more

Vanessa Paradis photographed by Paolo Roversi

VENUS in SCORPIO MYSTIQUE Because the Queen of Heaven and one of our most ancient, powerful figures of autonomous female potency LOVES being in primal more

cowmoon by Andrew Bohan

COW MOON Full Moon in Taurus 4.22pm November 4th, AEDT. Full Moons are always a rising up of whatever emotion has been brewing this month - and in Taurus it's going to come up with kinaesthetic, tangible insistence. In other words the more subtly we tune into our physical body the more our emotional body can speak to us, because the two are connected even more than usual right more

via  Becquer Studios

...May we meet any shadow aspects of ourselves -or each other, or our dear departed that may come up during this festival with profound and transformative compassionate & unconditional love right now xxx... read more


DIA DE LOS MUERTOS It's Scorpio season and the veil between the worlds is thinning today...Happy Dios de los Muertos, Day of the Dead, Samhain, Halloween! Let's embrace the otherwordly magic of this -and have fun with it for for sure, whilst keeping any deeper spiritual and shamanic realisations here high-end and positive... read more

what if I fly_

NOVEMBER POWER November is here, it's looking good and the scopes are up...

Brandon Flowers

MARS IN LIBRA WORKS A CHARM Mars swans into Libra from 5am Oct 23rd, AEDT till Dec 9th, for 6 weeks of elegantly styling it up and finessing how we chase our desires and more

Kylie Minogue

NEARLY SCORPIO... Me tryna indulge my naughty appetites cos it's nearly Scorpio Season WITH greedy Jupiter in Scorp (but not till 4pm Oct 23rd AEDT), and anyway hungry Mars is void in Virgo till 5am October 23rd AEDT (not that I'm counting the hours); and until then we best embrace elegant restraint, to be more


It's an inspiring New Moon in Libra-to do with heightened love and art mojo to turn us on -and what could be more magnificent than this operatic love song: the aria from La Wally from the extraordinary Wilhelmina Fernandez-via the cult film DIVA circa 1981?

 Samuel Quinn

LIBRA NEW MOON with a BANG! New Moon in Libra coming 6.11am October 20th, AEDT. New Moons are always a fresh new perspective and emotional clarity; and this one specialises in arty creativity, beauty, biz savvy and good old more

Davis Ayer

The luckiest planet is on the move -into Scorpio from October 11th so we better look sharp and get ready for a new wave of energy to wake us up for the next 12 months... read more

chikas en skates

RAM MOON. Aries Full Moon coming up, exact 5.40am tomorrow, October 6th AEDT. Full Moons are always a rising up of whatever emotional material has been brewing all month -and in Aries it's an impatient, tetchy imperative to get on with it, horns lowered and ready to go! more

lovers, shoulder kiss

LOVE VIRGO STYLE Well with so much awful stuff going on in the world this week, at least we have a beautiful Venus/Mars conjunction for the next few days to remind us that love matters! It's loving, supportive human connection -whether romantic, familial, friends, tribe or biz that gets us through and always wins out, and lets not forget it! But let's be honest, when the lovers get together it feels like mating season -and hungry romantic attraction that's on our more

glitter lollipop 2

October is here and the scopes are up. It's a sexy, promising month full of new momentum, optimistic confidence, emotional well-being and Big more

Infanta style by Paolo Roversi

VENUS IN VIRGO CLASS Venus has been doing her flamboyant thing in Leo recently, and now pulls herself into line in cool-cat Virgo, from now until mid October. When it comes to romance, love, art and beauty, we are now all about elegant personal discipline, discriminating good taste, intelligence and earthy, pragmatic more

Vintage Photos of a Geisha's World in Kyoto, Japan in 1946 (1)

VIRGO NEW MOON to CLEAN UP our ACT ...New Moons are all about fresh, clean new energy; and an opportunity to focus this with clearest possible intentions for the greatest flow forward throughout the rest of the month. It's like a monthly clean slate, where we get to clean up our act and polish up our vision more

Morena Fortino

VENUS IN LEO DELIVERS So Venus, goddess of beauty and love has been blazing away in Leo-from August 26th-September 20th. Which is always great for unleashing our magnificent spunk, fabulous talent, gorgeous good looks and charisma upon the world, without wasting a smidgen of energy on false more


MARS in VIRGO SPUNK Mars into Virgo, and just in time to pull ourselves together for two months of savvy organisational genius, pragmatic focus and earthy grounding into our optimum physical health and more

Charles Courtney Curran painting gif

FULL MOON MAGIC Full Moon in Pisces is about to have her enchanted way with us -exact September 6th, 6.02pm AEST. This is a full-blown Neptune situation, with the Moon on top of Pisces' ruler Neptune; the ultimate guru of all things magical, mystical, spiritual & the muse of arty creative more

vintage circus

MERCURY DIRECT? So Mercury officially stations direct today, 9.30pm Sept AEST. So the retrograde is over - and we can all skip forward free and easy already?? Yeah ..... no. Not quite yet! read more...


September is coming, and the scopes are up. There's still plenty of Leo season action: Mars coming off meeting the Destiny Point, with fresh resolve to fight for our right to live with spunky authentically and Venus/Mercury in Leo to keep up the standards in terms of glamour, confidence and magnificently creative self expression... read more

Steven Klein

Mars conjunct the Destiny Point in Leo today has given us a burst of energised inspiration, about whatever long term, visionary schemes & dreams we've been trying to hustle lately. Even the smallest clue about our optimum direction/success potential could go a long way right now... So lets really embrace the zeigeist this week- and stay tuned into our flow with determined confidence x

spa life

So we've had a few days of Moon in Virgo to process that Eclipse, and the Moon into Libra for the next few days is the perfect invitation to continue to rebalance, refresh & harmonise our body, mind & soul... Because with Mercury still retrograde/shadowzone until mid September; we've got a million schemes on the go but scheming & dreaming with quiet composure is a better look, for the moment than charging forward trying to force things just yet, huh?

neil krug

LEO ECLIPSORAMA ...And not just a New Moon but a flow blown Solar Eclipse, and the second Eclipse in row following the Aquarius Lunar Eclipse two weeks ago. So the magic in the air; that very Aquarian capacity to imagine new possibilities and that very Leonine capacity to creatively manifest them is palpable right now! read more


So we're coming into a tricky/exciting pre-eclipse weekend here...We're prepping for the big Leo New Moon Eclipse this tues- revving up all the firepower of Leo season so we're just busting to bust a move & get on with our brilliant self-expression already! more

pierce brosnan GQ France

LILITH/SATURN... STRANGE BEDFELLOWS INDEED Saturn is the rules, the system, discipline, authority, control -the patriarchy, basically: And Lilith is independence, rebellion, personal freedom, the ultimate fuq-you outlaw: read more...

Olga Maliouk by Chris Craymer for Glamour Italia April 2015

When Mercury is about to go retrograde in Virgo opposite dreamy Neptune -and you’re too busy analysing how the fuq yr going to knock off that endless to do list under such strange & tricky stars... OR just daydreaming about taking advantage of Leo season, charging off into the sunset for a good time & avoiding the whole thing? Image: Olga Maliouk by Chris Cramerfor Glamour Italia April 2015

Serpentfire tarot

Full Moon in Aquarius/partial Lunar Eclipse coming up, exact 4..11am August 8th, AEST. So Full Moons tend to be a rising up of whatever emotional material that has been fomenting all month; and in Aquarius we tend toward a cool, detached analysis of these feelings rather than getting too down and dirty actually feeling them. Which on the one hand can be genius... read more

via Alt-J-Nara lyrics

PLUTO/JUPITER BREAKTHROUGH -COMING RIGHT UP Mighty Pluto is now squaring off with lucky Jupiter; and together they're going to power much of the astrological momentum throughout August, so I guess we better get our heads around this dynamic already... read more


VENUS is LUMINOUS in CANCER Love goddess Venus into Cancer today, and suddenly we tune into our instinctive female energy a little bit more... more

walk walk cats

Yes it's Leo season and the August scopes are up to guide us, as we strut through this fabulous month... read more


MARS powered LEO NEW MOON-THIS should get us MOVING! Leo New Moon coming up, 7.46pm July 23rd, AEST. It's Leo season for sure, and a blazing good time coming up if we're ready! more

bernheimer photography 2yellow

Mars, the sexy warrior god rules personal confidence, sexual conquest, how we make things happen, assert ourselves and tap into our most primal energy source; and in Leo we do it with nothing less than brazen, magnificent spunk... read more

by Renato Lopez Baldo_National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

GOAT MOON Full Moon in Capricorn, exact 2.06pm July 9th, AEST. Full Moons are always a coming to terms with whatever's driving us emotionally, and in Capricorn it's ambitious, gutsy determination to scale the heights of personal excellence! read more...

glitter eyes

VENUS SPARKLES in GEMINI Venus has just shimmied into Gemini, adding a lovely, airy lighter perspective to the steamy/intense/grappling with our passions frisson of Mars/Pluto and Saturn in Sag... read more

Abbas Jaffri

MARS + PLUTO =PASSION The warrior god, Mars is quite active right now, triggering the lucrative, rut busting Pluto-Jupiter square that's building for August (more on that later) and right now (exact July 3rd) opposing power tripper Pluto! This a fully tetchy, libidinous, spoiling for a scrap, cruising for a bruising, testosterone driven, power-trippy, passionate, primal, growlingly, limbic fight or fuq/force of more

cersei eye roll

BITCHING it UP (for the LADIES) Apparently -so I've been told- once a month I suddenly morph into full Cersei style psychobitch for a few frightening days... read more

Gregory Colbert

JULY HOROSCOPES are UP -could this be the month to help set us FREE? July is here, as mid-year turns us toward a new cycle heading toward the second half of this most interesting year... Happy July -scopes are up, for more detail for on your sign this month read more here...

new moon ocean, black & white

CRAB NEW MOON New Moons are always a fresh perspective, and in Cancer it's very much on an emotional, intuitive, creative level that we're renewing our approach. The Cancerian attitude is all about emotional well-being. We nurture ourselves and each other with some real emotional support/hugs/bonding with our family or tribe/good, honest, nourishing soul food (preferably shared over a convivial dinner table /exploring a rewarding creative process in whatever arty thing we do... read more


NEPTUNE DREAMING Neptune is now turning retrograde-and for the most enchanted planet of all this phase can span some pretty wild, and surreal highs and lows... Neptune is our most inspired creative, spiritual, emotional connection with nothing less than universal, divine flow... read more...


LOVED UP? So the Moon briefly energises Mars and Pluto today and tomorrow, which could spark a flash lust/attraction moment -and if so it's only a taste/prelude of a much more tangible, volcanic opportunity for passionate connection with the Mars/Pluto chemistry of early July. So we're really just warming up for big , sexy energy in our romantic lives, building as we speak... If you're in love (or ok, lust), or you want to be? Yep could be mating season coming up! read more...


SAG FULL MOON-no holding back NOW! Full Moon in Sagittarius, exact 0.09am June 10th AEST -right on top of the boisterous momentum of Saggy ruler, Jupiter turning direct; so it's time to howl at the moon with our best, wildling exhilaration for sure... Full Moons are always a rising up of whatever emo has been building up throughout the month, and in Sag it is the ferocity of our rebellious, freedom loving spirit that we're coming to terms with right now... read more


VENUS in TAURUS to LUSH US UP So Venus has been in firing us up in Aries all year so far... so now we can reflect on what we've learned from all this romantic/interpersonal/creative firepower? Do we have our more impetuous passions integrated and in check by now or what? Because we have a change of pace with Venus in earthy Taurus, from now until July 6th, for a month of delicious grounding -we get to slow down and smell the roses... read more...

cancer man

MARS in CANCER FUN Mars just into Cancer, from now until July 20th, and the warrior god Mars in the watery, intuitive sign of Cancer is ok, an odd match in a sense. Mars tends to power forward impulsively but Cancer likes to scuttle sideways whilst checking out the terrain with a strategic eye first; so we might have to adjust to a more lateral, seemingly kooky but actually very savvy approach to things for a while... gif

JUNE JUJU June is here for a wild ride, and the horoscopes are up to guide us through... read more...


FRUSTRATED YET? So we've had a Mars/Saturn opposition playing out this week, which has frankly become quite tedious at this point. Mars in Gemini has us massively restless, light on our feet, juggling options, acutely aware of the multiplicity of options available to us and buzzing to get some kind of move forward-asap- with at least one of them! But Saturn in Sag has standards, and is (apparently) blocking our path until we've slowed down and worked some serious quality control... read more


GEMINI NEW MOON- LET'S PLAY! New Moon in Gemini. exact 5.44am May 26th, AEST. New Moons are always a sense of renewal, and in Gemini our refreshed perspective is sparky, playful and emotionally lucid. A lovely lightness of being is one of the perks of Gemini energy, and we embrace it!

via Vamp Ire

FIRE-BENDING is ON So now that The North Node/Destiny Point is in Leo and activating the Saturn in Sag/Uranus in Aries trine; we have Grand Fire Trine to blow us out of the water and get any thwarted energy (from so many planets recently retrograde) moving again. Fire energy is about passion; we follow our most visionary dreams and get in touch with our desires for a good time...with artful creativity... read more...


SCORPIO FULL MOON-the POWER & the PASSION. Feel that primal throb in the air, the blood rising in your loins, the urge to sink your fangs into something meaningful, passionate, powerful & transformative as soon as possible? Yep, that's the Full Moon in Scorpio coming up 7.42am May 11th, AEST. Full Moons are always a rising up of whatever feelings we've been dealing with in the previous month and in Scorpio the emo is DEEP... read more

lionman Naro Pinosa

DESTINY CALLING -time to RAWR The North Node of the Moon, which I call the Destiny Point, charges into blazing Leo from May 10th -November 2018: The Destiny Point points to nothing less than our karmic imperative to follow/fully embrace the life purpose we came here to fulfil; those hopes & dreams/searing ambition/innate lust to better ourselves/evolve/fully individuate that have been sparking within us from more


MAY is here & we're ready to FLY FREE -let's GO! May is upon us and the scopes are up. We have Venus completing her lengthy tour of Aries with a whole new, fiery ferocity to do love, romance, art, beauty, talent and biz on our own terms and wth as much creative confidence, shameless self promotion and (with Saturn involved) gritty determination as possible. And Mars in Gemini suggesting that light on our feet, multi-tasking, savvy more...

Cersei fabulous gif

VENUS back in ARIES- & now she means BUSINESS! So I've written lots about Venus enjoying an extensive tour of firebrand Aries these few months - So I won't go on about the details too much again now: except to say that to the extent she's been wonking around retrograde & in and out of Pisces much of the time thus far -she now roars into Aries in full, direct power from 11.14pm today- June 7th. Five weeks of full, pure Aries moxy ahead! And that Aries Venus is a fierce.. read more


BULL NEW MOON Ok I'm gonna fess up right here; I love Taurus energy & I love New Moons so I'm probably gonna give this one a good rap! Taurus New Moon, exact 10.16pm April 26th AEST. New Moons are always a lovely rush of fresh new perspective; and in earthy Taurus its a chance to score a clearer, healthier relationship with our physicality. So issues around physical pleasure and well-being, food, sex and money become paramount this week... read more...

Naro Pinosa adonis

MARS in GEMINI FLUX Mars, our motivational ambition planet into Gemini (April 21st-June 5th) and viola, there goes our concentration span! Mars is how we get things done, and we're just coming out of steady Taurus progress, but now we have Gemini energy -which doesn't plod perseveringly so much as seriously multi-task... Gemini Mars flits cheerfully from one exciting thing to another with a sparky restlessness that lends us a genius more


VENUS DIRECT, FINALLY! Venus has been wonking out retrograde for 6 weeks, and backwards in oceanic Pisces since early April; so there's been some overwrought emo coming up around our love/romance, creative talent/biz/financial potential, looks/self esteem scenarios -or perceived lack of- for sure. But we've done so well processing these new insights and busy forging new and improved values and paradigms around this; the better to valiantly resist any self-destructive/sooky tendencies- read more

patti meme

REBEL HEART Saturn (which at it's worst can represent the brutal authoritarianism of 'the system') retrograde in Sagittarius-the sign of philosophical idealism-has been tough recently. I mean the Saturnian, NWO war machine is in full swing & it's gonna take our best, collective voice of liberty, freedom, personal sovereignty, global fraternity, peaceful Non-compliance with the psychopathic warmongers to tell it to fuq right off! So seeing Patti Smith live this weekend was so inspiring read more


LIBRA FULL MOON to TIP the SCALES Full Moon in Libra 5.05pm, April 11th AEST. So where Full Moons tend to bring up any emo that's been brewing recently -in Libra it's to do with romance, relationships generally, art, biz and beauty, and boy has this stuff been simmering away lately or what! We have Venus -Libra's patron planet midway through an extensive tour of Aries; Libra's opposite sign and all about bolshie autonomy &hurry the fuq up instant gratification in defiance of Libra.. read more

banishedfromcamelot- Meghan Marie shot by William Hager

VENUS RETRO does PISCES ...For the next two weeks we have Venus retro in Pisces, where we get to drop the Aries bluster of wanting it all fuqing now in favour of gently, intuitively getting in touch with our actual feelings, even if they're a bit vulnerable and ragged; the better to process our authentic needs in love and higher creative inspiration in art/biz without the need to force any particular outcomes just more

New York in the 1970s by Allan Tannenbaum

APRIL HOROSCOPES to GET YOU THROUGH April is ready to go and the scopes are up here. There's some nice frisson for a good time, with adventurous Jupiter, potent Pluto and uncompromising bitch Lilith power-tripping us to grow the hell into a more powerful version of ourselves; so there's some sparky personal development right there...Read more


BITCHING it UP MUCH? The background of this Aries New Moon is power-trippy Pluto squaring off rebellious Jupiter AND both of them aggravating bitch goddess Lilith! Pluto is digging up some appetites & we want what we want bad: but... Read more...

via guru singh

RAM MOON MOXY If you're feeling a brand new, zesty spring in your step right now, and busting to do something about it? That would be the gorgeous Aries New Moon, exact 12.57pm today New Moons are always a fresh, clean new attitude and rush of emotion, and in Aries it's a can-do, impatient, courageous desire to get on with it that drives us forward. We say fuq it to any limiting, defeatist ideas we've been tempted to indulge lately and say a big YES to whatever turns us more Visit

MARS gets DOWN & EARTHY in TAURUS Mars is the kind of lust-for-life, libidinous energy that drives our desire/achievement moxy, and also how we're gonna make it happen. In Taurus we feel our desires in a simple, honest, direct way. We don't have to second guess or analyse future outcomes; we just know what we want because we feel it in our bones right now and that's enough. The power of living in the present moment -gently, authentically, sans forcing things- is potent here. Read more...

Kefkism Design

FULL MOON HEALING Virgo Full Moon coming up, 1.53am March 13th, AEDT. Full Moons are always a release of any emotional energy we've been holding onto all month, and Virgo has an interesting/paradoxical thing going on about feelings as follows: Virgo is a smarty pants (and for good reason, they're ruled by clever Mercury, think things through carefully and therefore pretty damn switched on, don't you know?) Read more...

Thierry Mugler.

VENUS BACKWARDS In my Venus in Aries post here, I pointed out that Venus in Aries for 3 1/2 months is quite a long time to be firing up our fab love/art/beauty mojo; and that she spends much of it wonking out retrograde -starting now So March 5th- April 16th is Venus in backwards motion and a great time to re-evaluate, revise, re-hash, revitalize and rediscover our best attitude to all things Venusian, as follows: Read more...

SWAG via

MARCH is HERE, might as well GRAB it. March is here and the scopes are UP. We have so much firepower turning us on this month. Bitch Lilith in Sag makes us all outlaw wildlings, to the extent we hold our own and no-one tells us what to do -we're running our own race. Mars in Aries is about fierce autonomy, and then into Taurus from the 10th is digging our heels in re actioning life on our OWN terms or not at all... read more...

All That Is Interesting Gif

ECLIPSE MAGIC New Moon SOLAR ECLIPSE in Pisces, 1.58am tomorrow morning AEDT. So Pisces lunations tend to invoke an oceanic flow of emotion and a shamanic, magical realist attitude at the best of times, especially an Eclipse and especially with mystical Neptune involved. There could be some potent/overwhelming feelings about everything and some wildly inspired new intuition about our lives coming up this week; and it's what we do with this that's important: Read more...

helmut newton,sag

LILITH in SAGITTARIUS is SOME KINDA VALENTINE Bitch Goddess Lilith into Sagittarius this morning, where she'll stay till November. This combination is fairly straightforward so I'll keep it brief: Lilith is Queen of the rebels, iconoclasts, happily outcast lone wolves... read more

via John Keddie

LEO LUNAR ECLIPSE on FIRE Full Moon in Leo , coming up 11.30am Feb 11th AEDT. Our most authentic feelings tend to rise up during a Full Moon, and in Leo they're all about self-awareness, healthy pride, creative expression, show-off moxy, generosity, personal warmth, hot love affairs and passionate living. Not only that but it also involves a grand fire trine, to really blow us out of the water of any moody/sooky shizz that Full Moons can sometimes trigger in us...


VENUS in ARIES is READY TO GO Venus into Aries tomorrow to rev us up -and she's going to stay there for the better part of the next 3 1/2 months! Yes we're all fired up and ready to go, so what are we going to do about it? For a start Venus is making a move on her lover Mars -also in Aries- this week, so we're making some love stories happen? Well yes we're gonna try... the lovers come so close to hooking up it's damn well palpable but still that exquisite tension of maybe/maybe not... Read more


MARS in ARIES is HOT! Warrior god Mars rocks into his home turf of Aries tomorrow, from 4.49pm AEDT for 5 weeks of totally deliberate living... Mars is how we access our go-gettem life force, and in his favorite sign-Aries- we grab our kinaesthetic energy from doing whatever turns us on, on our own terms because we're driven by nothing less than pure, raw lust for life and we don't care who knows it! Read more


AQUA NEW MOON LOVE BUZZ New Moon in Aquarius, exact tomorrow, Jan 28th 11.07am, AEDT. Aqua New Moons are always fresh, sparky and bright with promising, liberating new emotional intent for the month ahead...And also cool new emotional rapport/future oriented connections that allow us plenty of oxygen to breathe, dream and fly free with our loved ones. And on that note we just happen to have TWO sets of astrological lovers hooking up in the skies right now... Read more

top hat kitty

HAPPY FRIDAY 13th. It's a magical Venus/Neptune art/love day and just off a potent Full Moon AND lucky Friday 13th! Well if We don't engage some spunky magical intention & mysterious, mystical intelligence Now when will we?? Lets go forth & bravely enchant our lives today in every way x

Howard Pyle The Mermaid

FULL MOON SOULMATING or WHAT??? Love goddess Venus meets magical Neptune this week-active for several more days but exact tomorrow -and right on the back of a big, watery Full Moon... So this can go either way. Venus/Neptune is classic astro for high-end exalted romance/spiritual communion/ soul-mating/kismet/profoundly destinal meetings/crazy romantic synchronicity and basically True Love. But also simply notorious for delusional crushing/stoopid drunk dialling... read more

blue moon

CRAB MOON MYSTERIES Full Moon in Cancer 10.35pm tonight, AEDT. With Luna Full in her home turf of Cancer, our natural intuition/empathy/instinctual wisdom/emotional intelligence and emotional congruence/creative flow and (let's face it), potential to sulk/mood swing/tantrum up a storm is all peaking today! We're feeling everything more acutely than ever; so anything that's building up recently in our emotional lives... read more

Permafrost Collaboration _ Devin Willow _ Kurt Lawson #photography Styling by Mirabai Wagner

VENUS in PISCES ENCHANTMENT Venus into Pisces, from yesterday afternoon-Feb 4th. Venus not only loves being in Pisces -where she is exalted, but also join joins mystical Neptune, the South Node of spooky old memories, Chiron the healer and nearly catches up with her lover Mars on her journey through the watery Pisces realms of Pisces in the coming month -it's a magical mystery ride coming up for the goddess of love for sure. Read more...

via Visit

2017 is HERE and the JANUARY SCOPES are UP! So was 2016 a weirdo cracker of a year or what? But never fear, it's 2017 now and I think it just might be a good one... We've been shaken up enough to understand the value of genuine innovation, transformation and moving beyond any redundant old assumptions/scenarios (that weren't working anyway), the better to embrace our highest visions for a wonderful, liberated, positive new chapter.. read more

new moon new year

NEW MOON for a NEW YEAR It's nearly 2017 (thank goodness!) and a New Moon in Capricorn -exact 4.53pm today AEDT-to help usher in the ides of a fresh New Year... New Moons are crisp, clean new energy and Capricorn is nothing if not a raw, crisply efficient attitude to get on with it already! This Moon also involves Pluto, god of death/rebirth and transformation. So we've had the seeds of some pretty major transformation in 2016, and plenty of death in our collective zeitgeist read more

dylan bringing it all back home

JUPITER/URANUS WANDERLUSTORAMA ... Thrillingly unexpected, but apt, crazy opportunities are liable to strike at any moment; and yes we grab them obviously... and there's also a certain yearning, achingly poignant craving kind of mood -wanting to be anywhere but here- that could also strike at any point in time... read more

helmut newton jerry hall and Arnold shwartzaneggar

MERCURY RETRO AS WELL!? Dialogues are about to get real nuts ... yes possibly sexy but also veering toward batshit insane. For the rest of the week we so feel the imperative to intrigue, beguile and stun each other with strange messages -ok but watch that fine line between kooky, cute little messages and full blown disastrous misunderstandings! Read more...

_Mertailor Photo by- Khristio

MARS DIVES into PISCES Mars the Warrior god has been weirding out in Aqua recently, and now he swims into the relatively calm waters of Pisces (7.22pm tonight AEDT-Jan 28th) ...or are they? Mars is all about the pursuit of our desires in full, macho assertive mode as an expression of the individual ego, and as such he can have a tricky time in the undifferentiated, oceanic realms of Pisces. Mars is brazen and explicit about his needs. Pisces is subtle and elusive...Read more

WEIRDO GEMINI FULL MOON Full Moons are always an emo release point of some sort, and in Gemini the results can be skittish: On the one hand Gemini is a mutable, fluid, multi-faceted air sign and doesn't want to get bogged down in anything too heavy -we prefer to play with nuance, witty riposte and permission to change our mind every 3 seconds. But on the other hand Saturn is firmly opposing this Moon; where there is a definite sense of getting our shizz together... read more

via http-__www.robbycavanaugh.com_

DECEMBER: the CHALLENGE of GOING with the FLOW December is here and the scopes are UP. There are a number of astro influences going on, rather than one main focus so it feels like we're being pulled in disparate directions; but not really -they all point to drop the damn control freakery already and go with the grace of universal flow for a smoother more

road trip wallpaper

SAG NEW MOON is TIME for a NEW ADVENTURE So we have a New Moon in Sagittarius tomorrow night, 11.18pm Nov 29th AEDT. Sag New Moons are always a chance to re-connect with any wilding, adventurous, freedom-loving spirit we've been neglecting lately and go fly free in whatever way best turns us on...Read more

via horses gif

NOW WE THRIVE For those of us troubled by these crazy times; and tempted to give in to despair but determined to not only survive, but thrive anyway... yes there is a wonderful awakening happening right now! Read more


BULL MOON RISING So it's been a wild week and we could really use some grounding, and what better energy than lushy, nourishing Taurus to calm us down and soothe our frazzled souls? Viola, Full Moon in Taurus coming up, 11.52pm tonight AED -thank fuq. Full Moons are an opportunity to bring to a head any emotions brewing in the previous month (and there's been a helluva lot recently!), the better to properly feel, express and release them... Read more...

Paolo Roversi baroque

VENUS means BUSINESS in CAPRICORN Venus into Capricorn 2.54pm today AEDT (until Dec 8th), and immediately aspects her lover Mars, so yes we need to talk about love this week... But first, current affairs. I had a go at the male president elect in my recent Mars post, so I guess it's only fair I critique the female archetype in this politico scenario in a Venus post... Read more...


THANK YOU, MR COHEN So I just posted about Mars newly into Aquarius being the marker of the great, visionary, authentically free thinking male archetype -and how that's not exactly playing out on the world stage right now, politico wise. And lo and behold one of our most genuinely visionary, authentic, free thinking, stunning poets has just left us. RIP Leonard Cohen, a gentleman and scholar, a truly great artist who reminds us all to just get on with walking our talk Read more...

cade buchanan spaceman large_

Well MARS in AQUARIUS was ALWAYS gonna be WEIRD So warrior god Mars tripped the light fantastic into futuristic Aquarius on Nov 9th -until December 18th, and what have we here? Mars rules, if not the actual patriarchy then certainly the 'masculine' imperative to go forth and conquer, wilfully assert and satisfy our desire nature and basically Boss it Up in the world. And Aquarius does it with a maverick, unconventional, rebellious style for sure. Read more...

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NOVEMBER SCOPES to SET YOU STRAIGHT November is here, and in keeping with Scorpio season it's straight-up, get your shizz together and get on with it time. The horoscopes are ready to go here Read more...

moon wallpaper

WITCH MOON New Moon in Scorpio 4.38 this morning, AEST; we are coming off a most potent, magical energy here... Scorpio Moons always crack open our most authentic, primal source of personal power and help us to grab it, and direct it positively toward whatever fresh new transformations we're seeking in our life. Of course a few demons/toothy emotions might fly out of the basement as well but you know, we let them go the better to fly free ourselves more

smoke and sassafras via jaime martinez photography3

VENUS ROCKS her GYPSY SOUL in SAGITTARIUS VENUS ROCKS her GYPSY SOUL in SAGITTARIUS October 18, 2016 | Alberta Richards So Venus rocks on in freewheeling Sagittarius, from today-November 13th for a good time... The feminine principle of Venus really claims her wild, Artemesian, wilderness, untamed I am woman hear me roar aspect in Sag. Venus is about values, and the primary value of Sag is to be Free. And not just a little bit loose more

via the

RAM MOON RISING Aries Full Moon coming up, 2.23pm Sunday16th October, AEST. Aries is the bold, brave, independent trailblazer of the zodiac; so a Full Moon here is a rising up of any emotional imperative we've been feeling lately to get out there, assert ourselves with healthy, self-assured moxy and initiate some bolshie new opportunities in our life already...Read more... Visit

OCTOBER promises BEAUTIFUL beginnings IF we pay ATTENTION! October is here and the scopes are up. It's a banging chance to score some real traction, as we glide elegantly forward with tangible momentum and personal composure, grace and aplomb. Read more...


LUCKY LIBRA MOON Libra new Moons are always a lovely fresh burst of creative, design, beauty, romantic and relational inspiration. We make art, love, good conversation with delightful panache; and looking glowingly gorgeous while we're at it. It's a refreshed approach to lushed up, stylish Dolce Vita living. And this Moon is gloriously powered by optimistic, adventurous, expansive, positive, exuberant Jupiter. Read more


MARS into CAPRICORN is PLUTO powered GENIUS! Mars into Capricorn today, after dithering in emo Scorpio and wildling Sagittarius all year, so it's (finally) back to business! Libidinous Mars in highly ambitious Capricorn is always a lust for success, with an excellent, bloody-minded willingness to work for it no matter what... Read more...

Zhang Jingna Photography

VENUS turns the HEAT up in SCORPIO Venus slithers into Scorpio, from 12.30am tomoz, Sept 24th AEST till Oct 18th.I've pointed out before that Venus is said to be in her 'detriment' in Scorpio, so it can be a tricky placement. A friend of mine amusingly suggested there ought to be an actual support group for people with this placement natally; because it's just so bloody too-hot-to-handle, romantically intense ... Read more


PISCES ECLIPSE MAGIC Pisces Full Moons are magical, fantastical, psychic rushes of heightened spiritual/creative inspiration and tidal, exquisitely tuned emotional sensitivity to, well, everything! And being an Eclipse and all only intensifies the buzz, obviously... Read more...

JUPITER does LIBRA, for a GOOD TIME. ...we're commencing a year-long intensive in how to do free-spirited relating; how to honour the importance of human connection without cramping one another's style/how to oxygenate our loving by unconditionally embracing the concept of one another's personal space. Involvements which turn us on with expansive new possibilities and we grow/thrive/explore together, as opposed to locking us down into limiting, prescribed partnership dynamics.. Read more Visit

VIRGO ECLIPSE MAGIC New Moon in Virgo unfolding as we speak- 6.33pm tonight, AEST- and it's a full blown Solar Eclipse! New Moons are always an opportunity to channel fresh new emotional energy through our lives, and this one is especially potent in this regard: It's in Virgo, where we love ditching any naff old ambiguous, emo baggage and scrubbing up for a cleaner, more efficient version of ourselves with pure intent and supremely focused pragmatism. Read more...

wolf no circus

September is here and the scopes are up. It's a cracker of a month, and the only way through it is forward... The Solar Eclipse in Virgo on the 1st wakes us up to pay the fuq attention awareness of where we are. Jupiter into Libra from the 9th open our eyes to where we're going -hint, with Venus in also in Libra, then Scorpio, relationships, love and human interaction are becoming way more important... Read more...

Paolo Roversi

VENUS in LIBRA: MAMA'S HOME Love Goddess Venus in Libra from midday today ( AEST) till September 23rd. Venus rules Libra, Venus loves being in Libra, Venus shines in Libra in every way. Beauty, aesthetics, creative talent, art, charm, sparkling conversation, polished social skills and yes, high romance is our thing this coming month... Read more...

via Visit

VENUS gets her ACT TOGETHER in VIRGO When it comes to romance, love, art and beauty, we are all about elegant personal discipline, discriminating good taste, intelligence and earthy, pragmatic efficiency. In love, it all begins with respect... Read more

Cassy Gordon

MARS in SAGITTARIUS part 2 So we had a brief stint of Mars in Sagittarius between March and May this year, where we got a taste of our wildling restlessness, but what with dithering around retrograde and all it didn't quite hit the spot ...So we're totally excited to have Mars properly back in Sag for two whole months (from tomorrow until late September). We're SO ready to cut loose and get our exuberant, rollicking, outlaw, fuq-authority, adventurous moxy right on right now! Read more tiger gif2

MARS & LEO NEW MOON RAWR New Moon in Leo 6.14am tomorrow, August 3rd (AEST), just 3 hours after Mars leaps into Sagittarius. Mars has been dithering around in the deep waters of Scorpio for fuqn ages, so its like a blast of oxygen to have the Warrior God into fiery Sag again; and of course the New Moon in fiery Leo is the ultimate blast of emotional heat and firepower. Read more...

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The IDES of AUGUST are PRETTY GOOD, actually August is here and the monthly scopes are up, and I don't know how many times I have used the term 'shameless self promotion' this month! I mean it's pretty normal in Leo season to get onto our most beautifully brazen self belief on, and this month is no exception -the New Moon of the 3rd gets our moxy going nicely. Read more

evolotion nagging

Lol I was just thinking how Venus hooking up with Mercury in the next few days, in passionate Leo, is technically ace for some gorgeously genuine warmth in our romantic dialogues. But then on a raging Full Moon in bossy Capricorn, things can also err to the bombastic side of Leo pretty fast too... Read more


GOAT MOON MAGIC Full Moon in Capricorn tomorrow morning, 8.56am AEST. Full Moons are always a chance to get in touch with our best, instinctual moxy and in Capricorn it's pretty earthy, pragmatic stuff -so we're wanting to channel our best gut intuition in tangible, effective ways, the better to make the savviest life choices we can this week. It's time to be attuned to our wild playfulness and animal cunning -and stay sharp about it! Read more...


LEO VENUS MAGNIFIQUE Venus has just strutted into Leo, 3.30 today AEST until August 6th; 25 days of magnificent mojo coming up... Venus loves a bit of self expression -whether romantic, creative, artistic etc and Leo is all about this; especially if there's a bit of show-off, performance, drama queen energy involved! In her capacity as goddess of love, Venus in Leo wants her romance gloriously passionate, extravagantly attentive Read more...

via weheartit

New Moons are always a fresh sense of connection with whatever we're really feeling about life, and in Cancer the Moon is at her luminous best, where we're bound to be emotionally authentic no matter what... Mars in storm phase recently has had us struggling with our primal desires, and perhaps tempted to overanalyse things in order to avoid our true, pressing needs cos they're just too real? This Moon brings us back to our truth pronto. Read more...

Champion cowgirl rider Kitty Canutt on Winnemucca, 1916

JULY is TIME for ACTION July is here and the scopes are up. It's all about Mars completing 6 months of hanging around Scorpio/Sag, churning up so much volatile emo, restless frustration and will-to-power we haven't entirely known what to do with; and finally charging forward for the next two months over the same territory, but with a clearer intent. All those lessons in self-mastery we've been struggling with? We're now ready to put into practice and roar forward Read more

brando motorbike

So Mars dithering around on and off retrograde in Scorpio, pretty much ALL year so far (see here for more on this) has some of us a bit exhausted from brooding non-stop over sex/money/power trippy drama/purging old psychic crap/conquering compulsive addictive demons/self-mastering our libidos etc when do we get to get on with it and have some fun with hot-blooded Mars in sexy Scorpio already dammit??? Ok that would be now! Read more

Wrangler Nate Cummins

SAGITTARIUS BLUE MOON ROCKS ON-are we READY for THIS?? It's Solstice time, the turning of the year from the depths of winter/height of summer (depending where you live in the world), and that's always magical enough-and now (9.54pm July 20th AEST) we have a Blue Moon in rollicking Sag as well! Full Moons tend to bring up, reveal and allow us to release any emotional material we've been holding onto all month. So we had a go at expressing our fult-tilt restlessness, dont-give-a-fuq Read more Visit

VENUS SHINES like the MOON in CANCER Love goddess Venus flows into Cancer at dawn tomorrow: 5.38am June 17th AEST. Venus in Gemini recently has been a bit of fun, game-on flirty repartee in love and dextrous multi-tasking in our creative endeavours which is fun and all. But it might be nice to bring our emotional, instinctual intelligence back to the fore, and navigate some lovely, sensitive, nurturing awareness for a while, now that Venus is shining in her dreamy lunar aspect... Read more.. Visit

This GEMINI NEW MOON works a CHARM New Moon in Gemini coming up, 12.59pm June 5th AEST. To the extent that New Moons are a rush of fresh energy, and a nice clean emotional reset for the month, it's lovely that this one is in airy, intelligent Gemini with Venus on board, and grounded by Saturn in it's opposite sign. Read more...

Paolo Roversi dancing

WE DANCE WITH DESTINY in JUNE June is here and the Scopes are Up. And it's a pretty amazing month... We have lucky Jupiter perfecting a conjunction with the magical Destiny Point, which has been brewing all year! We've been wanting to grab our fate with both hands, get our groove on properly and realise some meaningful, life-path accomplishments for for a while now; and June is our big chance to walk our talk on that... Read more

khaleesi fire gif

HOT KHALEESI OMG I want to be an unburnt Khaleesi when I grow up! ...was that Daenerys burning the Khalasar thing the BEST. SCENE. EVER on GOT or WHAT??? So now I can't decide whether I'm dying to use this image for the QUEEN OF WANDS (Queen of Fire) OR the STRENGTH card when I launch my Tarot App this year... Read more...


MARS IS BACK, SEXY as HELL in SCORPIO...this time we're gonna get it RIGHT Mars hit Scorpio from Jan 4th-March 9th this year, where he began to wake us up to our full, primal personal potential, and now he's back for a second bite of the apple from May 27th-August 2nd. Mars LOVES being in Scorpio, it's the ancient sign of his rulership (long story), and he aint forgotten it... Read more...

VENUS FASCINATES in GEMINI Venus rules love, relationships, beauty and art, and in Gemini we do it with a lighter, more mutable, cerebral touch. We're not taking things literally right now; we're playing around with future possibilities and delighting in the multi-faceted nature of personal interaction... Read more

via Visit

LILITH FEELS RIGHT at HOME in SCORPIO Bitch goddess Lilith struts her stuff into Scorpio just after midnight tonight AEST- suitably on a wild spirited Full Moon in Sag; cue 9 months of hot-blooded, uncompromising, sexy empowerment coming up...Lilith is the original wild woman archetype, and by wild I mean that she exists on her own terms, happily WAY outside any social/patriarchal constructs of what the feminine principle 'should' be-she really, honestly couldn't give a fuq. Read more...

Gib Lloyd of Miles City on Sundance at Fallon County Fair on Aug 20 1960

FULL MOON in SAGITTARIUS KICKS Full Moon in Sagittarius coming up, 7.14am May 22nd AEST. Full Moons are always a rising up of our emotional reality to the surface, and in Sag these feelings usually have to do with fult-tilt restlessness, dont-give-a-fuq lust for freedom, an extreme -almost violent disdain for rules and details, wanderlust and you know, the urge to buck off mundane responsibilities and go ride into the sunset/hitchhike down some lonesome highway etc more


JUPITER DIRECT -thank FUQ! Jupiter is back on track; and he is the god of good luck, good times, really, truly not giving a fuq about bourgeois crap, personal freedom at all costs, a positive, optimistic attitude no matter what, adventurous living, philosophical discourse that helps us to find meaning in it all and you know, booking a ticket to the nearest festival/tropical isl... Read more


BEAUTIFUL BULL MOON New Moon in Taurus, 5.29am AEST tomorrow, May 7th. New Moons are always a powerful rush of new energy with which to press the 'refresh' button on whatever's been going down lately, and step forward with freshly renewed clarity, intention and momentum in our lives. And in Taurus the energy is kinaesthetic! We can expect some pretty tangible developments if we stay focused in the next few days... Read more


VENUS is SUCH A LUSH in TAURUS Venus shimmies into Taurus 10.35am tomorrow, April 30th, AEST. And the love goddess LOVES this; where she gets right into the physical reality of her most lush, sensual, palpable appetite for pleasure and healthy, luxuriant comfortability in her own skin -and so do we. Read more...

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GREAT, MERCURY RETRO AGAIN!? tomorrow, 3.19am AEST is Mercury retrograde in Taurus until May 22nd... The god of wit, ideas and breezy communication backwards in the most earthy, literal-minded sign of all? Read more...


MAY is when we PLAY OUR CARDS RIGHT I mean with every-bloody-planet retrograde this month it feels like 'aint nothing coming together anytime soon, it's all to bloody hard so why not fuq it all off and go randomly play poker with life/take some ridiculous risk/slack off/throw it all away on a whim cos where's all my perseverance getting me anyway?' Again, understandable but no no no. Read more...


Well it's one of those years when the gods are apparently calling the beautiful ones back home-for who knows what brilliant adventures amongst the stars... Vale Prince x I don't have much to add to all the heartfelt obituaries posted today; more that I have been struck how many people have been moved by Prince, in their formative years, to more fully express their wild creativity, sexual confidence and own their sense of 'difference' from whatever mainstream crap by his glorious read more

Myrna Loy as a spooky beautiful Halloween Witch, Paris 1960, Photo by Edouard Boubat.

Full Moon in Scorpio coming up, 3.23pm April 22nd AEST. Full Moons tend to release any emotions that have been building up during the month, and especially the really pent up feelings can sometimes can come bursting through quite dramatically-hence the whole howling at the Full Moon thing. And the Scorpio Full Moon can be particularly volatile in this regard; it's like our annual big chance to get in touch with our real desires and primal emo truth- read more...

ragnar retreats

MARS in SAG PART 2: the RETROGRADE Wherever we have been banging away, recently, trying to force our biggest desires to come true already, Mars direct in gung-ho Sagittarius has been egging us on; if we only push harder, take more brazen risks -impress the gods with our sheer, fearless bravado we'll get what we want asap-surely!! And Sag is impatient, so boy do we rage and throw god-awful tantrums when we don't get it on time! Read more...

disco nota desire

MEMO for LOVERS So it's not really the easiest time for love lately; there's too much personal-growth tension in the air to really flow with romantic good times, for many of us... There's Saturn square Neptune squashing delusions all over the place, and our most cherished illusions are so often the idealised, soul-matey romantic ones, yes? And Neptune loves a dreamy, completely unrealistic, complex soulmate scenario... Read more

blue new moon

NEW MOON CLARITY coming right UP New Moon in Aries, 9.23pm tomorrow, April 7th, AEST -and it's going to be a stunner! And it's worth making a note of the exact time of this one (as above), because we ideally schedule any bold or decisive moves/conversations/action after that time, and not a moment before. And here's why: Read more


Venus rocks into Aries 2.50am tomorrow, AEST, so we wake up with a new found spring in our step, creative mojo and sassy personal confidence. And she arrives just in time for a super-empowering, refreshing New Moon in Aries on April 7th; so the shift into the more vibrant, dynamic, confident energy of the Ram couldn’t be more decisive. Our values are about to shift toward bolshie self-expression, no matter what; and a healthy willfulness about changing our lives Read more...

Joan Jett

APRIL REWARDS the BRAVE HEARTED April scopes are up, and it's a wild ride coming at us! The South Node/Chiron action is dredging up all kinds of ancient angst and dodgy, nostalgic emo trips; but pretty much everything else on the astro scape says stay strong by forging ahead already and courageously embracing the thrills and spills of the future! The stars are full of squares and oppositions which means challenge, tension and forced growth...which is good! Read more


ECLIPSORAMA, AGAIN Coming at us 11pm tonight, a Lunar Eclipse (aka hyperdrive Full Moon on crack) in Libra. Libra Moons tend to pick up on whatever we are currently feeling around romance, relationships generally, beauty and art. Do we have it, are we good at it, do we have the balance right etc -and this one is no exception. Read more...

Cassy Gordon

MARS in SAGITTARIUS Part 1 Mars is currently taking a break from his extensive 2016 interlude in seething Scorpio to cut loose in adventurous, rollicking Sagittarius for a while... Sag is all about personal freedom, and will fight tooth and nail for that particular imperative; anybody who has ever tried to control a Sag type person's enthusiasm, or break their stride knows all about the fury of a caged animal .. Read more

Dennis Ziliotto

Love goddess Venus just into dreamy Pisces, which Venus totally adores; Venus is officially exalted in Pisces, where she gets to swan around and unleash her full, mystically feminine, born-of-a-conch-shell, mysteriously glamorous allure ... Venus is strong here, and why not give her free reign to inspire, delight, enchant and turn us on? Read more

gulfem Talha2

ECLIPSORAMA New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces today, 12.54pm AEDT. New Moons are always a blast of fresh new energy; a sort of turning away from the past and viewing future possibilities more clearly, and Eclipses are particualrly magical in this regard. And this one is extra interesting: It's in Pisces -feelings are wildly tidal, we are highly imaginative and magical manifestation is super powerful right now.

jessica chastain as merida for disney

MARCH HOROSCOPES are UP It's a rollicking, dynamic month. with Randy, Action planet Mars into gallavanting Sagittarius. Jupiter and the Destiny Point still luring us toward our true life path, and Chiron on board healing any emo crap we need to ditch in order to get there. Jupiter in a lucrative trine with Pluto... read more

VENUS in AQUARIUS SASS Love Goddess Venus is now in Aquarius (from Feb 17th-March 12th), where we are enjoying a more liberated approach to love, mating, beauty and art. Venusian values tend to favour prerogatives like giddy romantic attraction, personal desirability, beauty and aesthetics, whilst Aquarius is possibly the most platonically inclined sign of all; tending to prioritise things like loyalty, friendship, intellectual compatability, high-end principles... Read more

Early 1900s postcard by Reutlinger

When the Moon is full in gracious, perfectionist Virgo we all want to get busy nailing the details, control freaking the fuq out of everything and acheiving superhuman feats of awesome productivity WHILST swanning about with an air of immaculately groomed unruffled composure... Read more...

blue new moon

This AQUA ECLIPSE is TOTALLY HELPFUL We are under the rays of an Aquarius New Moon Eclipse today; exact 1.38 this morning AEDT so we have hopefully all woken up with a zingy, fresh new attitude this morning, and ready to keep the positive Qi flowing for the rest of the month... New Moons are always a blast of clean, clear new emotional perspective and especially an Eclipse; where we download powerful new cosmic possibilities... Read more...

paco peregrin

VENUS does PLUTO Have you noticed the emotional temperature rising lately, and the frisson of whatever sexual tensions or creative/biz ambitions in our lives becoming insanely obvious/in need of addressing asap??? I predict a few tricky affairs are going to come to light this week, as will secret crushes /infatuations/deep loves that only need... Read more...


FEBRUARY will be MORE FUN February scopes are up. February is here, and promises to be more fun than whatever the fuq has been going down lately- I mean seriously, early Jan did get 2016 off to a rocky start, huh? And the thing is that all this electrical energy we've been dealing with is a necessary shake-up, to prepare us for the inevitable fact that 2016 is a massive, thrilling, scary, ready-or-not year of kick-ass change! Read more

via tumblr classy glam

VENUS is ALWAYS CLASSY in CAPRICORN The love goddess pulls herself together, polishes up her act and marches firmly into Capricorn from Jan 24th till mid Feb. Our values now lean toward a tougher work ethic, embracing our most unapolagetically pragmatic, lucrative ambitions and a bit of sexy, fiercely dignified self-control in all things. Read more


LEO FULL MOON ...are we gonna WALK our TALK or WHAT? Leo is all about living our passions boldly, from the heart, no matter what. So the rising tides of the Full Moon in Leo -exact 12.45pm, Jan 24th- make courageous, authentic living pretty much an emotional necessity at this point... Read more

via itssymmetrical.blogspot

DESTINY CALLING “Destiny is usually just around the corner. Like a thief, a hooker, or a lottery vendor: its three most common personifications. But what destiny does not do is home visits. You have to go for it.” ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind Read more...

david bowie

BEAUTIFUL BOWIE We're in Capricorn season, and an extraordinary Capricorn Man has just passed away... An artist of the highest order, a rebel and innovator, a cooler than cool inspiration...vale David Bowie. And yes, we can be heroes... thank you for reminding us David x

PLUTONIC NEW MOON New Moons are always a download of fierce, refreshed work ethic in Capricorn; and Pluto on board basically multiplies this times a million! Want to really get ahead, and realize some satisfying personal achievement in the coming month? Ok, how much gritty perseverence, and genuine, sustainable determination do you have up your sleeve? cos it's kinda time to get in touch with that! Read more...

helmut newton, darryl hannah

THANK GOODNESS for MOON IN SAG How fuqing intense has this week been???? Everyone seems to be dealing with techie nightmares, hard-core emo shizz, and I think every client I've seen this week is in the midst of some heavy break-up/romance hell..Anyway thank goodness for these few days of Moon in Sag, to give us a little rising-above-it levity... Read more...

cat phone meme

MERCURY RETRO is HERE These few days are often called the 'storm phase' of Mercury retrograde; and a great time to watch out for especially fraught mis-communication; Read more


SCORPING The Moon is in slithering Scorpio today, and hot on the heels of Mars newly in Scorpio... Intense much?? Read more...


MARS IS BACK, SEXY as HELL in SCORPIO...this time we're gonna get it RIGHT Mars hit Scorpio from Jan 4th-March 9th this year, where he began to wake us up to our full, primal personal potential, and now he's back for a second bite of the apple from May 27th-August 2nd. Mars LOVES being in Scorpio, it's the ancient sign of his rulership (long story), and he aint forgotten it! Read more...

designer of my own catastrophe

URANUS & MERCURY are gonna MESS with your SWEET MIND Innovative Uranus is about our crazy-cool, fabulous big-picture schemes for 2016 and yes, we're full of them as Uranus turns direct for the New Year. But Mercury is the details of how we're going to make this shizz work... Read more

eyes open gif

TIME to WAKE UP, it's 2016 and JANUARY HOROSCOPES are HERE! Happy 2016.... and welcome to the year we are all going to awaken and create a fresh, liberated new paradigm for ourselves... read more

helmut newton,sag

VENUS is one WILD MAMA in SAGITTARIUS So Venus just can't wait to bust a move in freewheeling Sagittarius- from 5.16pm Dec 30th AEDT The feminine principle of Venus really claims her wild, Artemesian, wilderness, untamed I am woman hear me roar aspect in Sag. Venus rule values and the primary value of Sag is to be Free. And not just a little bit loose within the confines of a broader, oppressive regime but actually, no-compromise, captain of her own destiny... read more


HAPPY FESTIVUS FULL MOON Full Moon in Cancer coming up, and as you've no doubt already gathered it's exact at 10.11pm on Christmas Day AEDT. That would be coming up to peak Cancerian familial, comfort eating, communing-with-thy-tribe emo love fest OR discord just as we're all digesting the day's banquet, pouring yet another champers... read more

romance wtf

ROMANCE WTF So Venus is trine Neptune this week, exact today. This sort of thing is often associated with divine, kismet-kissed true romance, I mean Venus rules love and Neptune is all magical and soul-matey, so what could possibly go wrong?? Read more


A MOON to BREAK the RULES BY New Moon in Sagittarius, exact 9.29 tonight AEDT. I was going to say that Saggitarian energy is all about breaking the rules, but now that I think about it; real Saggies are more likely to swan around completely oblivious that there are any rules Read more

venus in scorpio

VENUS in SCORPIO DOESN'T GIVE a FUQ I've said this before, but it's worth noting that Venus is said to be in her 'detriment' in Scorpio. Is this because Venus is meant to be the ultimate sweety-pie, people pleasing 'girly' feminine archetype, and Scorpio is pure, raw, fuq-you sexual voraciousness -and those two things are meant to be mutually exclusive? read more

Mars conjunct Lilith

The WARRIOR & the BITCH GODDESS HOOK UP?? The raw masculine power of Mars is already having to polish up is act, stay classy and you know, control his more primal urges in luvvy Libra. And now he meets the original woman-on-top, queen Lilith herself. read more

Gemini Full  Moon

Now The Full Moon reveals how we're really feeling about things; and Gemini is usually a pretty flighty, scatty and emotionally elusive energy re this read more

We are Awakening

Need cheering up from the political/eco shit-storm happening around us? Here is the most exquisite poem from the always wonderful Rob Brezny... "This is a perfect moment. It's a perfect moment for many reasons, but especially because you and I are waking up from our sleepwalking, thumb-sucking, dumb-clucking collusion with the masters of delusion and destruction."" Thanks to them, from whom the painful blessings flow, we are waking up. read more


So macho Mars is now in elegant Libra, from 8.40am today(AEDT), until early January.  Mars is considered to be in 'detriment' in Libra; basically because Mars is supposed to epitomize the masculine principle, and is potentially too poncy in girly-girl Libra. I mean Mars is supposed to charge around fighting battles and getting stuff done, and Libra is far to polite a sign to accommodate Mars' lust for conquest, right? read more

New Moon in Scorpio, 4.47am 12th Nov, AEDT. ​​   The New Moon is a rush of beautiful, clean new energy and in Scorpio the energy is about raw, limbic potency, our powers of personal regeneration and our sexily authentic connections with one another.    So we wake up tomorrow morning feeling freshly determined, full of libidinous vitality, hungry like the wolf and ready to Embrace The Day in all it's throbbing, transformative potential. Grrrr. Read more

Venus in LIBRA is a BEAUTIFUL thing

Venus in LIBRA is a BEAUTIFUL thing Love Goddess Venus has been recently loving it up with her lover Mars, and now she hits her stride in Libra, from Nov 9th. So Venus in in her element, and super potent right now: She is in one of the signs of her rulership. The Venusian imperative for beauty, romance and art reaches peak potency in Libra; our aesthetic sensibilities, relationship skills and beauty regime are all exquisitely right on this month... Read More

Romance Time? Read More

Dios de la Muerte So I just had a bunch of kids yelling 'trick or treat' at our front door and I'm like 'what, when did this start happening in Australia??' Read more

November is TOTALLY LOVED UP! November scopes are up. And just in time for the lovely love action that is Venus conjunct Mars; exact from Nov 1st-3rd. Yes, the next 3 days are resonant with romantic promise, savvy partnership decisions, new/renewed passion and hot (in a classy way) hook ups. We are all sophisticated, genuine, beautiful lovers, friends and partners now...check your scopes to see which aspect of your life is currently love-blessed... Read More

we LOVE a COW MOON Full Moon in deliciously earthy Taurus tomorrow, exact 11.05pm Oct 27th. We have plenty of action in the other earth signs already; what with greedy Jupiter in Virgo triggering our bigger appetites via brooding Pluto in Capricorn. And Venus/Mars teasing us with some not-yet-resolved love story in perfectionist Virgo. Read more








It's ANOTHER ECLIPSE, folks Read More





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