Watch out- Venus gets down with a spunkier attitude in Scorpio -from November 8th -December 2nd.
I've pointed out before that Venus is said to be in her 'detriment' in Scorpio -and yes it can be a tricky placement. A friend of mine amusingly suggested there ought to be an actual support group for people with this astro natally; because it's just so bloody too-hot-to-handle & intense -it can be a bit much for some! But I say that's just because the raw authenticity, primal allure and fuq-off-respect-my-privacy mystique of Scorpio challenges our conditioning to see the Venusian, feminine archetype in simplistic, pleasing terms. But then I have Scorpio Venus natally & I'm in a bitch of a mood with Saturn on my Ascendant right now- so I would say that, lol.
Because Venus, the Queen of Heaven and one of our most ancient, powerful figures of autonomous female potency LOVES being in Scorpio -it's her annual chance to get down and dirty and pursue her own pleasures on her own terms; and could give a fuq if anyone else approves of her fierce sexuality, libidinous lust for life and controversial creative brilliance or not. She is mysterious, impossibly enigmatic, ridiculously romantically passionate (when in love), hawt and really doesn't care who knows it.

So Venus rules love and romance. Suffice to say that she aint about sweety-pie, easy-street relating here; it's usually more loaded than that, one way or the other...

We are most likely doing deep, devotional intimacy in a committed love affair OR bravely thrashing out the complex emo of some entanglement/attraction drama OR chasing edgy erotic thrills cos yes we can OR holding our own with self-contained composure & dignity; because we have an internal locus of power & have our desire nature in check & don't need anyone to complete us, so there! Ha, Scorpio Venus is the most likely to make eyes at you across the room (or across the dinner table)-and you don't know whether she wants to bed you instantly or marry you OR it's actually a death-stare (lol) telling you to leave her the fuq alone- I told you it was tricky!

Although I must say this is all ameliorated greatly by Venus conjunct brash, confident Jupiter around Nov 14th. This lends the whole month- and particularly mid-November a more restless, spontaneous, adventurous response to all this Scorpio intensity. We could suddenly decide that yes we can take a risk on big love (or even just a delightfully sexy flirtation) because we don't need to take the vulnerability so damn seriously-which could be lovely?

Or maybe get ready for some very candid reveals in our most important relationships- to keep it fearlessly real, ready or not?

Or of course we could be so busy rocking our own travel/creative adventure to even worry about romance?

And Venus rules beauty. The Scorpio look is typically dark and brooding, but we like to keep our mystery so not too obvious. Dramatic, but not flashy; perhaps one amazing, vintage piece that harks back to a more mysterious era.

Seductive, but not trashy; perhaps a hint of flesh or an outfit that covers us up but just body-con, figure hugging enough to make it interesting. Clothes that make us wriggle when we walk but keeps em guessing as to what lies beneath the outfit.

And what does lie beneath is of course really good quality, well designed lingerie. Or-ok, nothing?

And a smouldering, smoky eye is always a Scorpy winner, or perhaps a darker, more dramatic lip colour. Or some uniquely beautiful, talismanic jewellery, with which you energetically resonate and which makes you feel magically empowered.
And a pheremone enhancing, hypnotically rich floral scent which wafts behind you as you move, and leaves people looking around in a perplexed, intrigued state of semi-arousal...

Yes the Venus Scorpio look is intriguing, hot and hard to pin down -however subtle or dramatically we're rocking it.
And Venus rules creativity; in Scorpio we use it to confront and express our deeper emotional issues via the creative process -perhaps to make more powerful, challenging art and perhaps to cultivate a little more authentic self awareness?

Happy Scorpio Venus x
Image 1: Vanessa Paradis by Paolo Roversi.
Image 2: Michael Marcheco
Image 3: Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward
Image 4: Cristian Girotto.
Image 5: Kat Irlin for Ralph Lauren
Image 6&7: unable to find original source for these pics
Image: 8:Vogue Paris December 1990. Gown by Yves Saint Laurent. Photograph by Paolo Roversi.
Image 9: Inez van Lamsweerdeand Vinoodh Matadin
Image 10: Helmut Newton
Image 11: Helmut Newton