Yes it's Leo season and the August scopes are up here to guide us, as we strut through this fabulous month...
First of all it's also Eclipse season! We have an Aquarius partial Lunar Eclipse on the 8th, featuring lucky Jupiter and an awesome Mars/Destiny Point directive to fire up and seize the day -the Destiny Point is our soul path/future calling us and Mars is the bravado, guts and genuine effort required to make it happen -get it? It's one of those 'if not now when?' moments
Then we have a Full Solar Eclipse on the 22nd, also with the Mars/Destiny Point magic and sparky Uranus to liberate our mind and Saturn/Lilith to ground any actions in authentic integrity, spunk and pragmatic nous.
So yes, passionate, visionary, courageous living or go home please...
Not to mention the Jupiter/Pluto square: when the lucky god of brazen largesse, fearless expansiveness and overindulgence squares off with the primal god of deep transformation/sexual obsession/financial lucre/gutsy personal power and facing our demons... in Eclipse season, which dredges up all our emotional realities... well it's sort your shiz out and thrive (cos anything less sucks, basically) ready or not!
Oh and Mercury retrograde from Aug 15th... there'll be plenty of time to re-evaluate plans/finesse the details (but no signing contracts etc till after Sept 5th) and unpack all sorts of communication 'issues' for a good time and nailing our relationship dynamics.
Ooh yeh August has got. our. number. Let's pick up the phone and get the message (to labour the metaphor), and work it, baby. Happy August x