Delicious Leo New Moon to turn us on , exact 12.41pm Aug 19th, AEST.
New Moons are always a fresh emotional perspective, and in Leo we are tuned into our warmest, most authentic feelings and life affirming instincts to live with beautiful, brazen confidence. This really is a blast of positive, growling, spunky lust for life -I mean especially with this bitch of a year we're dealing with, yay about time!
Especially in aspect to Mars/Lilith in Aries, for the bravado we need to live large & follow our dreams fearlessly, and also on top of clever Mercury to keep us organised, details oriented & savvy about our next move. It's such a brilliant combo to manifest what we want in life, because we believe in ourselves & willing to do the work to get it right huh?
And in our personal lives we are magnanimous, genuinely caring and wonderfully emotionally generous. Ooh la la this could be gorgeous for our romantic connections, which are vibing pretty damn hot & passionate. Even if Mars/Lilith are driving certain combative sexual tension/power trips in the background, this Moon is all about loving large & magnificently anyway, which can overcome quite a lot to be honest. Including all of our relationships -platonic/family etc, it's a great time to let our loved ones know they matter, the better to support one another as best we can.
And also our creative confidence is fully fired up here. If we are trying to pull off some arty/biz venture on the sheer vitality of our raw talent & self belief, I'm here to tell you this could be the perfect time to make a courageous move on making our dreams come true! Oh my god, it feels like we've earned it by now...
Happy Leo New Moon folks -this one brings some welcome, brilliant moxy to live like we mean it x