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Aquarius New Moon is here, exact 11.30pm Jan 29th, AEDT.

So New Moons are always a fresh emotional perspective, and in Aquarius we like to approach things from as cerebral a perspective as possible.

Of course this can be a contradiction-trying valiantly to analyse and understand the true meaning of our feelings, in an effort to avoid actually feeling them. This is a commonly commented upon aspect of Aqua energy, detaching rather than experiencing the nitty gritty, messy reality of human emotions. Spiritual bypassing or whatever. But it must be said that Aqua energy, at it's best does have access to profound cosmic wisdom, not to mention a solid sense of idealistic principles, to behave with integrity in our personal lives and universal love in the world. And gosh we could use some of that at this point, right??

Especially the big news throbbing away in the background-Pluto now officially getting serious in Aquarius. We are becoming a lot more primal, about how the power of our principles & idealistic beliefs can transform our real life experience. If we are willing to be immaculate with our word and right action in the world! I bring this up because this New Moon activates Mercury almost exactly conjunct Pluto, in Aqua. Suddenly we get a clue, about the fundamental synergy between our belief systems and manifesting magic-the more we remain emotionally congruent as we go.

Especially with a spectacular stellium of Venus, Neptune & Destiny Point in Pisces, nearly exact for this New Moon. Our creative & romantic hopes and dreams are so inspired here-because genuinely aligned with our personal growth and spiritual purpose in the world. With Saturn also in Pisces-for the emotional, creative & spiritual discipline to keep it real, rather than just fantasising about it.

So I'm just saying this Moon had the potential to be utterly sublime, if we keep our intentions high frequency! Happy Aquarius New Moon, folks x

Image: unable to find original credit, for this cool picture.


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