It's Eclipse season, and the Aquarius New Moon of Feb 16th is our partial Solar Eclipse for the month.
The pure, inspirational power of this Moon is lit up by the sparky combination of visionary Aqua ruler Uranus, clever Mercury and lucky Jupiter. This is the gift of really understanding our capacity for conscious intention: when our mind is as clear as a bell and we take full responsibility for the thoughts/expectations/belief systems we are are projecting into the world, the world around us changes and we begin to really grasp the meaning of magical manifestation. Yes, our potential to attract positive events and transformations in our lives according to our thinking clearly, optimistically and-crucially-walking our talk on this is that good right now!
And for the lovers out there it's fab that it comes on top of Valentines Day and preparing for the mystical, soulmatey kismet of Venus/Neptune by Feb 22nd. If you're calling in love keep those romantic intentions clear, high end and emotionally congruent for best results, obviously.
This is so innovative, liberating and fun-let's do it huh?
Happy New Moon x