Image: Samuel Quinn
New Moon in Libra coming 6.11am October 20th, AEDT. New Moons are always a fresh new perspective and emotional clarity; and this one specialises in arty creativity, beauty, biz savvy and good old romance...
We are all inspired to get our classy, dolce vita, stylish attitude on -because living well matters, don't you know?
And a renewed appreciation for the loveliest relationships in our lives, the better to keep it sweet, harmonious and rewarding for the rest of the month; because love and our loved ones matter-perhaps more than anything else huh? And Libra energy is always great for reminding us of this.

And the big influence for this Moon is an exact, sparky opposition with maverick Uranus. It's not exactly cruising along in autopilot or relying on any predictable comfort zone here! It's blowing open any expectations we've been carrying, in favour of a more liberated/liberating attitude and the emotional flexibility to ride any sudden new circumstances and wild emotional/romantic/professional reveals (yes they're way more likely to present this week) with ease and grace.
It's kind of cool, kind of kooky and super inspiring if we're open to fab new possibilities right now, so if in doubt about how to plan the rest of the week I say expect the unexpected for sure -and don't forget to have fun with it!

Image: A Llama in Times Square. New York. 1957. - Inge Morath – Magnum Photos
Happy Libra Full Moon x