Full Moon in Leo, exact 4.28am Feb 6th, AEDT.
As I mentioned in the Feb horoscopes, this month is a reflective time; to prepare for big planetary shifts that stimulate our growth, from March onwards this year. Which ok may have us all churned up, as we feel changes coming on a gut level -we don't quite understand how it will play out yet? Ideally we are switched on to our emotional intelligence, to focus our clearest intentions in the meantime, right?
So meanwhile, Full Moons are always a rising up of whatever emo has been brewing lately -in Leo we seek alignment with our positive ego. Yes we can poke fun at the show pony, attention seeking aspect of Leo energy; and you know what, it can be fun to show off sometimes, with life affirming confidence in our spunky, charismatic creative expression!
But that's not all that's going on here. We are connecting with our Dharma; the deep sense of our meaningful purpose in the world, that we came here to embrace. And we shine most brightly, when lit up with this understanding of our personal destiny:
Because this Moon is all about squaring Uranus and the North Node, conjunct in Taurus.
-Uranus is the game changing energy, to do with the collective/cultural zeitgeist evolving in the most liberating way. And how each of us can feel connected to this dynamic; doing our bit to keep it conscious, high end and geared toward positive, innovative outcomes for everyone.
-North Node, which I call the Destiny Point is the imperative we all feel within us; to recognise the call toward whatever future direction we have come here to strive toward. Our personal purpose, that only we can understand the powerful sense of accomplishment-as we individually grab our courage to grow beyond our comfort zone, toward our optimum, visionary potential.
-In Taurus we figure out practical, prosperous ways to thrive and enjoy the life we want to live, for our own satisfaction. Also participating in collective growth; to find our niche with our immediate tribe, social scene and broader cultural evolution-that actually works. In other words, Dharma?
Wow let's grab the visionary inspiration coming up. Happy Leo Full Moon x
Image: original credit, the wonderful Starchild Tarot.