The warrior god, Mars is quite active right now, triggering the lucrative, rut busting Pluto-Jupiter square that's building for August (more on that later) and right now (exact July 3rd) opposing power tripper Pluto!
This a fully tetchy, libidinous, spoiling for a scrap, cruising for a bruising, testosterone driven, power-trippy, passionate, primal, growlingly, limbic fight or fuq/force of nature dynamic for sure...

And with so much raw power to be harnessed here -what are we going to do with it? It's really worth a bit of deliberate focus about where we direct our energy right now. Even more than most astro influences the question really is whether we use this energy for good or evil?
We can be aggro, confrontative for the sake of it, control trippy, destructo egomaniacs if we succomb to our lower impulses this week.

Yeah no, let's not, it could get ugly real fast!

Better to stay cool, do our own spunky thing with (yes) shamanic self-awareness and wait for a bigger, more interesting adventure than boring old control fuqery to guide us forward...

And if we must deal with with any conflicts/nasty power dynamics in our lives this week to tune into an internal locus of power and hold our own with genuine courage and integrity, for maximum personal growth and self mastery.

And then there is the undeniably volcanic, ferocious sexual energy of this astro.

Attractions right now are more likely to be on the combative, fiery sexual tension, fractious end of the scale.

Or even you know, inappropriate/thrill of the forbidden type chemistry.

And of course this also primo opportunity to deepen a connection with genuinely courageous passion, for a scarier but so much more rewarding level of intimacy.

In love, war or personal transformation; our capacity to nail the power dynamic and thrive right now is tangible! But it must be with integrity and honour; because the rewards of getting it right are so satisfying -and
anything less is likely to blow up in our faces, basically. It's a week to choose wisely x
Image 1: Abbas Jafri
Image 2: cute cat gif,
Image 3: Game of Thrones
Image 4: Jimmy Nelson
Image 5: Game of Thrones
Image 6: unknown source
Image 7: Danielle Long, Ciscardi
Image 8: paso doble, unknown source
Image 9: 'Suits', BBC
Image 10: Bob Dylan and Sarah Lownds
Image 11: Pretty Woman, Richard Gere and Julia Roberts