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So March is here, and the scopes are up as we traverse the many options coming at us in 2021:

I mean March is magical Pisces season, where we love to dream up new possibilities for ourselves -some more practical than others lol. And the background astro going on this month is practical, control freak Saturn in Uranus ruled, rebel Aquarius in a tense square with Uranus currently stirring up our comfort zone in Taurus. So gosh we are in such a tangential space of how to find profound growth & freedom within restrictive circumstances; or how living with the ultimate freedom of full personal choice about everything is where we really find the disciplined, personal integrity to make the right choices for ourselves & everyone else. Know what I mean?

Especially Mars in Gemini from the 4th reveals the multiplicity of enchanting paths calling us forward, and we have to choose wisely where we direct our precious energy...

Also the mystical New Moon in Pisces of the 13th and the more dynamic Full Moon in Libra of the 29th are fully driven by beautiful Venus. So our emotional imperative this month is art, creative expression and loving one another as much as possible in all of our relationships. Yes it's all about fab romantic thrills this month, and also caring for all of our loved ones as best we can. Whilst respecting our own boundaries & individuality as we go, of course.

More detail for your sign, with the horoscopes here. Let's make March matter, and have fun being our best selves in the world x


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