So how are we feeling after that Full Moon in Libra last night? To the extent Full Moons are a rising up of whatever emotions have been lurking around all month; Libra is ideally a chance to find our equilibrium with a bit of healthy balance between the head & the heart to make sense of it all. And harmonise any relationship dynamics-Libra being such a partnership oriented sign, to move forward more on track with whoever we're supposed to be connected with right now...
Yes, great. But I tell you what, having wild child Uranus electrifying this Moon has thrown a spanner in the works big time huh? Things haven't been going according to plan, and certainly kyboshed any illusion that we can shmoozily control freak our loved ones -and that's not necessarily a bad thing!
Some of us have been riding a wave of electrifying, passionate chemistry with someone special-with game changing, positive potential that we couldn't have seen coming until now? Ooh la la this could be amazing! And some of us are deconstructing certain tricky relationships, to rise up again with a fresh perspective to move forward -or if not, ready to face that fact with a healthy capacity to move on?? And/or our relationship with ourselves, and our own feelings just got a bit more real for a fresh, balanced comfortability in our own skin?
Either way we're ready to break old relational patterns, with a sudden alacrity that could astound even the most stubbornly, emotionally rigid amongst us. So as we look around at the aftermath of this Full Moon today, let's acknowledge whatever shift has just presented itself in our personal connections -and how ready we are to do something emotionally intelligent, brave and positive about it.
Happy Libra Full Moon, folks x
Image:unable to find source for this lovely picture.