June is here, and the scopes are up.
In Gemini season is normal, to become aware of the multiplicity of choices available to us. We tune into our multi-faceted nature, endlessly fascinated by our paradoxical desires and various ideas-pulling us in all sorts of different directions....
And With expansive Jupiter, fresh into Gemini as June begins! So this Gemini season, and for the next 12 months we come to terms with next level yearning, to figure out our true direction-amongst all the white noise of any trivial nonsense going on around us. Activating our restless desire; to explore exciting new adventures and embrace our meaningful, positive potential for personal & collective growth.
Especially Jupiter exactly trine Pluto early June-we are so ready to move forward, phoenixing into an empowering, transformative new chapter of our lives.
Especially Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries, early June. We temper our fierce lust for life, with intelligent choices about directing our energy in ways that cultivate our own wellbeing, and take care of one another.
And we get to be so creative about this, as June is beautifully Venusian! With the Gemini New Moon of June 6th exactly conjuct Venus, and the Capricorn Full Moon of June 22nd, opposite Venus:
Such inspiration to dream wisely, as we manifest the life path that calls us forward right now. As we cultivate loving relationship with ourselves, with permission to believe in our dreams.
And loving relationships with one another. The force is strong, with Love Goddess Venus this month!
Sweet romance, flirty come ons, sexy attraction, renewed desire & compatibility with our partners...depending on our situation. And harmonious connection with all the people around us. Ideally to foster peace & love in our personal lives, and the wider world.
Happy June folks, let's dream wisely and make the most of it x
And much more detail for your sign this month, with the June horoscopes.