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The Capricorn Full Moon is here, exact 8.17pm, July 21st AEST.

And of course the most notable thing to begin with, is this is the second Capricorn Full Moon in a row, after the Cap full Moon of June 22nd. It's extremely rare, to have two Full Moons in the same sign like this; as lunations tend to move through all the 12 signs consecutively, each month like clockwork.

So apparently, we are supposed to be paying particular attention to Capricorn energy, right now? So let's muse on some basic Cap themes, in no particular order:

Discipline. Maturity. Personal responsibility. Work ethic. Ambition. Money. Materialism. Personal integrity. Authority. Control. Power trips. Commitment. Respecting our elders. Duty. Wisdom. Tradition. Devotion to family. Also don't forget, for all Cappies modern reputation about conservative, status quo? The ancient motif of the Sea Goat reveals the more mystical nature of Cap energy, aligning with cosmic rhythms for a meaningful sense of purpose in the world. So how do all feel, about these kind of qualities emotionally and in our personal & public lives right now?

Also the planetary influences here are awesome!

The big news is Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius-trine Uranus in Taurus and EXACTLY trine Mars, fresh into Gemini. And this Moon in various aspects to Chiron in Aries, Neptune in Pisces and Mercury in Leo:

A radical new perspective, on whatever comfort zone we may have been getting into a rut about? Ideally we are suddenly inspired by transformative personal, spiritual & emotional growth that feels genuinely empowering. The better to come together collectively with our family, friends & community for exciting growth we can all share. Know what I mean?

And of course it's still Cancer season-to be honest with ourselves about how we feel, and look after one another as best as possible.

Happy Capricorn Full Moon folks, let's be solid in our integrity, beautifully wise and keep our minds open to wildly innovative new possibilities x


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