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Leo New Moon, to warm the cockles of our heart, exact 8.43pm August 4th, AEST.

To the extent New Moons are a fresh emotional perspective, in Leo we are beautifully heart based, and courageous emotionally. Feels like a passionate rush of lust for life, creative confidence and genuine affection for one another. Especially with Venus also in Leo, to keep it sweet. We embrace our talent with healthy creative discipline, our sexy charisma with gracious charm and our romantic adventures with generous, affectionate devotion. Venusian Leo vibes are so delicious...

And this Moon sextile Mars/Jupiter, conjunct in Gemini. For exuberant enthusiasm, that we can do everything all at once-charming the hell out of everyone as we go. Unstoppable bravado much?

Yes, but we also have to bear in mind Venus in the last degree of Leo today; ready to cruise into Virgo tomorrow and meet Mercury turning retrograde. Gah, it suddenly gets complicated?? Well, it's certainly an intelligent reality check! We are about to slow down for a minute, to figure out the veracity of our most audacious endeavours and hot blooded love action.

I mean specifically, if we think about whatever buzz is turning us on today? We are wise to prepare for Mercury retro on the 29 Leo degree of Venus for this Moon, August 15th; for the humility to learn from any little mistakes and finesse our attitude. The better to be ready for Mercury direct over 29 Leo degree, Sept 8th to charge forward with next level clarity. So the full potential of this Moon could be playing out for a while...something to look forward to, huh?

Lets embrace the gloriously positive vibes today, with the suave intelligence that we still have a few details to figure out-patience is a lovely superpower here. Happy Leo New Moon, folks x

And more detail about how this Moon plays out for your sign, with the August horoscopes here.

Image: unable to find original credit, for this fab picture.


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