Watch out, a powerful, Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in the big-hearted, hot-blooded sign of Leo in league with the Destiny Point and Love Goddess Venus is upon us-exact 0.26am Feb 1st AEDT -it's kinda thrilling:
We have no choice but to embrace the big, powerful passions arising right now, because they're just so goddamn real! We are drawn instinctively, inexorably toward whatever significant emotional attractions are calling our name -whether its big, true love or magnetic chemistry or inspiring creative collaborations or spiritual, soulmate recognition-or any combination of the above. It's all about feeling one another with deep authenticity and generous emotional warmth; because some of the connections we are cultivating right now could be around for a very long time and/or game changing catalysts for our personal growth, so very much worth following our heart on, yes?
And beyond love, this is also a magnificent Moon for embracing our own, brilliant autonomous self expression in the world. It's all about following our dreams -the more visionary, courageous and heartfelt the better.
Perhaps we have some creative/arty talent we're busting to get out there, and find our voice in the world/promote a little more confidently? Or just strutting around, showing off our brazen spunk in the world for no other reason than it feels so good to honestly feel good about ourselves -yes this is a totally acceptable motivation with a Leo Full Moon.
And with another Eclipse coming up with the New Moon of Feb 16th; we're entering Eclipse season, folks. Let's brace ourselves to live large, walk our talk like we mean it and follow our beautiful heart no matter what. Happy Leo Eclipse x
Ok and if all else fails and you're emo-ing out over some crazy scenario anyway: here's some fun 80's inspo for it