So we know that Mars is midway through an extended, 6 month transit of Aquarius right now, where innovative approaches and the power of the mind trump brute force. And we know that Mars is also still retrograde -where fighting/forcing gets us nowhere but cool planning gets us everywhere...
But we also need to know that Mars has now popped backwards for a brief stint in Capricorn, one of his favourite signs! Mars just loves the fierce determination & gritty work ethic of Capricorn -it's where he shines as an unstoppable success machine and so do we. Ready to go conquer the world much?
But wait, hold your horses- Mars is still retrograde! Another 10 days of gathering our strength and calm calculated preparation is in order; the better to charge forth with a clear, self-aware, perfected plan by the time Mars moves forward and gathers momentum from August 27th. The first half of September, with Mars direct in Capricorn, is brilliant for launching any biz enterprise we've been brewing, or just strutting around with a clearer, more dynamic moxy for a good time & to open doors in life biz, sexy flirtation in the world whatever.
Then, from mid Sept we have another 2 months of Mars in Aqua; for the freedom to spin all that successful momentum into whatever cool, tangential new plans are turning us on by then. How fun!