A cute little sextle aspect between Venus & Mars for the next few days is vibing pretty smooth for our love lives folks...
It's a lovely time to trust the flow if we're happily partnered/loved up, or playing with some attraction scenario -existing romantic dynamics are beautifully easy & auspicious under these stars. Because even if we've been struggling with any gnarly relational dynamics with the recent emo-triggering Eclipse, this is a lovely opportunity to ameliorate all that with some gentle mutual understanding -romantic/sexual healing is our thing right now!
And if single & on the prowl, our flirty wiles are so on point-and better than average chances of meeting someone spooky special. Or just having fun playing the field for a good time, and getting a sense of what we really want-to set us up for whenever love chooses to strike future wise?
Because with the Destiny Point pulling this Venus/Mars chemistry together, certain love scenarios brewing right now honestly do have some magical, mystery potential about them. Oh my, our instinctual romantic wisdom & fated kismet meetings have a certain spark going on -are we ready to trust the thrill of this or what??