Full Moon in Gemini coming up, exact 8.01pm, December 15th AEDT. Full Moons are always a rising up of whatever feelings have been brewing throughout the month, and in Gemini our emotional range tends to be quite kaileidoscopic!
On the one hand we can be so overwhelmed with the million facets of our situations and all the different instincts & intuition vying for our attention, can become quite frazzled in Gemini. And want to watch the tendency to just disassociate and act out on a superficial level, or bitch & judge reactively, without trying to understand what is really going on, deep down. On the other hand we can be genius at grasping duality, for the deft emotional touch to play with all the complex, varied feelings rising up. Gemini energy is pretty good at accepting & appreciating all the facets of our experience, with a natural intelligence, when we step out of the judgement frequency. It can actually be a delightful Moon, to lighten up and have some fun with whatever is going on.
Also this Moon is conjunct Jupiter retrograde, in Gemini and square Neptune direct, in Pisces:
Expansive Jupiter wants to act on every impulse all at once, and understand the highest meaning in everything, with the broadest philosophical scope. Which normally keeps up affirmative actions, but of course Jupiter is retro right now-more likely to get bogged down in myriad Gemini details, which Jupiter finds frankly unbearable. So we want to watch our frustration levels! A bit of patience goes a long way, to maintain our positive attitude.
Especially Gemini ruler Mercury, turning direct in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius just in time for this Moon. Jupiter is thrilled that Mercury is getting a handle on broader Sag momentum-but also Mercury in 'storm phase', switching directions for the next few days. So again patience please, we are taking our time to figure out whatever new developments & insights reveal themselves with this Moon...
Neptune wants the visionary, mystical & creative magic. Which can synchronise with Jupiter beautifully, to find the nuance revealing itself with this Moon. We are ok with a bit more emotional complexity, in our relationship with ourselves and others. And a more spiritual & creative perspective, to slow down and align with feels so lovely.
Happy Gemini Full Moon folks x