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Scorpio New Moon coming, exact 3.07pm Nov 15th AEDT, and if I may cut to the chase this one is a cracker of intense transformative challenge; to deal with our self doubt/resistance to change or whatever & embrace such a powerful new lust for life! I mean to the extent New Moons are always a fresh perspective & Scorpio is about spunky, deeply empowered emotional courage, we kind of have no choice but to thrive with gutsy determination right now. As follows:

Scorpio ruler Pluto has been tangling with Saturn recently, for a kick ass chance to confront & overcome our demons with maximum, self-aware personal discipline-aargh it's been kind of real to look in the mirror & deal with what we see right? And do the work to ditch certain illusions, keep it real & become better, more honest & courageous versions of our beautiful selves...

And the reward is lucky Jupiter now exact on Pluto for this Pluto-ruled Scorpio Moon, for such a sexy, regenerative moment to rise from the ashes of whatever shizz we've recently confronted; and rise up singing with renewed positive, exuberant optimism (thank you Jupiter) -way more clear, inspired & excited about the next chapter in this wild ride that has been 2020.

Not to mention Venus, shining bright in her natural element of Libra syncing this Moon; to bring our best talent, charisma, charm & beauty to manifest beautiful new, harmonious & abundant scenarios in our lives.

Also Mars has been lurking around retro in Aries lately, with the frustration of activated, libidinous desires in life but maybe not as much instant gratification as we expected-aargh. Kind of character building as we've figured out which appetites are healthy & which ones no longer serve us, and how to hold back as we scheme & dream the correct path forward sans immediate action. So is kinda perfect that Mars turns direct, to pick up our raw physical energy, actual sexy libido/love action & dynamic ambition from the 16th; just in time to power forward whatever confident self expression/career goals/seduction or intimate connections are calling our name from mid Nov onwards. OMG we could be just about to feel so alive & ready to rock-finally!

Happy Scorpio New Moon folks, lets make it count x

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