New Moon in Aquarius, exact tomorrow, Jan 28th 11.07am, AEDT.
Aqua New Moons are always fresh, sparky and bright with promising, liberating new emotional intent for the month ahead.
Especially with Aqua planet Uranus bouncing off Jupiter right now; we're so up for cool new attitudes to our own emotional well-being, with minimal past baggage weighing down our personal journey; so time to allow some space for fun this week!

Image: via Little Shad
And also cool new emotional rapport/future oriented connections that allow us plenty of oxygen to breathe, dream and fly free with our loved ones.
And on that note we just happen to have TWO sets of astrological lovers hooking up in the skies right now, so this could be an interesting new energy for our love lives:
Sexy Mars rocks into his home turf of Aries right after the New Moon tomorrow, for a libidinous, affirming rush of lust-for-life moxy over the next 5 weeks; and then his lover, Venus follows him into Aries for a hot little maybe/maybe not dalliance in early Feb. Whatever love stories are playing out here may have a lingering question mark- the better to keep the frisson interesting- which will quite possibly reveal greater clarity by the time the lovers meet more decisively by October. So no rush but maybe watch the ideas of Feb for some pointed clues re the broader romantic scope of 2017?
If I may be permitted a naff old skool star wars metaphor, it's kinda like Princess Leia (Venus) coming on to Han Solo (Mars) at the end of Empire Strikes Back; and yes he was into it but not ready to commit -due to being imminently frozen alive- ok and also a bad boy (lol). And we had to wait for the next instalment for him to get his shizz together and them to get it on...

It's a rough analogy, and switch genders or whatever but perhaps we have to give our current entanglements-and they could be promising- a bit of time to play out here?
But we also have a most profound meeting of asteroids Isis and Osiris, the lovers of the Egyptian pantheon exactly conjunct this New Moon.
Theirs is a true soulmate love story; brief version Osiris runs into a real hard time & his devoted wife, Isis roams the world searching for the dismembered pieces of his body & breathes life into his reclaimed form, viola he is healed & their renewed passion lights up the world. In other words Love Conquers All; and it does, if it had integrity in the first place...

Disclaimer. No this is not permission to wait around for some lovelorn/unreciprocated crush, it's telling the difference between the promising real thing and the not-so-much that is so genius here!

​ Image; Aqua dreamboat Paul Newman with his beloved wife, Joanne Woodward.
Let's live free, open our minds to new possibilities and love wisely this New Moon x