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November is here, it's looking good and the scopes are up.

It's kind of all about Jupiter newly in Scorpio; a potent combo of fresh, expansive good fortune with spunky self belief & personal satisfaction. We are all masters and mistresses of our own destiny now! Also jumping in the deep end emotionally, and really feeling where we're at right now; the better to cultivate a healthier, more honest relationship with ourselves and enjoy a fearless, sexy authenticity with our most important connections and entanglements.

Not least because we're getting ready for Saturn to switch signs by Christmas-where any thwarted Sagittarius restlessness is released; freeing us to direct our energy to proper Capricorn style building solid foundations under our feet -the better to fly free, in 2018. It's all about to get easier in coming months and we can feel it coming now!

Meanwhile we have a Taurus Full Moon on the 4th to ground us in our solid emotional truth -the better to be ready to seize the fab new perspective and fresh opportunities of the Scorpio New Moon on the 18th; with a gorgeous Venus/Jupiter conjunction to do so with self awareness and the passionate courage of our convictions.

And Earth Mother Ceres into Capricorn from the 10th helps us to ground and nurture ourselves, for a lovely new sense of health and well being, and with enough pragmatic, savvy to thrive in the material/biz/career world as well.

Yep, it's all about a more solid, healthful grounding in reality and emotional integrity, so we can go chase our wildest dreams with so much more confident self assurance. Happy November!

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