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July is here and the scopes are up. Quite the positively challenging month, to activate our personal, collective & spiritual growth:

We have Mercury and Venus, into Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius. Coming to terms with how to express our own shiny intellectual & creative genius, to be radiant in the world. In a way we can all feel involved in the radical collective evolution going on, in these crazy times. We are all in this together, and to the extent we find our individual niche in the world-is based on our own integrity, dealing with real personal growth. Let alone cosmic growth, as our spiritual imperatives are so calling out name....

We have the Cancer New Moon July 6th, for the emotional intelligence to nurture ourselves and one another, in caring Cancer season.

We have Mars conjunct Uranus, in Taurus exact by July 16th. The real buzz of the month-as we are spectacularly energised by coming to terms with our full, wild and wonderful potential to evolve. Again, the more we come to terms with our own personal growth we get to come together and do it collectively.

Then Mars joins Jupiter in Gemini, from July 21st. To embrace our most visionary, expansive perspective on life. We are so energised by chasing our meaningful, intellectually stimulating schemes & dreams. Radically game changing, transformative growth is on.

Just in time for the Capricorn Full Moon of July 21st, to work our ass off at whatever matters most to us, right now. Especially Capricorn ruler, Saturn retrograde this month. So even if certain delays or temporary challenges are frustrating; this only steels our resolve to strive towards optimum outcomes, with our most determined integrity.

July is both character building and liberating, the more we are excited about it! Ideally our personal, relational, professional, spiritual and collective imperatives align. Lets remain intentional, firm in the courage of our convictions and open minded about wild & wonderful new possibilities, huh?

Image: unable to find original credit, for this fabulous picture.


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