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New Moon today, exact 4,25am Sept 29th AEST, and it's pure Libra loveliness...

New Moons are always a chance for fresh emotional perspective on whatever's going on, and in Libra it's aways more likely to be the quality of healthy, harmonious relating that inspires us.

Especially with this Moon nearly smack bang on the midpoint between Venus & Mars -in other words an emotional clarity pulling the archetypal lovers toward one another. This is a stunning opportunity to tune into the essential romantic chemistry in our relationship, and rekindle the spark/love one another up more than ever? Or if single, more likely to be be aware of some promising attraction coming our way hmmm? It;s basically a sweet mating/dating vibe to enjoy, if we're into that sort of thing...

And ok it's also a bit more complicated, with the wounded healer Chiron opposite this Moon. Our personal vulnerabilities & sensitive issues are surfacing here, and revealing any specific issues in whatever relationship dynamics we're currently dealing with. So it could feel a little tricky; to let love in/establish healthy boundaries & get the balance right, for healthy relating sans blindly reacting/emo meltdowns because our primary wounds have been triggered etc?

Fair enough, but honestly this is such a healing Moon to ameliorate all that. We are so connected to our best emotional intelligence, for gently working through our own feelings for beautiful self acceptance regardless of relationship status. And the better to cultivate mutual understanding, empathy & clear communication to mend any relationship tensions as much as possible. And not just romantic love, all of our important connections benefit from the healing rays of this Moon-family, friends, social, creative/biz interactions are all important & benefit from harmonious relating right now,

Happy Luvvy New Moon x

Image: gorgeous art by Lucy Campbell

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