March is here, it's pretty transformative & and the horoscopes are up, to guide us through...
We have Saturn switching signs, from the gruelling hard work of the last 2.5 years where at least we've had literal, tangible, material goals to strive towards, to the next 2.5 years of lets say, more radical & tangential priorities to focus our personal discipline on. We are thinking about our social interactions & group karma, and whether we want to fall into line with the collective status quo (which is crumbling before our eyes, let's face it), or buck some trends and how to keep our game-changing, maverick, rebellious new attitude as constructive as possible.
We have sexy Mara energising a massively positive meeting of lucky Jupiter with powerhouse Pluto; to grab our primal lust for life from the carnage of the last few months-where our most toxic patterns have been fully exposed & hopefully ditched; and fire up & phoenix into the truly expansive, wonderfully empowered next chapter coming up...
Especially with Venus/Pluto around the 9th we're up for exciting new thrills & spills in love, biz, creativity-and ready to rock!
We have the Full Moon of the 10th with mystical Neptune to inspire & magically manifest our dreams, We have the New Moon of the 24th, wth Lilith & Chiron to reclaim our wilder instincts-and heal any self doubt to be our own, unique, magnificent selves & fuq what anyone thinks right?
And also we have Mercury retro until the 10th, so we want to check the details & mind our communication until after Mercury goes direct mid month...
Let's feel the burn this month, deal with the necessary growth & rise up singing on the other side -more detail for your sign here x
Image: the wonderful Alexandra Valenti