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So how inspired are we feeling coming off the Virgo New Moon, exact 10.51am Sept 7th, AEST?

To the extent New Moons are always a fresh emotional perspective, I feel they are especially sweet with the clean, clear energy of Virgo. We are able to keep our emotions under control in a good way, as in we focus our desires with specific, crystal clear intentions and the clean lifestyle/daily choices to follow through & manifest effectively. Such a lovely kind of gentle discipline, for optimum physical/emotional wellbeing & fulfilling sense of purpose in the world.

I mean also, the tricky side of Virgo New Moon is micro-managing perfectionism to drive ourselves mad with ALL the things we can't control, and hyper sensitive to the white noise of distractions from the chaotic world around us. And gosh the world is so full of insanity we are tempted to be sucked into right now-so we want to watch that right? Especially with this Moon trine radical Uranus retro in security loving Taurus; where our most cherished notions of material stability in our lives are apparently being deconstructed as we speak-gah!

So we whether the storm best by keeping our stance clear and steady focus on the productive, healthy choices we can still make for ourselves on our own terms right?

Happy Virgo New Moon, lets keep it high-frequency, sweet, intentional & inspired x

Image: the wonderful Christian Shloe.


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