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Full Moon in Cancer is upon us, exact 9.27am January 14th, AEDT. And it really is a cracker!

Full Moons are always a rising up, of whatever emo has been brewing lately. And of course in Moon ruled Cancer we are so much more connected to our emotional nature-capacity for nurturing self care, caring for one another, intelligent gut instincts, sooky tantrums and all.

And this Moon is especially intense, courtesy of being conjunct Mars retrograde in Cancer, and exactly sextile Uranus in Taurus. Also trine spooky Neptune in Pisces and the Sun approaching a conjunction with transformative Pluto:

It's really all about Mars in such close proximity to this Moon. The most fiery planet who struggles at the best of times with tidal, moody Cancer energy and particularly dislikes being retrograde. So Mars acutely reveals our most primal emotional needs and desires, specifically the ones we feel most thwarted about expressing and lack of immediate gratification about. Any simmering resentment around unmet needs, lack of progress around relationship dynamics or creative projects we are trying to be passionate about-could be quite the pressure cooker situation!

Especially with Sun/Pluto demanding fierce self awareness, to take responsibility for our own issues and behave with full integrity-no matter how much we are tempted to freak the fuq out, at the slightest provocation. And Uranus reminds us how swiftly we are evolving right now-it's all about personal growth we need to be courageous about. And Neptune reminds us there is magic afoot, which Cancer energy totally gets-to slow down & work creative, manifesting magic behind the scenes, even if it's not about forcing progress just yet.

Of course ideally, this is a rewarding opportunity to dig deep, for the courage to feel all the feelings-even if we can't resolve them right now. We may not be able to get everything we want as swiftly as we would like-but we can howl at the Moon about it! Let's be free in ourselves, to explore the restless, hungry feelings swirling all around us-rather than judging or trying to make too much sense of it. And of course the more we accept our own complexity in all our flawed, human glory we can accept one another's crazy moods. Let's be supremely kind with our loved ones today, because compassion matters right now! And way better than bitching it up with temper tantrums, just because we are frustrated-which could honestly blow up at warp speed if we're not conscious about it. Right?

Happy Cancer Full Moon folks, lets embrace our wildling nature with maximum freedom and minimal drama x


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