October is here and the scopes are up. It's a sexy, promising month full of new momentum, optimistic confidence, emotional well-being and Big Love.
Yes, we have a most auspicious Venus/Mars hook up around the 5th/6th to light up early October with brilliant romantic potential for all of us! Mating/dating/true love/sexual attraction/whatever turns us on is spectacularly energised here -especially if we can stay tuned to the subtle undercurrents going on and flirt/seduce/commit etc with our best, classy romantic finesse...
And also interpersonal chemistry is excellent in biz/friendship/family etc -our capacity for intelligent, harmonious, successful human connection on all fronts is so good right now!
Not least because the Full Moon of the 6th is a fab opportunity to strip away any distracting nonsense and embrace our best courageous, authentic emotional self-expression in love, autonomous personal growth, creative endeavours -everything!
Then lucky Jupiter into Scorpio from the 11th ups the ante -for a whole year coming up of nitty gritty, radical emotional authenticity and transformation-this is so fuqing hot! We no longer draw a line between being fearlessly emotionally vulnerable and spunky personal self-empowerment; we realize it's the same damn thing! We love more deeply/passionately cos we're not scared of embracing genuine, limbic, exciting connection whatever the consequences. And to the extent Scorpio loves a bit of coin but can be a bit tight-fisted about it; Jupiter brings some new abundance consciousness to the whole wealth deal for positive, optimistic new decisions in biz, work and rewarding financial generosity with one another -so good!
Then the New Moon of the 20th is a game-changing shake up of our favourite assumptions. We get to re-invent our attitudes and plans with sparky new confidence in our most inspirational, visionary creative ideals...
It's a month of brazen, big picture thinking coupled with the most grounded, gutsy emotional congruence we've seen in a while. The opportunity to live like we mean it this month is red-hot and ready to go - let's seize it whilst we can!
And of course way more detail/insight for your sign is on the monthly scopes page here.
Happy October x
Image: unable to find original source for this pic.