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So let’s begin with the New Moon of March 10th, in your 7th house of love/partnership. As Virgo relationships are kind of a theme, for March. This New Moon smack bang between Saturn & Neptune. The seemingly opposite imperatives of these very different planets-to reconcile: 

-Strict Saturn rules of engagement. The kind of immaculate behaviour you expect from loved ones -only because you hold yourself to the highest standards and walk your talk about it, so just asking for reciprocal respect. Is this control freakery, on your part? Or even if some control freak taking advantage of your supreme efforts to the right thing, and you’re getting some serious boundaries about this?

Ideally of course, this is beautifully healthy commitment, where everyone makes the effort to work at sustainable compatibility and you totally appreciate one another, for the solid devotion and mutual support you get to cultivate together.

-Neptunian romantic bliss and compassionate, unconditional love. I mean once you’ve identified and detached from any slippery, sneaky Neptune types doing your head in, or your own victim/saviour complex about slippery motivations to fix other people’s problems? And get healthy boundaries, thank you Saturn. 

Then you get to embrace the beautiful soulmates /attraction magic and soul family, you can genuinely trust to share love with. I mean underneath that prickly exterior, when you think people trying to fuq with your standards. Is such a caring nature, that just wants to do the right thing by everyone. You are quite the sweetheart, when you realise you are appreciated, huh? 

Also Venus into your 7th house from March 12th, followed by Mars from March 23rd as Venus conjunct Saturn. Bring clarity about the lover/partner you’re involved with right now, how much you love one another and how to renew the passion, or if any conflict arising, you need to deal intelligently? Or any new attractions coming up, and how to navigate blossoming chemistry? 

Especially your ruler Mercury, into your 8th house of deep emotional connection, sexy passion and family/biz entanglements from March 10th. Just in time for this New Moon. 

Not only does Mercury conjunct healer Chiron/Destiny Point in the second half of March. To reveal the deeper issues going on, ready to be healed, in order to evolve your key relationships towards their full potential. With subtle emotional intelligence, as those precise communication skills of yours help to figure out what everyone is on about? 

This is a big deal, as Mercury turns back retro from April 3rd -to do it all again until mid May… An extended transit, to really finesse how you deal with the people that matter. 

Then the Full Moon of March 25th, in your 2nd house of values and personal wealth. Trine Pluto in your health/work sector. You totally get this Moon, as you totally value holistic, healthy wellbeing -it’s kind of your core competency! And the degree to which a radiantly clean lifestyle supports your healthy work ethic, for the efficient productivity that is so satisfying to you, as such an immaculate perfectionist. And wealth creation is a bonus, with lucrative Pluto involved. 

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