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So the mating season vibe from February continues, with Venus/Mars in exact, gloriously romantic embrace early March. Especially exact on Pluto for a primal, sexy energy to heat things up big time. Everyone is feeling it, and for you it has a particularly lovely vibe -in your 5th house of fun romance, play and creative self expression.

So you are beautifully inspired to genuinely enjoy romance. If partnered/hooked up you lush each other up with the simple pleasures that lovers share…to re-discover the thrill of easy chemistry. As opposed to tedious marital disputes or stressing about where your love affair is heading -know what I mean? If single/on the prowl you relish the buzz of flirty frisson/ making eyes at your crush/hot dates where you just enjoy the moment, as opposed to stressing out about meeting ‘the one’ etc? Attraction is supposed to be pleasurable right now!

It’s all about staying present, to allow mutual desire to reveal itself, sans Virgo analysis trying to micro-manage outcomes…

Especially the New Moon of March 3rd in partner sector, with lucky Jupiter. It’s suddenly so easy to love; with a magnificent, open hearted & emotionally generous vibe -and so much more likely to be reciprocated, with someone wild to rock your world.

Also, regardless of love the 5th house is gorgeous for playful fun, in all areas of self expression.

Maybe good times with family, children & friends just because quality time together matters.

And creative, arty pursuits that turn you on -and maybe the moxy to show of what you’re good at, with a bit of shameless self promotion.

Especially with your ruler Mercury and taskmaster Saturn in your work/day job sector, to get the discipline required to back your brilliant professional ideas.

So the more Venus/Mars help you to fall in love with what you’re naturally good at; the more motivation to back yourself with that focused attention to detail, and quality control you are so famous for. Nice one!

Then the Virgo Full Moon of the 18th, opposite Neptune and with Jupiter/Mercury in your love/partner sector, could be emotionally full on:

Maybe intoxicatingly beautiful, adoring attention coming from your lover. For a soulmate, devoted vibe -or at least a passionate affair to remember?

Or maybe batshit crazy, chaotic emo scrambling your energy/a slippery love interest you are trying to pin down -which can be kinda overwhelming for your sensitive disposition?

Yes Neptune romance is a magical thing, but such a tricky balance between the sublime & ridiculous. So lucky that Jupiter/Mercury romantic communication is fabulously positive, and honest to keep it real- IF you are clear about your own feelings, of course.

The famous Virgo discerning attitude, and subtle, finessed approach to accurately read the romantic vibe works a treat here!

Image: Uma Thurman for Richard Avedon.


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