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Do admit you are freaking out of your mind excited, about Pluto finally getting serious in your 6th house as Feb begins -for the next 20 years!


So the 6th house is your natural habitat. To do with the discipline of scrupulous daily habits, for physical health and holistic wellbeing. I mean whether you are a health freak normally and/or a bit of a lush -you do get turned on by a well stocked vitamins cabinet/the latest supplements & superfoods and a shiny, well scrubbed veggie crisper full of greens, right? And a daily planner, with precise timing about your cleaning schedule, appointments and keeping your health/work regime effective. You like to be in control & work smart for professional/lifestyle success, not frittering your energy on unnecessary distractions.


So Pluto works a treat in your 6th…being the planet that loves to clean house. Drilling down & revealing the deep, dark undercurrents of any grotty habits, hoarding old crap-physically or emotionally, toxic lifestyle issues or disempowering work scenarios, that drain your professional batteries. The better to scrub the hell up and clean up your act. You are just getting a handle on how fiercely powerful you are about to become; by keeping every detail of your daily life in immaculate alignment with your most authentic values & intentions. Walking your talk is the bomb, in terms of manifesting the life you want to live -is all about taking responsibility for your own choices. You absolutely adore this vibe, it’s your natural thing.


Meanwhile we need to talk about your 5th house, of talent, creative play & fun romance-where Pluto has spent the last 15 years. You’ve certainly got a handle on authentic, confident self expression, showing off your charisma and romantic allure by now. Shining like a diamond is your new superpower.

And with Ceres replacing Pluto in your 5th house from early Feb, self care feels like permission to play! Having fun with the simple pleasures, that make you feel good is totally life affirming.


So how good is Venus/Mars conjunct, in your 5th for the first half of Feb? Especially Ceres involved, for caring connection with your tribe. Making quality time, to have fun with the positive people in your life is so worth it.

And Venus/Mars really shine, in terms of permission to enjoy sweet romance. The buzz of glorious chemistry, flirty frisson and hot date nights is much more likely to happen. And Ceres says gentle, vulnerable intimacy more likely to thrive, with mutual care for one another.


And great to back up the professional success of Pluto into your 6th, by cultivating your brilliant talent, the better to show it off in the world…

Especially as Mars & Venus perfect their conjunction Feb 22nd, conjunct Pluto in your 6th. Fabulous, for professional relationships. Negotiating win/win biz deals, schmoozing a new pitch to the right people, creative collaborations and getting along with colleagues etc works a treat here!


And personal relationships? I’m just saying you are most turned on by a lover who respects your work/health regime, can make practical plans together to share your best life and maybe even helps with the chores and cleans up after themselves. And of course you reciprocate. It’s not as banal as it sounds-this kind of mutual respect is a sign of real, sparkly commitment, right?


Then the Virgo Full Moon of Feb 24th. Exactly trine Ceres in your 5th, forming a grand trine with Jupiter in your 9th. Feels so to cultivate your creative purpose, to realistically manifest your most positive, expansive life plans. And opposite your ruler Mercury conjunct Sun/Saturn, in your love/partner sector. Intelligent communication is key, to figure out the quality of commitment, devotion & mutual understanding you are dealing with. Of course you adore talking things through, in as much detail as possible…so this is perfect, right?



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