So to the extent Pluto has activated your 3rd house, of ideas and clear communication for the last few months? You’ve had such incandescent light bulb moments -to clarify your thoughts and how to express them.
Do admit as such a philosophical creature, who spends a lot of time considering the meaning of everything -you can be kinda self-righteous about your thoroughly considered attitude? I mean anyone who can pin you down for long enough, to speak at length realises you do love to pontificate, lol! And fair enough, you value wisdom enough to speak out, with sincere courage of your convictions.
But also Pluto has challenged you, to interrogate your deeply held beliefs with just as much honesty, and humility. If you’ve had pause to question certain ideas, in a positively transformative way, you don’t mind. Your natural curiosity quite enjoys a new, more expansive perspective. To be continued with Pluto back into your 3rd house from Feb-for the next 20 years! Plenty of time, to explore the higher truth you are always seeking…
So the Full Moon of Aug 2nd is a clue. In your 3rd house, opposite Sun, Venus and Lilith in your home turf-the visionary, expansive 9th house. And, crucially, square your lucky ruler Jupiter in your practical 6th house.
Then the New Moon of Then the New Moon of Aug 16th, in your 9th house conjunct Venus & Lilith, square Uranus in your 6th house continues the theme, with even more radical options:
It’s one thing to dream big dreams, chasing exciting creative inspiration-yes it’s good for your soul to connect with your most positive, life affirming intentions, it’s where you thrive!
And Lilith provides the critical thinking, about how to express yourself -do I lay my radical attitude on the world all at once, or is a more subtle, persuasive approach more effective?
And another thing to actually manifest your dreams in real life, tangible terms. It’s all about right action, in everything you do. The integrity to keep your daily habits aligned with what you believe in. Even the small actions, if you get them right every time are just as powerful as the radical changes, you may suddenly feel confident enough to make here. A healthy, wealthy & wise attitude is such a game changer. Of course you love this, as someone who preaches positive intentions -to keep it real with a positive daily routine, right?
Especially Mars in your brilliant career sector, exactly trine your ruler Jupiter in your 6th house for this Full Moon. To make good coin doing your professional thing.
And speaking of wealthy, lucrative Pluto now back into your 2nd house for the rest of the year. The 2nd house is where you cultivate material security, by being damn good at what you do to make good coin -for whatever comfortable lifestyle you desire. I mean you’ve spent enough time, with Pluto here for the last several years; scheming, dreaming & working towards optimum wealth. And maybe, between now & next Feb, you get to finesse the plan, towards your optimum version of financial freedom?
And love? All the action in your communication sector this month, tuning Venus in your vision sector. Relationships work best when you’re prepared to talk about it. And not just flirty, romantic repartee. More sharing your visionary dreams, helps your lover appreciate where you’re at-and maybe inspired to share exciting plans together.
Image: Isabeli Fontana by David Sims,Vogue Paris