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So Venus/Mars continue their conjunction from last month, in your 12th house for the first half of March. This is your natural realm; the spooky soul sector where you explore your innate mystical wisdom, creative muse & personal connection with the divine. Especially Pluto drilling down in your 12th, for the next 20 years! You’re getting real, about being the cosmic child you are-as honest with yourself and your higher calling as possible.

Of course it’s interesting, in the place you withdraw from the world to plug into inner magic-to be asked to focus on the relationship vibes, of Venus/Mars love magic? You desire deep soulmate, romantic bliss. If lucky enough to have someone special, to commune with on a spiritual level of love? And a deeper understanding of whatever karmic issues are revealing themselves, in all of your relational dynamics.

As you understand the spiritual purpose of why you are connected with certain people, everyone learning & growing at their own pace, sympatico empathy works a treat -which luckily is your natural thing!


Then the New Moon of March 10th in Pisces:

Smack bang between Saturn and your ruler Neptune. A lovely new perspective. To balance the practical necessities, of getting your act together materially &honoring your obligations in biz/personal life and your obligation to yourself, to follow your dreams and honor your own spiritual & creative muse. This could be the perfect opportunity, for a sense of holistic wellbeing, to be comfortable in your skin and true to yourself in all areas of your life. Know what I mean?

Also this Moon opposite Bitch Lilith in your love/partner sector. I guess the more you are able to hold your own, feeling authentic the more you can turn up in your key relationships-as an equal match to whatever your special lovers & loved ones are on about?

Especially sync radical Uranus in your communication sector. Crazy revealing conversations could trigger underlying tensions, with certain people? But also reveal such sexy mutual respect; turned on by your different points of view. And how to empower one another to be your own, unique selves-and how the best relationships are about learning from one another, right?


Then Venus in Pisces from March 12th is permission to shine; just because you’re so talented, charming & gorgeous as fuq! It’s nice to swan around the world, feeling good about being you. And being so desirable, attract all the right people who appreciate your charisma -to get your relationships on point. Nice one.

Then Venus conjunct Saturn March 22nd, and Mars joining them in Pisces from March 23rd.

To finesse your personal integrity & fierce discipline. The more you walk your talk, with creative manifesting power, because being your best self? The more you attract full respect in the world…everyone wants in on your groove-being so exciting & productive & all.


Perfect timing, for the Full Moon of March 25th in your 8th house, of interpersonal entanglements. Just in time to quintile Mars, as charges into Pisces:

Just as you are feeling more self-assured than ever, with glorious charisma to shine in the world on your own, sweet terms. You also finesse your famous emotional intelligence, about connecting deeply with the loved ones who matter most to you. Charging around being gorgeous feels so good, and get a sense of who appreciates you for it. The quality of commitment, which is really about revealing deeper feelings rising up with this Full Moon-and how you both handle the passion & intensity? Relationships ready to transform, in line with your determined personal growth thrive here; as thrashing out any issues becomes a positive, honest turn on!

Or if certain people in love, family or biz bitch it up-or indeed if you bitch it up, because you’re so on fire right now? Watch out, if tempted to be too reactive -could blow up at warp speed!  Better to take the time to understand any tricky issues rising up, with the emotional subtlety you are so good at.

Image: unable to find original credit, for this gorgeous picture.

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