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So the big news this month is Pluto into your home turf, the spooky 12th house from Jan 21st. Hovering around the cusp of your 12th till November-then settling in for the next 20 years!

Not that Pluto ever settles, as such. Being the most dramatically transformative planet, stripping away illusions and revealing the imperative to phoenix into ever more authentic, sexy self awareness.


So most signs would find this kind of deep immersion; in the 12th house of dreams, magic, spiritual growth with disciplined self awareness, past life & ancestral karma with cosmic perspective…quite an overwhelming trip!

But you’re a pro at this sort of thing, obviously. As such a mysterious, wise creature accustomed to being your own guru, even as you slip between realms like an enchanted Melusine, channelling your creative & spiritual muse…


Pluto deepens your connection, to divine source as you understand it and the profound power within you, to intentionalise how to live according to your inner truth. And ok, part of this empowering process is stripping away any slippery Pisces tendency to escapism, delusions or sneaky little intoxicating habits? I mean do admit you can straddle the line, between bone fide mystical genius and total wacko dreamer of impossible dreams, right? No offence-this is part of your incandescent allure, that fascinates & inspires the rest of us.

So Pluto helps to clean up your act, as you prepare for the next stage of your life…cleaning up any demons in your unconscious swamp(we all have them), to rise up singing more high frequency & blissful than ever. This is a beautiful thing, to look forward to!


Meanwhile Jan begins with your old-skool ruler Jupiter, direct in your 3rd house of clever ideas & communication skills. With Uranus also in your 3rd, preparing to turn direct from Jan 26th. The power of positive thinking can be cliché…but you get it.

I mean forget about your reputation as a flaky  dreamer. When you focus your crystal clear intentions-you become the ultimate conduit of magical manifestation. No one else knows how the fuq you do it-swanning around living the dream, with a seemingly blessed life of perfect synchronicity. But you know every moment, tempted to go low into louche tendencies, where you pull yourself together and choose the high frequency road instead-magic happens! Thus do you work spectacular, effective new years resolutions/ intentions for 2024…


The Full Moon of Jan 26th in your practical 6th house, opposite Pluto fresh in your 12th, just as Uranus turns direct is a fabulous clue. About working clear intentions on the day job and healthy daily habits, to thrive spiritually, physically & professionally.

Especially with your ruler Neptune, of typhonic consciousness and Saturn of earthbound reality parked in your sign. You get the necessity to wrangle your visionary dreams into reality with solid, pragmatic choices, as much as your natural knack for magical manifesting.

Venus with Mars conjunct Mercury, direct from early Jan in your brilliant career sector helps. Creative genius, fresh biz strategies & professional charm work a treat-with good old fashioned work ethic to back yourself.


Meanwhile Mars turns up for the New Moon of Jan 11th in your social sector, conjunct Pluto completing several years here. You review friendships that have gone or renewed themselves recently, with fresh appreciation for the crew still around you. And enthusiasm for cool networking opportunities, to work the social scene this month.

If single this is brilliant to prowl the dating scene, or sudden attractions in the world with your famous, enchanting flirty wiles.

Or if partnered/in love already, radical honesty is the new turn on. To keep one another intrigued, as real feelings are revealed, to talk about.

Image: Rosie Hardy

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