Mars fresh in Libra as September begins, is perfect for a rush of vitality to begin the month. Full of physical energy, fierce confidence to do what you do, charismatic and sexy as fuq:
So Mars exactly quintile Saturn in your practical 6th house, Sept 2nd is the imperative to keep it real. Your flamboyant bravado is not just for show. Saturn retro is the patience, to sustain a beautifully determined work ethic.
I mean we can joke about fluffy Libran creative whims, lol. Do admit you can be the arty genius, who somehow manages to procrastinate actually doing anything about it? It’s got as much to do with perfectionism, waiting for the perfect time/some ideal scenario to support your
delicate artistic sensibilities -as lazy, lotus eating mode…right??
So this month your superpower is persistent discipline, to maintain a lifestyle of healthy wellbeing and productive professional progress.
The more you are fired up to succeed on your own terms, you understand that it takes time and effort to manifest your desires in real life. Such a rewarding attitude!
I mean the New Moon of Sept 15th in your soul sector is interesting. Opposite Neptune in your 6th house, just as Mercury turning direct opposes Saturn on your 6th house:
On the one hand you are a dreamy idealist, communing with your spiritual & creative muse. So any temptation, to become lost in escapist fantasies becomes glaringly obvious. Especially if stuck in any kind of povo mentality, underestimating your potential to thrive.
You observe this wisely, of course. Because on the other hand you’re onto so much divine inspo, to finesse and work towards your gorgeous, magical manifesting skills. Idealism is a wonderful thing, if you’re prepared to walk your talk on what you believe in.
Thus do you thrive mid month; overcoming obstacles with sheer, visionary self-assurance, persistent, healthy daily habits, in alignment to your goals.
Meanwhile whilst you’re such hot property, we might as well talk about the Libra love life:
Of course Mars in your sign has you wildly desirable, with sexy charisma driving your famously artful seduction skills.
And Jupiter/Uranus retrograde in your 8th house, of deep emotional & sexual entanglements. Intimate moments are surprisingly revealing, about what you and your lover really feel. Maybe not so much the subtle control skills, that do admit you can be an expert at relationship chess-when things get too intense for your refined sensibilities? This could be a chance to embrace to wild, unpredictable ride of passionate connection, in a positive way. Right?
Because Mars opposite Chiron in your love sector, just in time for the for the Full Moon of Sept 29th, also in your love sector:
Healing Chiron allows any issues coming up in your key relationships, no matter how crazy or vulnerable -to be processed with beautiful emotional intelligence. Mars brings the courage to be real with one another, which feels so right here.
Image: Abdi Kaafi