So April begins with you ruler Mercury retrograde, in your 11th house/social sector. I mean you love your 11th house at the best of times, where you get to flit around in fascinating, social butterfly mode.
Especially Chiron conjunct the Destiny Point here; to come terms with a deeper sense of your role in collective evolution right now. Could be as simple as getting along with your tribe, being appreciated in your immediate scene. Or a broader understanding of the socio-cultural zeitgeist around you, to figure out where you feel most aligned in the broader discourse?
And Mercury is about your superpower, to talk about it, intelligent debate and express your kaleidoscopic genius in the world.
So Mercury retro is helpful, to be intelligent about any misunderstandings with friends, rather than getting bogged down about who is right or whatever? And understanding your own evolving principles, to remain open minded about your perspective on these wild times. Know what I mean?
Especially the New Moon, Total Solar Eclipse of April 9th, in your 11th house. Conjunct Chiron/Destiny Point and Mercury retro.
Also sync a grand trine between Jupiter/Uranus in your 12th house/soul sector, Ceres in your 8th house of intimate entanglements & Bitch Lilith in your 4th house/home sector.
You figure out your role in the wider world in the context of your private, personal life:
With Jupiter/Uranus exactly conjunct, by April 18th you are so aligned with a radically positive, spiritual perspective from within. A light bulb moment for divine guidance and creative inspiration, to shine your light in the world.
With Ceres in your 8th to get the people you really care about, to cultivate sexy passion with real affection, mutually beneficial biz/financial relationships and family bonds that matter.
And speaking of family, Lilith in your 4th, to hold your own in domestic dynamics. The more you feel you can be true to yourself at home, and with your tribe the mutual respect happens, to look after one another with fierce loyalty.
Thus do you go forth and figure out what you have to say in public life, on the basis of feeling aligned with your inner truth, relationships & home base. This makes sense, right?
Meanwhile Mars/Saturn, exactly conjunct in your brilliant career sector by April 11th. To the extent you are clear about realistic, pragmatic vocational goals; so much sexy, determined energy to work your ass off towards a well deserved sense of accomplishment.
Much better than struggling with naff self doubt/imposter syndrome etc, thwarting your desire to thrive right now. If you believe you can succeed, with the discipline to follow through -it’s up to you to be unstoppable, right?
I mean ok, Saturn/Mars also reveal any issues with authority/control freakery at work this month. Professional empowerment could look like standing up to some power tripper boss/client etc, or being suave about playing the game, to your best advantage? There is a fine line, between being intelligent about biz dynamics that work according to the status quo vs full rebellious attitude, to go do your own, entrepreneurial thing, taking full responsibility for individual success or not?
Either way you have fierce ambition to get it right. Go you, quite the success machine if you keep it savvy and self determined this month!
Especially the Full Moon of April 24th, in your practical 6th house:
Basic intelligence about healthy lifestyle, work ethic and holistic wellbeing work a treat here. Beyond a functional daily routine and glowing health, which is obviously important-this Moon activates Pluto in your expansive 9th house. You have the physical energy and biz savvy to make your most visionary goals, schemes & dreams happen-for a beautifully transformative sense, of living your most meaningful life.
Especially with Mars exactly Conjunct Neptune, in your brilliant career sector by April 29th. The fierce ambition you’ve been working on, with Mars/Saturn mid April becomes aligned with your most creative, high frequency sense of vocational purpose by the end of the month. How lovely x
Image: unable to find original credit, for this cool picture.