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So let’s talk about your ruler Saturn, in your 3rd house of ideas and communication. Getting real about your opinions and what you believe in. Which is actually a reality check you appreciate; after several years of Neptune in your 3rd house has had you entertaining weird & wonderful notions, that have been both inspiring & discombobulating.

I mean as such a pragmatic sign, with a reputation of boring bourgeois concerns, about immediate material security? It’s been nice to be reminded of your ancient mer-goat lineage-as quite the wise, mystical guru, straddling the mystical & practical realms with grace. As in when you get cosmic, it’s all about genuine spiritual discipline. You do the work to understand your higher calling, the better to walk your talk about it in real life.

And inspire the rest of us, as we admire the integrity with which you remain aligned with core principles, with an open mind to exploring more tangential perspectives, as they arise..

Which brings me to the New Moon of March 10th, smack bang between Saturn & Neptune in your 3rd house. With Neptune conjunct clever Mercury. And this Moon sextile radical Uranus, in your 5th house of talent & self expression: 

Perfect opportunity to integrate your most conservative values with your mystical, creative dreaming. You are particularly on point about intelligent, critical thinking. To make sense of wild & wonderful new ideas, as you expand your intellectual curiosity. And the more you get clear about your own opinions? You become more persuasive, sharing such an  intoxicating, articulate point of view with everyone else. Of course the more influential you become here, you better be immaculate with your word-know what I mean? 

Then Venus into your 3rd house from March 13th, followed by Mars from the 23rd, as Venus conjunct Saturn. All this focus on communication skills could become more about personal relationships? Venus brings your flirty wiles up to scratch. Whether keeping things sweet with your lover/partner, taking the time to let them know how much you care? Or if single/dating, your charisma makes some mentally stimulating conversation, with someone new turn into sexy attraction at warp speed? Then Mars brings the confidence to hold your own, as you get real passionate with the people you’ve decided to connect with.

Then the Full Moon of March 25th, in your brilliant career sector-your natural habitat. Conjunct the South Node, of work you’ve already done.  Especially Jupiter conjunct Uranus, in your 5th house of creative confidence:

A moment to appreciate how far you’ve come, wrangling your natural talent into viable success, as you do so well. To remain inspired, about whatever professional inspiration is calling your name. Even if it requires a bit of radical new perspective, to pursue success beyond your current comfort zone, you’re totally up for it…

Especially this Moon trine Pluto, getting serious about potentially lucrative transformation, for the next 20 years in your 2nd house of personal security and prosperity. I mean ok, Pluto challenges any notions of so called security you may have been attached to-because Pluto couldn’t give a fuq about the status quo and wants you to evolve! The more you do so, embracing next level opportunities to thrive? This Moon could be a fab clue about how to make good coin, increasingly in the coming chapter of your vocational life. Being such a pragmatic soul, all about long term planning you love this vibe, of course. 

Meanwhile amongst all this mental, relational and career growth. Don’t forget caring Ceres in Capricorn right now. Gently insisting you keep everything else aligned with self care and holistic wellbeing. 

And trine positive Jupiter in your 5th house of play this month-maybe having a goo time doing whatever you enjoy, for life affirming fun is more important than ever….

Image: Bella Barber by Troyt Coburn

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