So the big astro right now, as we spoke about last month, is Pluto power throbbing away in the background; continuing an extended phase of transforming the Cancerian relationships & love life.
For the last 15 years, Pluto in your 7th house of committed partnership & harmonious, functional relating skills. And after flirting with the cusp of your 8th house for the last several months-Pluto is now officially getting serious about the deeper vulnerability and more complex psycho emotional, sexual & financial entanglements you have found yourself dealing with. For the next 20 years…
Basically, having cleaned house of any toxic individuals and confirmed your commitment to the special people that matter. You know who you choose to connect with, or not at this point. And the basic ground rules of Cancerian affection- only shared with the people who value the mutual respect that you have learned to offer, and fully expect the same in return. So now that you’re clear about who you allow into your realm?
Pluto into your 8th dives deeper, into the complex power dynamics, radical vulnerability and interdependence that happens; with the people you choose to open your heart with. Absolutely this is a big deal for sexual/emotional intimacy, with any lover on the scene. Also family, biz & financial dynamics are scrutinised, with the same eye to scrupulous integrity. Of course you’re a natural at all of this, as possibly the most emotionally intelligent sign.
Which is a long pre-amble, to contextualise the astro of February.
Venus/Mars dancing around a conjunction all month, for romance magic:
Mama Ceres, into your 7th house from Feb 8th is perfect timing, just as your ruler the Moon passes over Venus/Mars in your 7th. Your innate nurturing instincts are awakened, to bond in the most caring way with your loved ones. A gentle, empathetic vibe in early Feb is so lovely.
Meanwhile Mercury conjunct Pluto in your 8th house, early Feb. To bring your relational conversations to a deeper level; revealing all the psycho-sexual/romantic cues coming at you, and the mutual understanding required, to respond clearly…
Then Mars conjunct Pluto Feb 14th, for a sexy Valentines Day. Followed by Venus conjunct Pluto Feb 17th. Then Venus/Mars perfect their conjunction, Feb 22nd in your 8th house, conjunct Pluto. Such hot Cancer mating season! I mean the sheer passion here is enough, to charge your libidinous batteries and feel alive to love. And maybe clues about long term devotion, you may well be cultivating right now?
I mean even if its more complicated. Like taboo/tricky attractions, reconciling arguments, trying to figure out your mating policy if single/on the prowl? Or more platinic, family or biz negotiations? Either way your emotional intelligence shines through, in terms of being true to yourself and others-and talking about it, for the most harmonious vibes you can manage.
Especially the Full Moon of Feb 24th.
In your 3rd house of clear communication, exactly trine Ceres in your 7th house of love/partnership. Perfect timing of course, to keep it as sweet as possible with your loved ones.
Also your 3rd house is about the inner dialogue going on, to do with your relationship with self. To get a handle on the most brilliant ideas you are coming up with right now, and trusting your own gut instincts about it-never mind what anybody else is on about. As your unique, kooky genius rises up -could be such fun to play with it!
Especially this Moon opposite Mercury/Sun/Saturn conjunct in your expansive 9th house. Any adventurous life plans, travel or educational scenarios to turn you on intellectually? You get real pragmatic about making them happen. Could be such a buzz, to get out there and enjoy conscious personal growth. And the call of the wild…it’s worth it to be brave, in terms of getting out of your comfort zone, know what I mean?