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So April 4th begins the month with Mercury retrograde, in your 10th house/brilliant career sector, until April 24th. Permission to focus on evolving professional strategies this month. It’s ok to question what you’re on about in the world, finesse the details on the job with an eye to perfection and maybe make a few mistakes along the way…

I mean obviously you don’t want to get ahead of yourself, dropping any savage verbal clangers you haven’t thought through, or sign contracts/confirm any serious commitments just for the sake of forcing progress, right? Other than that is all good, to the extent you are cultivating an intelligent new perspective. 

Perfect timing for Venus into your 10th house from April 6th, lighting up your brilliant creative talent and suave self promotion/polishing your brand. 

Just in time for the New Moon, Total Solar Eclipse of April 9th also in your 10th/brilliant career sector. Conjunct Mercury retro, as well as the Chiron/Destiny Point conjunction: 

Such clarity to embrace your full potential, vocationally. Not so much forcing progress just for the sake of getting ahead. More playing with a meaningful sense of purpose, to aim for whatever accomplishment actually matters to you. Humility, patience and shining your unique light is the perfect combination, for this Eclipse. 

I mean Mars conjunct Saturn, exact April 11th in your expansive 9th house. A nice reality check, to ensure your rising ambition is as pragmatic as it is about chasing your beautiful dreams. 

Then Mercury direct, exactly conjunct Destiny Point, from April 24th is something to look forward to. To begin expressing your most finessed professional plans, with real forward momentum. 

Just in time for the Full Moon of April 24th, in your 5th house of talent & self-confidence. This is great for your famous arty instincts, to play with whatever creative muse turns you on. Also have fun, enjoying whatever simple pleasures with your tribe feel most life affirming. 

And this Moon in a T Square with Pluto in your 8th house, of personal & financial entanglements. Any biz negotiations, about marketing your creative buzz/polishing your brand could be totally lucrative. And any fun, romantic connection going on could vibe passionate, with deeper emotions/sexy chemistry at warp speed! 

Meanwhile Jupiter conjunct Uranus, all month in your social sector is exact April 21st:

Sure this reveals your sparky, innovative point of difference, to do with the professional networking we’ve been talking about-to show off your unique vision in the world. 

Also your visionary vibe isn’t just about career. 

This could be so inspiring, about your higher principles and positive sense of purpose in the world, according to whatever you really believe in. The better to tune into your circle of friends, to find your niche on the scene you can relate to. 

And the wider socio/cultural zeitgeist around you. In these crazy times of wild change-it’s nice to get a sense of whatever ideas, idealism & collective evolution you can get involved with, know what I mean? 

Especially Venus into your social sector and Mars into your career sector April 29th & May 1st. To look forward to a fab May, walking your gorgeous, charismatic talk in your biz & social life. Nice one. 

Image: Mala Lesbia


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