It’s all about your ruler Mars, in your 10th house of brilliant career from Jan 5th. To begin the year with a rush of professional confidence. Maybe showing off your work ethic on the day job, for the respect you deserve? Maybe your famous entrepreneurial initiative, working your own biz/ self employment/creative projects picks up momentum? It feels good to strut around, showing off your determination to succeed this year…
Especially just as Jupiter direct from Jan 1st, in your prosperity/security sector-where Uranus turns direct from Jan 26th. Such a positive attitude, to monetise whatever you are on about. Especially to do with innovative, flexible versions of financial independence, that you feel ready to embrace. More so than clinging to any limiting notions of so-called security, that have felt naff for ages-you are so over it!
Because the real action this month is Pluto, with one leg out the door of your career sector, after several years of transforming this part of your chart. A chance to reflect upon the profound transformation of your professional paradigm, and sense of purpose in the world over the last 15 years. Between confronting toxic authority figures at work, taking responsibility for asserting your own power with integrity and phoenixing into your prosperity potential, doing something meaningful, even under immense pressure…You’ve come a long way, baby!
So the New Moon of Jan 11th in your career sector feels good. Conjunct Pluto, and exactly trine the Destiny Point in Aries with healing Chiron. Trine Uranus in your prosperity sector, where Jupiter direct is trined by Mars, also in your career sector:
Fresh instincts, about professional success are on point. And as much as success looks like public recognition, for the confidence to show off your brilliance-yes have fun with that, you’ve earned it! It also feels like permission to choose fulfilling gigs, where you get to be your true self, with genuine job satisfaction and a sense of vocational destiny-rather than just hustling to make a buck or prove a point about your relevancy, know what I mean? And the work/life balance that allows you to replenish your energy as you go. No need to burn yourself out to get ahead, an authentic lifestyle is just as important!
Cue the star of the month, Pluto into your 11th house/social sector from Jan 21st. You are increasingly aware of your place in the world, amongst the cultural zeitgeist, social network and tribe of close friends. For the next 20 years, Pluto reveals whatever empowered, influential role you have to play in the collective situation. Maybe inspiring others to do the same, maybe irritating certain control freaks…just by rocking your authenticity, and as usual could give a fuq what anyone thinks, right? An audit of your crew is part of this-and as much as you are ruthless about ditching frenemies/fake people on the scene? Also you appreciate the hell out of the precious friends who can evolve with you, as well as exciting new people coming into your life, to help catalyse transformative personal growth. So yeah, plenty of time ahead, to explore this phase….
Meanwhile, the Full Moon of Jan 26th, in your 5th house/play sector is just in time to sync with the Sun, escorting Pluto into your 11th house.
This Moon is gorgeous permission to embrace the creative process, just for the buzz of getting better at whatever talent turns you on. And ok, Mars conjunct Mercury in your career sector, as Venus turns up-in case you want any shameless self promotion about it? And permission to have a good time with your tribe, doing stuff you enjoy, just for the sake of life affirming fun!
Including romance. Maybe issues with your partner don’t need heavy thrashing out-more quality time together, to keep it sweet? Or if single more likely some hot attraction turns up, as you go about your biz or social life? Or maybe…someone from the past turns up with spooky synchronicity??
Image: Naomi Campbell in Alexander McQueen for Givenchy.