So we spoke at length last month, about your ruler Mars retrograde till January; and how much patience will be required of you to finesse this transit advantageously. (see Nov scopes for more detail).
And the Full Moon of Dec 8th is exactly conjunct Mars retro, in your 3rd house of ideas & communication: To begin the month with a clear handle on the kind of mental discipline that will get you through December best:
I mean as such an incandescent genius, you are used to being full scale impulsive about seizing every idea that rises up in your hot head. And not scared to broadcast your thoughts in fiercely opinionated terms; because as a natural leader you need to inspire the people to your cause, right? Ha, actually I’m not making fun of you-we need your courageous, forthright honesty to keep us real sometimes.
But let’s face it, you can also be pretty temperamental & impatient, when thwarted by delayed plans or stupid people questioning what you’re on about?
So this Full Moon syncs Saturn in your social/networking sector, where you may encounter obstacles in getting your point across in the world. Mars retro is great in the following ways:
- If you run into peeps who reality check your ideas in an intelligent way? Could be an interesting new perspective to maybe pull your head in, and consider a different point of view?
-If you encounter bourgeois, petty expectations that you conform to a certain scene or societal norms -which frankly infuriates your authentic soul? Maybe pull your head in, in terms of ignoring the morons and focus energy on working out your own truth, banging away at your personal brilliance behind the scenes. The better to rise up singing when Mars charges forward from Jan-to a more receptive audience, who appreciate your thoroughly considered attitude.
Because this Moon also syncs the wounded healer Chiron in Aries. For the humility to feel vulnerable when things don’t immediately go your way, but not as an excuse to sook or give up on yourself.
The power of remaining true to your integrity, no matter what’s going on around you is gold this month; to prevail long term with healthy self acceptance and the courage of your genuine convictions. Amazing!
Then Venus joining Mercury, in your biz sector from Dec 10th. To work your natural talent, schemes & dreams in a way you can schmooze & charm your way to professional success.
And lucrative Pluto in your biz sector, trine healthy Ceres in your work sector. To get that chasing empowering goals in the world works best, when aligned with a work/lifestyle balance that promotes your optimum wellbeing.
Because the New Moon of Dec 23rd in your biz sector, has a Venus/Mercury/Pluto conjunction. So the force is strong to shine bright vocationally. And this Moon squares lucky Jupiter, finally charging forward in Aries -you are so ready to be free to be your true, positive, expansive self!
But you’re not so much trying to prove anything, by forcing success for the sake of recognition; more permission to thrive on your own terms. Including a fulfilling personal life:
Pluto squares off caring Ceres in your partner sector & bitch Lilith in your home sector, for this Moon. So if any tensions arise, between your personal momentum & harmonious domestic/familial/love relationships? You understand it’s a balancing act. As much as you hold your own, to score the freedom to do your own thing; letting your loved ones know you care is also such an important, beautifully fulfilling part of your life, right?
Image: unable to find original credit for this gorgeous picture.