Mars bang on the magical 1st degree, cardinal point of Aries on July 1st is a pretty sexy way begin the month, but that’s only the beginning; as Mars prepares to fire up your sign for an epic 6 months of energising your most unstoppable, can-do enthusiasm! You are burning with a fierce, passionate, positively confident lust for life -and champing at the bit to embrace your full, brilliant potential in the world.
So yes, your ruling planet onside for the rest of the year has got to be wildly auspicious & you can’t wait to grab life by the horns huh?
Excellent. But meanwhile we also have to talk about Mars tangling with the healer Chiron throughout July, where your greatest power actually springs from empowered vulnerability. As in exploring any wounds or self doubt that have been holding you back with full compassion, as opposed to seeing them as chinks in the armour of your fab, charismatic bravado –know what I mean? Owning your tricky personal issues (I mean we’ve all got them), and doing the subtle, yet nitty gritty work of healing self-acceptance is your superpower here –not so much forcing the issue with ego/instant gratification or whatever. The better to move forward with a deeper, intelligent self-awareness, ready for the kick ass action of Mars/Lilith mid August -but we’ll talk about that next month…
And its worth noting that Mars is also squaring Venus mid July, for all kinds of romantic tensions -pulled together by sparky Uranus. So Chiron is perfect for exactly the kind of sensitive, emotionally astute instincts required to handle the flux of exciting, weird attractions & flashpoint, game changing conversations going on in your love life right now.
Meanwhile the Lunar Eclipse of the 5th is awesome career magic. Because Saturn backing into your biz sector is just the kind of hard-yakka work ethic you need, to support Jupiter/Pluto unleashing your most brazen, lucrative professional potential. I mean its not exactly cruising along with boring old stable employment or resting on the laurels of past achievements, lol. No, your whole vocational paradigm is being de-constructed! But if you can handle the transformative, progressive new opportunities here, to challenge you to step up to next level, positive growth in what you do in the world -OMG you are so onto big success right now.
Then the New Moon of the 21st picks up on whatever domestic dynamics you were trying to figure out with the Solar Eclipse of late June. So if you’ve been brooding on certain family/co-hab/real estate scenarios that have felt a bit up in the air recently? This New Moon is timely to tune into your gut instincts, particularly around the underlying emotional issues playing out at home/your closest personal relationships. And with Mercury direct, finesse your communication skills to clear the air & sort stuff out –nice.
Image: John Galliano's armour for Christian Dior