With Saturn/Pluto drilling down on your personal sector lately, you’ve been digging deeper into any skeletons in the family closet, revealing power trips/discontent/explosive issues at home/rocky real estate scenarios; but also a keen, survivalist eye to nailing whatever domestic security is going to anchor you in these changing times.
So it’s pretty great to have fear-mongering Saturn out if the way from late March, replaced by lucky Jupiter on Pluto from April 1st. You get that sudden upheaval in your personal life could be a positive thing, and ready to embrace regenerative, dynamic new possibilities re where/how you live and the loved ones you live with.
Which brings us to the Libra Full Moon of the 8th, in sync with Jupiter/Pluto & Lilith/Chiron meeting in your relationship sector. This a chance to align with your most powerful sense of who you are to forge your own path to shine in the world, and also keep it fully authentic & real with the people who matter most to you.
Lilith is a bit of bitching imperative to address any interpersonal issues with fierce authenticity-especially with Mercury involved from mid month tricky conversations are on! But also, importantly, Chiron is the emotional sensitivity to heal any misunderstandings with a gentle, loving attitude-this could be such a lovely moment to tweak the relational paradigm & maybe bond more deeply with the people who matter.
Meanwhile Saturn/Mars in your talent sector is all about focusing & finessing your creative discipline. Your superpower right now is the moxy to own just how great you are at what you do & the brazen confidence to show it off in the world, but also not just rely on that –you need the Saturn work ethic to follow through with gritty determination, when the going gets tough the tough get going, right?
Then the Uranian New Moon of the 23rd unleashes weird twists of fate, strange encounters, unexpected opportunities & sparky passions in your 8th house of sex/intimacy, money & biz deals. It’s a wild ride to manage your love & fiscal entanglements right now, but especially with Venus in your expansive adventure sector you’re so ready to remain fully adaptable in these changing times –well done you.
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