July revolves around Eclipse Season, so emotions are running high & Destiny is busy working her magic in the background of events this month. And the more you get out and about in the world the more you get to have fun with this…
Because the Total Solar Eclipse New Moon of the 3rd is in your extrovert social sector-so getting amongst it, sparkling on the scene, bonding with your tribe etc is pretty nice, for that lovely sense of feeling connected in the world. And perhaps, with the Destiny Point involved more auspicious than usual for cool networking opportunities, or right time/right place synchronicity to meet some cool new crew.
…Or maybe, with a Venus here in a cute aspect to her lover Mars around the 4th-7th, meeting someone special if you happen to be out on the prowl? Yeah baby, your suave flirty prowess is sparkling right now! Or if already partnered, maybe having fun together scheming grand plans in the world, to expand your horizons as a couple?
And ok also, with Mars in your soul sector from the 4th onwards you are ideally filling your cup from within. Your most energising activities are actually not so overtly active, it’s more the inner work of meditation/dream journaling/communing with your creative muse etc that is truly regenerative. Yes, the better to be all fresh & fired up when Mars hits your sign from mid August; so that’s something to look forward to…
Then the Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Moon of the 17th is in your talent/self expression sector. And with a powerhouse Saturn/Pluto combo involved; what better time to dig deep, discover your most powerful core competencies & work the hell out of them to set yourself up for solid success? Maybe time to do some positive personal transformation to this end huh?
Image: Xiao Wen Ju shot by Tim Walker for W Magazine.