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If you feel a brooding, gathering internal tension building up right now? A kind of pressure cooker, obsessive awareness of every challenging goal you’re still trying valiantly to nail, every obligation/debt you feel responsible for, every tedious task on that laborious to-do list of yours? And busting to find some kind of release valve?

Yep that’s Saturn inching towards Pluto, to reveal which of the expectations you have placed upon yourself have become frankly obsolete, pointless and ready to be ditched –what a relief. And which ambitions are, actually, seriously still important and the powerful moxy to overcome your fears and nail them once and for all; for fab, fresh motivation just when you need it…

Omg this is so fuqing transformative & empowering honey –the force is strong with you right now! Get ready to bust a move on a game-changing new chapter to rock your world; unfolding between now and Jan 2020 for sure.

Meanwhile the New Moon of the 7th is a bit of visionary thinking to open your mind to your optimal, truly inspired choices here… especially how to grab your most insistent, passionate talent and monetise it effectively with that natural financial savvy of yours. The better to shamelessly promote your brilliance in the world & do what you truly love for a living etc -because it’s so possible right now, don’t you know?

Especially with the Full Moon of the 21st in your biz sector. This is such cool intuition about the kind of vocational decisions/scenarios/ideal gig that will support your personal/home life as best as possible. It’s all about working to live & thrive on your own terms huh? Because living to work/slaving away pointlessly at anything that doesn’t fill your cup? Not so much obviously- you’re ready for much better things, baby.

And the Venus/Mars action of this Full Moon is also the perfect romantic tension in your love life, to sort out whether or not it contributes to your domestic bliss… Addressing ay issues with your partner to create a more harmonious home life together? Shacking up with a lover or not? Or if dating, maybe hanging out at home with your crush, to suss out the basic compatibility potential between you?

Image: Paolo Roversi

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