A big turn on for you this month is Venus meeting the Destiny Point in your biz sector around the 19th; with some truly brilliant professional opportunities/long term plans presenting themselves for your consideration. And it is geared toward long-term, future success and vocational growth, more than instant gratification for the moment:
Which makes it easier to handle the frustration of lucky Jupiter in your sign revving up your confidence but also dithering around retrograde until mid July; aargh the exquisite thrill of so many fabulous, expansive, promising scenarios at your fingertips –but not quite ready to be acted on just yet?
Cultivating your best scheming/dreaming patience is way forward of course. Any focused, inspired preparation you’re doing now is bound to pay off soon enough (and character building) -so keep right on working that fierce, tenacious ambition please!
Meanwhile, there is the New Moon of the 14th in your sex/intimacy/shared resources sector. And to the extent this sparks off any surprising new seductions/emotional connections coming out of the blue, or renewed chemistry with your current lover -it’s all down to Uranus recently shaking up your partnership sector. Any cute/sexy/even challenging new developments coming up now are just a clue to a much broader, liberating evolution going on in your love life over the next several years-so plenty of time to explore the romantic potential going on, huh?
And then Mars spending the next 6 months in your home sector, where you’re nothing if not motivated to get the domestic/family/shacked up partnership dynamics right… might as well get onto that.
Image: Rémi Chapeaublanc