It’s all about preparing for late December; when your boss planet Saturn hits your sign and two years ahead to explore your full, delicious viability in the world as a biz/professional success story, paragon of healthy lifestyle discipline and widely respected pillar of society –on whatever level turns you on…
Yep you’re about to get your shizz together on every level –so right now, with Saturn completing a tour of your soul-sector is prime time to prepare to walk your talk with a healthy, integral relationship with self/shamanic self-mastery/whatever spiritual practice works for you.
Meanwhile Jupiter newly in your social sector is brilliant for finding/ bonding with your tribe; for having some fun out on the scene and also enlisting the kind of unconditional support from good friends that fills your cup.
Not least around the Full Moon of the 4th, when you indulge some shameless self-promotion about your own talent/creative brilliance –to richly deserved recognition and applause in the world; especially useful for any cool new opportunities springing from this by the New Moon of the 18th. Especially with Venus on board this month it’s all about strutting your stuff with lovely, easy confidence and getting used to basking in the spotlight; because you never know when you’ll need to graciously own some well deserved success over the next few years of Saturn polishing your public image, know what I mean?
And love? A friendship becomes more romantic, possibly? Or if already spoken for you make the effort to cultivate a deeper, unconditional, mutually supportive friendship with your lover for an even deeper, more promising connection.
Image: Andres Velencoso by Jannis Tsipoulanis