You are SO excited to have lucky Jupiter into your sign- from October 11th –Nov 2018; a whole year of expansive, positive, lucrative, optimistic personal confidence coming up ready or not! I mean do admit that the last year has had you tuning into a lighter, more optimistic inner dialogue & hopeful/visionary spiritual outlook than you’ve had for a while, so you’re totally ready for this...
It’s your big chance to walk your talk and actually live, experience and embrace the bigger life possibilities you’ve been dreaming about lately – Lady Luck is in love with you and wants to shower you with blessings but mainly if you open up to life with a spirit of unconditional generosity to yourself and others and capacity to receive good things (wealth, love freedom, travel, whatever) unconditionally –oh yes.
Meanwhile the Full Moon of the 6th is an unavoidable awareness of the degree to which you are loving the day-job You’ve either got a gig in which you can be emotionally congruent/your true self –in which case you give it your best because how lucky are you! Or not? In which case you’ll be chafing at the bit and ready to cultivate a more promising vocational path because it matters for your overall well-being, and because with that potent force of will of yours, yes you can; so there. By the New Moon of the 20th you’ll be so ready to action this or respond to any sudden, thrillingly unexpected new vocational options that life might choose to throw at you, to this end…
And the Venus/Mars love action of early October is best channelled via friendship, and the shared values and unconditional loyalty that come with that. Perhaps you cultivate the friendship angle with your lover, for a more solid, comfortable connection? Or if on the prowl perhaps you find your next lover on your immediate social scene –or take an existing close friendship to next level romantic potential?
Either way the fortunate rays of Jupiter are on your side for a while to come- stay loving and open, little lover and all will be revealed x
Image: Paolo Roversi