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The Full Moon of the 6th in relationship sector gets the month cracking! Its all about emotional authenticity and Pluto powering away in your home sector keeps it real –if you’ve been wanting a chance to unpack some of the more loaded familial/domestic/co-hab issues in your life this might be the time?

Because no matter how intense or volatile the scenario might be, Mercury on board in Libra will help you to negotiate the precise kind of gracious, articulate, smooth dialogue (you love this) to keep it sweet and constructive for optimum, harmonious relational outcomes. And yes this includes romance.

Because Mercury also rules the sweet tryst between your ruler, Venus and her lover Mars in your soul sector during this Full Moon. A more subtle, intuitive sense of connection informs your love life in early October; it’s not so much about forcing outcomes as feeling out the deeper undercurrents.

Which is great because you’ll appreciate this insight by the Libra New Moon of the 20th, which has Uranus cracking open some sudden truth bombs/radial new perspectives in any existing partnership –and if single perhaps suddenly introducing some wildly promising or mentally liberating new contender into the mix?

It’s all about having your wits about you, the better to expect the unexpected in all your personal interactions this month…

And Jupiter out of your sign from the 11th is a nice chance to evaluate just how much you have boldly claimed your optimum personal freedom this last year –and commit to cultivating similar levels of financial autonomy/self-determination in the coming year –doing what you want for a living and zero wage-slave compromise looks so possible right now! Oh yes.

Image: unable to find original source for this pic.

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