Venus hiding out in your soul sector from the 7th would normally feel like a phase of introversion/solo personal space, but not this month –there’s too much romantic action going on!
Venus perfects an easy, loved up aspect with her lover Mars by the 9th for optimum love mojo and what brings them together is loquacious Mercury in your sign! In other words your romantic charisma rocks in June, with even more smooth-talking/intoxicating flirtatious wiles than usual; and that’s saying something for a charmer like you…
Even better, this leads into a Full Moon in your love sector on the 10th, as follows:
Ceres in your sign has you ready and craving for a more nurturing, sustainable take on emotional connection at this point.
Lilith and Saturn in your love sector mean it’s gotta be real, thrillingly authentic but with space for personal freedom as well and it’s got to be pointing to some kind of long term, sustainable commitment if it’s going to turn you on: a big ask but it’s a big emotional awakening in your love life mid-month so there you go…
Pluto in your sex sector here means any connection happening here is hot! Sensual kicks yes, but also a deeper emotional intimacy/transformative and gutsy communication with your lover/potential seductions right now means if you’re in it –you better mean it? Yes indeed.
Meanwhile, Mars energising your cash sector from the 5th is preparing you for some cool new, savvy insights about how to hustle your optimum income-creation by the New Moon of the 24th; also in your cash sector and featuring your clever ruling planet Mercury! A financially inspiring June is coming up, particularly if it involves enlisting that sparkling intellect of yours to make a crust, for maximum long-term stimulation and the thrill of loving what you do. Very cool if you can pull it off –and with a bit of focus right now, yes you can…
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