The Full Moon of the 11th is about you clawing as much space as you can, to get the work life balance right for maximum personal freedom. Mid month is great for finessing the Cancerian lifestyle as follows:
The Moon in your home sector with expansive Jupiter has you broadening your domestic horizons. Perhaps real estate biz/a move/reno etc, or emotionally bonding with your family/co-habs more effectively, or even eyeing off far horizons and scheming a whole new location/adventure in your life? Any which way your instincts are so on point re this!
And Uranus in your biz sector has you prepared to score as much innovative/maverick flexibility in your career as necessary; because you’re just too restless/itchy to tow the line of any tedious, obligatory work crap. You want promising vocational possibilities and the oxygen to explore them on your own terms –so there!
I mean you’re in the middle of Venus in your biz sector for 3 1/2 months for goodness sake! The goddess of beauty and love is pushing your awareness of just how talented, creative, charming & glam you are in the world; and how to harness this for maximum successful outcomes -re whatever your important goals are right now. This inspiration is the everything right now.
Of course Venus retrograde all April does behove you to re-evaluate/re-work/finesse your schemes this month, more than so much push anything forward too forcefully. Play with possibilities is the go now, the better to be fully equipped for the clear vocational momentum of Venus direct from April 29th-June 6th.
Same goes for your romantic policy; if partnered you hatch brazen new plans together- with plenty of room to move to the next big chapter from mid month onwards. And if on the prowl, it’s intellectual stimulation/shared travel plans/unexpected meetings somewhere other than your usual haunts that gets your flirt on. Yes, but maybe tease it out slowly early April, and pounce after the 17th –or even wait till May?
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